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What follows is the prepared text of a presentation by Michael Collins Piper discussing his 760-page book, Final Judgment: The Missing Link
in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, which charges that Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, collaborated alongside the CIA in the
assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy.
Since November 22, 1963 many have spent vast amounts of time researching the assassination, putting forth a wide variety of theories.
Most of the research has been devoted to what one more perceptive critic described as “a consuming preoccupation [with] the microanalytic
searching for facts of how the assassination was accomplished,” while at the same time, he points out “there has been almost no systematic thinking on why President Kennedy was killed.”
So while people have focused on how many assassins were involved, and how many shots they fired at JFK and where the shots came from
and where the bullets hit, the real question of who was ultimately responsible for the assassination-not who fired the bullets, but who sponsored the assassins who fired those bullets-has been ignored.
Thus, to find out who is responsible for JFK’s murder, we have to find out WHY he was murdered-what motivated those who orchestrated his