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Jack Blood - 11-18-08 First test show.mp3

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Jack Blood is now on

Jack Blood is on Monday - Friday 4 pm - 6 pm EST on Freedom Underground Radio

32k Stream For High Speed Internet

For those of you that don't know Jack, he use to come on right after Alex Jones on gcn.


Posted on October 6th, 2008 by JackBlood in Uncategorized

thanks for the memories….. (Cue Bob Hope)

I’m sure its a coincidence that this was posted on today, and it was today that I received a call from GCN owner Ted Anderson that my show is being canceled effective immediately.


October 6, 2008

Dear Friends,

After 18 months of broadcasting, WTPRN has closed it’s doors.

We would like to thank all the hosts who gave so much to participate in this network and make it such a valuable resource for information, and we wish every one of them well in their future endeavors.

We also wish to thank the sponsors and listeners who donated to help fund the operation for the past 18 months. Your sacrifices have touched many lives and helped many to understand what is really going on in world politics.

We expect to be able to keep the archives up permanently, and we wish everyone well in their quest for the knowledge that the mainstream refuses to bring forth.


I was told that the “reason” for canceling DEADLINE LIVE was due to the fact that my newest sponsor NEO CONS GONE WILD was too radical for GCN.

It is a FACT that the GCN sales staff referred NGW to me and urged me to sign them as a sponsor. When NGW canceled their contract with GCN, GCN suddenly had a problem with me airing the ads. I was not given an option to pull the ads.

Last Month GCn owner Ted Anderson pressured the former owners of WTPRN to pull my show due to “copyrights”

In the past month GCN has censored my guests (no one allowed from Oracle, and Oracle could not be mentioned)
Also while I was in LA promoting GCN and getting censored by the city of Los Angeles, and the Obama campaign… My show was moved to stream 2 with no warning, publicity, or explanation. (After the fact we were told that its a “better” stream.)

I spoke up about these things on behalf of my listeners, guests, sponsors, and affiliates.

It should be noted that I have also kept a cool head in the wake of the most recent “Financial 911″ and it could be said that this wasn’t good for the gold business. Midas Resources is the parent company of Genesis.

Over the years many internet sites carrying my FREE archives have been chased down and shut down. This will no longer be a problem.

It should be said that NO ONE other than Alex Jones broke more major news stories on GCN than me. Therefore it seems that this is a personal, or political decision to ax DEADLINE LIVE!

The Truth shall PREVAIL! Freedom will win!

The replay you hear today is not LIVE on GCN. (Long Live George Carlin - Great rant to play on this day. They OWN you! Not anymore they don’t!
I am free!)

I had Keith Able from “Washington Your Fired” and Greg Palast booked today. It is a shame that the people will not be able to hear these gentlemen, and their unique perspectives on the economy, and who sunk the ship

Please call and complain to GCN, and withdraw your support on behalf of DEADLINE LIVE and Truth.

Please demand that the new show be carried on your local radio affiliates.

We will be back on the air next week on or

As always we will be carried on the GREAT Revere Radio Network

I hope that you will all go out of your way to support this new network!
They will need your donations, and their new sponsors, and mine will need your help and support. (Those in Austin and in Texas may have no Choice!)

The new show will be much improved, MORE RADICAL! and the remaining shackles will be totally removed from our daily broadcast. We are interviewing producers, and will try to raise our game to earn your trusted support.

I will also be doing a monthly show on w/ my true friend Meria Heller.

I thank everyone of you who supported us these last 3 1/2 yrs on GCN, and over the last 7 yrs that DEADLINE LIVE has been broadcast to the world.

Most Respectfully yours - In Liberty and Truth!

Jack Blood