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India Today - UFO Sighting in Himachal Lahaul-Spiti District (2012)

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India Today - UFO Sighting in Himachal Lahaul-Spiti District (2012)

UFO sighting in Himachal Lahaul-Spiti district remains a mystery

RAMESH VINAYAK | February 13, 2006 | 00:00

Tucked away high in 15,000-ft glaciated mountains, Chandratal, the only sacred lake in the Lahaul-Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh, has for long been steeped in mythology. Legend has it that the crescent-shaped pristine water body is an abode of fairies who descend on Earth on moonlit nights. But the glacier-bound uninhabited terrain has come to be associated with an equally incredible tale doing the rounds in India's top space and defence establishments - the sighting of an unidentified flying object or UFO at the Samudra Tapu region, a de-glaciated valley at an eight-hour trek from Chandratal.

Was it a spy drone from across the border? Was it a weather balloon? Was it a UFO?

RAMESH VINAYAK | New Delhi, November 2, 2012 | 17:06

A UFO was spotted at Samudra Tapu, a de-glaciated valley in Himachal Pradesh. Samudra Tapu, a de-glaciated valley in Himachal Pradesh. A 12-km, eight-hour trek from Chandratal, it is approachable only via a 180-km deep trek from Batal, the nearest roadhead on the Manali-Leh highway. Kaksar, 70 km away, is the nearest inhabited town.

UFO sighted over Carlton Gardens in Melbourne?

PTI | Melbourne, September 24, 2012 | 16:37

A man claims to have captured footage of a UFO hovering across the city skyline here. The three-minute clip was recorded as the UFO (unidentified flying object), hovered over Carlton Gardens on Saturday night. Tod, who did not want his surname published, said he captured the footage on his phone after he first saw the object about 9.30 PM (local time), the Herald Sun reported. Other witnesses have reported seeing it early in the evening.

UFO on Mars monitor humans' baby steps into universe?

PTI | London, August 24, 2012 | 15:36

NASA's Curiosity rover has captured a strange white light dancing across the horizon of Mars and four blobs hovering in the sky, which UFO hunters claim are alien ships monitoring humans' baby steps into the universe. While the images are certainly a curiosity, NASA and photography experts insist they are nothing more than blemishes on the images, picked up by the camera lens sitting on the rover at a distance of 350 million miles away.


This has been the second sighting in the same region - maybe there have been more. Bear in mind that in rural areas of india many inhabitants are illiterate and often don't possess any means of communication such as cell phones. Therefore the likelihood of a sighting going unnoticed is much more likely. If two similar occurrences happen in the same region then this significantly increases the chance of it being an authentic sighting. Also consider that in contrast to most Westerners most Indians in rural areas don't watch science fiction movies and therefore are much less prone to projecting their own fantasies into an event such as this one. Therefore IMHO the validity of a UFO sighting in India has much more credibility than one in the US. Indians are very religious and also superstitious people and the likelihood of a drunk Indian of seeing a spirit or a god is much higher than him seeing a technological object. It is people in technologically oriented societies that tend to imagine technological phenomena such as alien spacecraft. Of course, especially in India, we should also consider the possibility of occult phenomena being caused by highly advanced spiritual adepts.

And then it is also rather unlikely that alien looking craft having been engineered at Area 51 are being tested in Indian airspace. The assumption that we are alone in the universe is ludicrous at best and these alien beings may be technologically ahead of us by several million years. Just think of the amazing technological progress on this planet in the past 100 years. Just imagine what degree of sophistication technology would have achieved in a million years. Therefore the assumption that these aliens aren't capable of reaching our planet is quite ludicrous as well. It is probably a certain lack of self-honesty coupled with too much pride preventing humans from believing in alien spacecraft. After all we are the crown of creation, aren't we?

The fact that the illuminati want to stage an alien invasion doesn't mean that real aliens don't exist.
