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Ian Xel Lungold - Mayan Calendar

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Mayan Calendar Comes North ( The Condor Flies to the Eagle )
This is a 3 hour talk presented by
Ian Xel Lungold.
June 22, 2004
White Horse, Yukon

NOTE - This is the best quality of the DVD's and is the most up to date in terms of Ian's research on the Mayan Calendar and Evolution of Consciousness. Watch this one first if you are new to Ian's presentations on the Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness.

This 3 hour DVD is a presentation based on Dr. Calleman's breakthrough discoveries of the structure of the Mayan Calendar as it relates to the Evolution of Consciousness. "Ian takes a complex subject
such as the Mayan Calendar and makes it very easy to understand on a personal level." He also clearly points out how the Schedule of Creation can be tracked when one looks at past historical events and relates that information to what to expect in the near future leading up to 2012. This 3 hour DVD also includes questions from the audience and is the fastest way to get up to speed on the topic of the Mayan Calendar.

Check out for more info

By the way in case you are worried about copyright, each of these videos states that they are free to copy and distribute. SO DO SO>

Check out the website for TONS of sources and also the daily and your personal sign/intent. Very interesting

There is also a great Carl Calleman mp3 up on BREAKFORNEWS.COM for free download if I recall correctly. ( the guy who wrote the book in the presentation). It is the Tue 20th Feb "The Mind of the Maya" mp3 at this page====>

Incredible compilation of data there too at this link :
Of course Calleman's site is great too===>
Some more Calleman interviews on RED ICE Creations website too.

Have a peek at Calleman's books on Amazon for reviews.

Last Statement By Ian Lungold

17th Oct. '05


To all my fellow passengers on planet earth, THANK YOU…I'm laying here thinking about whether I'm going to continue my life. I feel very relaxed, calm and as though I've accomplished a lot for a life time. I am feeling very sleepy I don't know if I fall asleep if I will wake up again… so I want to get this said…

Actually, I don't have a whole lot more to say other than, THANK YOU… and to let you know that if I do pass I'll be joining with the legions of Light ~ Workers, who are to assist everyone else through these changes from the "Otherside." Being as I've not been on the "Otherside" this time around, we will have to see how this works out. I will be attempting to stay in contact with Madaline, so that she can keep you up to date.

Whether this is the end of my life or not I have a request that each of you pick up what information I have brought concerning the Mayan calendar and with renewed vigor pass this information to as many people as possible.

It is my personal belief that we each have a sacred duty to find what works in the world in what ever arena we are familiar and then pass that information as straight as we can for the benefit of others. This is basically what I have done with Dr. Carl J. Calleman's work and if I'm granted the time what I will continue to do for as long as I can from here too.

Ian Xel Lungold

Ian passed on November 16, 2005 .

please comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yes: