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140.09 MiB | 0 | 0 | 526 |
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General Information
In this innovative course, Prof. Dino Felluga at Purdue University uses science
fiction and fantasy (SF&F) to teach critical theory. By transcribing his own
classroom discussions, Prof. Felluga introduces us to important modern theorists,
as well as essential terms that appear across the Internet and news today, but with
Little real understanding. This is by far the most enjoyable way to learn these
about these complex ideas.
The course comes from Prof. Felluga's website
[ ], but his materials
are confusingly spread out over multiple sites and pages owing to the 20 years he has
been teaching [ ]. This torrent
simplifies the process of understanding his important contribution to this topic.
Torrent Contents
+ Syllabus and Discussion
+ Reference theory and terms
+ 27 Reference works
+ Additional torrent to download the 13 videos to do the course. Download them
to do the course!
Theories Covered
+ Gender and Sex
+ Marxism
+ Narratology
+ New Historicism
+ Postmodernism
+ Psychoanalysis
Theorists Covered
+ Michel Foucault
+ Judith Butler
+ Karl Marx
+ Louis Althusser
+ Fredric Jameson
+ Roland Barthes
+ Peter Brooks
+ Algirdas Grimes
+ Stephen Greenblatt
+ Linda Hutcheon
+ Jean Baudrillard
+ Sigmund Freud
+ Jacques Lacan
+ Julia Kristeva
+ Slavoj Zizek
+ Constance Penny
+ Laura Mulvey
+ Kaja Silverman
+ Andrew Gordon
+ Susan Sontag
What Will You Learn
+ The Social History of Western Sexuality
+ Michel Foucault: Module on Gender and Sex
+ Michel Foucault: Module on the Repressive Hypothesis
+ Judith Butler: Module on Gender and Sex
+ Judith Butler: Module on Performativity
+ Karl Marx: Module on Ideology
+ Karl Marx: Module on Stages of Economic Development
+ Karl Marx: Module on Capital
+ Karl Marx: Module on Fetishism
+ Louis Althusser: Module on Ideology
+ Louis Althusser: Module on Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs)
+ Fredric Jameson: Module on Ideology
+ Fredric Jameson: Module on Late Capitalism
+ Roland Barthes: Module on Plot and Plotting
+ Roland Barthes: Module on the Five Codes
+ Peter Brooks: Module on Plot and Plotting
+ Peter Brooks: Module on Narrative Desire
+ Peter Brooks: Module on Transference
+ Algirdas Greimas: Module on Plotting
+ Algirdas Greimas: Module on the Semiotic Square
+ Michel Foucault: Module on History
+ Michel Foucault: Module on Panoptic and Carceral Culture
+ Michel Foucault: Module on Power
+ Stephen Greenblatt: Module on History
+ Linda Hutcheon: Module on Postmodernity
+ Linda Hutcheon: Module on Parody
+ Jean Baudrillard: Module on Postmodernity
+ Jean Baudrillard: Module on Simulacra and Simulation
+ Fredric Jameson: Module on Postmodernity
+ Fredric Jameson: Module on Pastiche
+ Sigmund Freud: Module on Psychosexual Development
+ Sigmund Freud: Module on the Unconscious
+ Sigmund Freud: Module on Repression
+ Sigmund Freud: Module on Neuroses
+ Sigmund Freud: Module on Trauma and Transference
+ Jacques Lacan: Module on Psychosexual Development
+ Jacques Lacan: Module on the Structure of the Psyche
+ Jacques Lacan: Module on Desire
+ Jacques Lacan: Module on the Gaze
+ Julia Kristeva: Module on Psychosexual Development
+ Julia Kristeva: Module on the Abject
Works Included
+ Dino Felluga - An Archaeology of the Western Subject
+ Dino Felluga - Critical Theory - The Key Concepts
+ Peter Brooks - Reading for the Plot
+ Constance Penny - The Future of an Illusion Film, Feminism, and Psychoanalysis
+ Chris Marker - La Jetee script
+ Sigmund Freud - An Outline of Psychoanalysis
+ Sigmund Freud - The Uncanny
+ Sigmund Freud - Fetishism
+ Slavoj Zizek - For They Know Not What They Do_ Enjoyment as a Political Factor
+ Slavoj Zizek - Looking Awry - An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture
+ Julia Kristeva, Leon S. Roudiez - Powers of Horror_ An Essay on Abjection
+ Jacques Lacan - The Mirror Stage
+ Laura Mulvey - Visual and Other Pleasures
+ Kaja Silverman - The Subject of Semiotics
+ Kaja Silverman - The Acoustic Mirror - The Female Voice in Psychoanalysis and Cinema
+ Judith Butler - Performative Acts and Gender Constitution_ An Essay in Phenomenology and
Feminist Theory
+ Fredric Jameson - Postmodernism, Or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism
+ Slavoj Zizek - Tarrying with the Negative
+ Bladerunner Scripts
+ Jean Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation
+ Dino Felluga - The Matrix_ Paradigm of Postmodernism or Intellectual Poser_ Part I
+ Andrew Gordon - The Matrix_ Paradigm of Postmodernism or Intellectual Poser_ Part II
+ Linda Hutcheon - A Poetics of Postmodernism
+ Susan Sontag - Notes on Camp
+ Louis Althusser - On Ideology
+ Michel Foucault - Discipline and Punish
+ Michel Foucault - The Subject and Power
+ Karl Marx - Capital Volume 1
Tags: matrix, psychology, psychoanalysis, culture, cultural theory, meaning, interpretation
"The person we think we are has been manufactured out of some shotgun wedding of history and
-Robert Anton Wilson
---*---nfo ends---*---
Very interesting, thank you!
Very interesting, thank you!
Looks very interesting!
Upon looking...
There could be an issue with this.
It includes works of fiction in their entirety which are not allowed here.
La Jetee was the inspiration for '12 Monkeys' featuring Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis .
Back to the point though... I double check but I am pretty sure this falls into the disallowed category due to the fictional works being included.
As the complete works are there ,then it goes beyond 'fair use' and is a becomes target for a DMCA notice!
pax wrote:
Hi, thanks for your eagle eye! The fictional videos are not included -- this particular torrent contains non-fiction, and one additional torrent that users may choose to download if they wish. The videos themselves are not hosted here, and they are not announced through this tracker. But I had to include the torrent to them otherwise the course is pointless. I checked all this with Nibs before uploading here and, as far as I know, he is good with this arrangement.
Okay with you, too?
euxalot wrote:
Oh, maybe you are referring to the scripts? There will be Jetee and Bladerunner pre-Hollywood. These are scripts only. I can't see any copyright issues with the scripts?
it seems like a copyright issue
From a cursary search that it's standard practise you copyright the scripts/screenplays etc.
I WILL double check things and get back to the thread. just in from working since 8am this morning and it's now just after 8pm.
pax wrote:
Not sure I am seeing the issue...all non-fiction is copyright too, isn't it
pax wrote:
Not sure I am seeing the issue...all non-fiction is copyright too, isn't it
euxalot wrote:
the issue is very very simple. there are NO fiction uploads allowed at all. it's in the site rules bud
pax wrote:
I can identify fiction on this site in various places.
I can't remove anonymous downloads.
take it down if you like, then. But I wont' be reuploading it
pax wrote:
I can identify fiction on this site in various places.
I can't remove anonymous downloads.
take it down if you like, then. But I wont' be reuploading it
pax wrote:
I can identify fiction on this site in various places.
I can't remove anonymous downloads.
take it down if you like, then. But I wont' be reuploading it
euxalot wrote:
spoke with Mr Nibs about it and seeing as how it's only two items out of many , we'll let it slide for this one. but for future reference it has to be.... like this mostly non fiction with the reference stuff including some fiction to exemplify the rest of the material.
so sorted bud