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2.15 MiB | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Finding information about this charlatan is easy. He and his criminal wife are where they belong - prison.
That there are any number of people parroting his nonsense seems inexplicable to me. One thing seems certain - these people don't give a damn about the facts. Even other young earth creationists have distanced themselves from this snake oil salesman.
Here is the "doctoral" dissertation Hovind wrote (though I wonder if his children didn't write parts of it.) It is not meant for any of the parrots on this tracker. It is meant only for those who've heard of it yet never had the opportunity to review it.
I could only read the first 20 or so pages. It is nauseatingly puerile. I scanned the rest of it and found spectacularly mundane.
Further information on Hovind.