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Hydrotherapy in Action(water therapy treatment)(2007)

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CommentThis is an amazing video documentary Hydrotherapy in Action (2007) which demonstrates how to give water therapy treatments to the sick. Simple but effective hydrotherapy techniques are demonstrated in a way that will help you easily learn to put them into use in your own home. Complete water therapy with demonstrated instructions for your well being. 3 h 30 min. long. A must see for everyone. Video codec: xvid, 720x480, 1200 kbps Audio codec: MP3, 48kHz, Stereo
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2009.08.24 15:37
Info Hash9b62184e9e1a14f79095ea2773ec310581744bd4
NameHydrotherapy in Action
Node ID2309
Number of Files2
Number of Pieces525
Piece Length4 MiB
Size2.05 GiB