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The Illuminati 1-4 (2005-2010)

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The Illuminati 1 - All Conspiracy No Theory (2005)

THE ILLUMINATI draws on historical records, footage and photos which take the viewer on a voyage of discovery - it starts with the JFK assassination, through the dark depths of the two Gulf 'Wars', and brings you bang up to date with details of how members of the SKULL & BONES secret society engineered the 2000 and the 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections. This film takes you deep into the forests of Northern California with secretly filmed footage courtesy of ALEX JONES, exposing the Bohemian Club's annual rituals and mock sacrifices - ceremonies which have been attended for years by U.S. Presidents, Vice-Presidents and CEO's from the world's largest corporations. We then voyage deep into the heart of Westminster and expose the fact that Freemasonic temples exist within the House of Commons and that the Queen of England is Grand Patronness of International World Freemasonry.

The Illuminati 2 - The Antichrist Conspiracy (2006)

This documentary covers a very big spectrum of different topics. Subjects Covered Include: Bill Clinton Under Hypnosis – How the 1992 Presidential Was Fixed – The Free Tibet Campaign – Aleister Crowley & The Evil Eye – Jewish Vampyrism – Footage from CIA?s MK-ULTRA Mind Control Programme – The Kabbalah – knights Templar & The Holy Grail – The O.T.O – Satanic Imagery on the British Royal Family?s Coat of Arms – Bohemian Grove & The Manhattan Project – ritual Torture in Iraq – The AntiChrist of the Koran – The Jewish AntiChrist – Sigil Magick – Occult Symbols – Corporate Logos – The Golden Demon Child of satan and more..

The Illuminati 3 - Murdered By The Monarchy (2007)

Rasputin, Jack the Ripper, the sadistic sex romps in the castle of the Marquis de Sade, Nostradamus at the Royal French Court, the real-life Prince Dracula impaling virgins, Ivan the Terrible's enforced campaign of cannibalism, the links between Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and the Royal Families of Europe, plus the historical facts behind the occult underground temples and catacombs at the place where Princess Diana was killed... One cannot catch one's breath with all the rabid hatred and murder at the hands of the Royal Establishment... This film is a powerful exposure of the torture, strangulations, poisonings, rapes, hangings, impalings and methods of vehicular homicide perpetrated by the Royal Elite throughout history...

The Illuminati 4 - Brotherhood Of The Beast (2010)

The world's first political documentary film series to go into FOUR volumes ILLUMINATI IV follows the occult careers of three American Presidents, and exposes for the first time on film the Black Magic Seances performed by Doctor John Dee for Queen Elizabeth the 1st in the 1500s - These seances summoned demons described in the ancient 'Book of Howling', otherwise known as the 'Goetia' - the demons prescribed a method of controlling the hearts and minds of all peoples on planet Earth - and recommended dividing our planet into a series of regions and states - what we today call 'THE NEW WORLD ORDER


Where'd you get these? Looks like higher quality than the copies I currently have.

I have no idea... I have had them since forever... I noticed I had last uploaded this in 2014 so I figured its time to bring it back in vogue. ;D

I remember EnigmaTV from back in the day. I think it is still around...