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Jack Blood - Deadline Live 2009.11.09

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11/09/2009 - Monday

HOUR WON: Why Do You Have To Criminalize People To Coax Them Into A Plan That's Fabulous! Obama Health Perestroika passes House in weekend vote. Will we ALL be criminals now? Going to the ER? Show us your papers! Also: Ft Hood shooter tied to 911 terrorists (we agree but not in the way El Lushbo does), and... Shooter inspired by 911 truth. (ya knew that was coming) Shooter gets lap dances as a final tribute to Allah. (heard that before) - Also: Sam Donaldson says, 'End the Fed!" - More news from

HOUR TOO: MIKEY WEINSTEIN - Mikey Weinstein is the undisputed leader of the national movement to restore the obliterated wall separating church and state in the most technologically lethal organization ever created by humankind; the United States armed forces. Described by Harper's magazine as the constitutional conscience of the U.S. military. Mikey spent 10 years in the Air force as a "JAG" or military attorney serving as both a Federal prosecutor and criminal defense attorney. A registered Republican, he also spent over three years in the West Wing of the Reagan Administration as legal counsel in the White House. In his final position there, Mikey was named the Committee Management Officer of the much-publicized Iran-Contra Investigation in his capacity as Assistant General Counsel of The White House Office of Administration, Executive Office of the President of the United States. He served as the first General Counsel to Texas billionaire and two-time Presidential candidate H. Ross Perot and Perot Systems Corporation and left Mr. Perot's employ in 2006 to focus his fulltime attention on the nonprofit charitable foundation he founded to directly battle the evangelical, fundamentalist religious right; The Military Religious Freedom Foundation. On October 15, 2009, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation was officially nominated for the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. St. Martins Press in New York released Mikey's book, With God On Our Side: One Man's War Against an Evangelical Coup in America's Military in October 2006. The paperback version was released in February 2008 with the Forward being written by Ambassador Joseph Wilson IV.