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Holocaust II: Eye For An Eye—How Jewish Avengers Took Over Hitler’s Concentration Camps and Used Them to Brutally Torture and Mass Murder Thousands of Helpless Germans:
MP3 - Texe Marrs
Special Report—Texe Marrs documents the monstrous hate crimes committed by Communist Jewish overlords who took over Nazi concentration and work camps at the end of World War II—and turned them into hell on earth for the Germans. From actual war archives, heretofore never released, and from interviews with the Jewish criminals themselves who actually ran the camps, Texe Marrs pieces together an image of horrendous brutality and utter evil. German men, women, and children—many of who were guilty of no crime—were herded into the camps in 1945 and placed under the absolute control of Jewish Communist men and women commanders and guards who easily equaled and sometimes exceeded the ferocious cruelty and barbarism of the Nazis. These atrocities and genocidal murders were first reported by prize-winning Jewish journalist John Sack, in his highly researched book, An Eye For An Eye. Sack and anyone else who would expose these diabolical crimes immediately becomes the target of incredible slanders and personal attacks. Nevertheless, Texe Marrs insists—"The awful truth must finally be investigated and told! We must learn from the past—or be doomed to repeat it. God is no respecter of persons. Because man forgot God, horrible crimes were committed by Germans, Jews, Russians, Africans and other ethnic groups as well. Man without God truly is a potential beast, regardless of race or nationality."
A Jewish Communist, Solomon Sorel, ran a death camp after World War II in which thousands of innocent Germans and Poles were unmercifully tortured and killed. Sorel and other Jewish criminals have never been brought to justice for their heinous crimes.
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