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Hine-Identity of Ten Lost Tribes of Israel with Anglo-Celto-Saxons(British Israelism)(1960)

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This is Edward Hine's revealing book Identity of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel with the Anglo-Celto-Saxons (1960) which claims that the British people are identical with the lost Ten Tribes of Israel. Edward Hine (1825-1891) was an influential proponent of British Israelism in the 1870s and 1880s, drawing on the earlier work of Richard Brothers (1794) and John Wilson (1845). Hine went as far as to conclude that "It is an utter impossibility for England ever to be defeated. And this is another result arising entirely from the fact of our being Israel." Hine's ideas thus influenced the nascent Anglo-Israelite movement in the United States, where they are still advocated by some Christian white supremacist fringe groups, which paradoxically turned to antisemitism, like Clifton A. Emahiser's "Church of True Israel" identifying the Anglo-Saxons as the true Jews and the actual Jews with the Canaanites which must be exterminated according to Jewish law. Likewise, followers of the Christian Identity movement claim that they are descendants of the Biblical Israelites, whereas the Jews are the children of Satan. This development is a peculiar inversion of the motivation of Hine, who was in fact a philo-Semite. The Worldwide Church of God of Herbert W. Armstrong also perpetuated Hine's identification of Germany with Assyria, adding the comparison of the Nazi Holocaust with the destruction of Israel by Sargon II, into the 1980s. In this fascinating book, the author describes all the properties that Israel must have and looks around the world to identify its current place. 60 pages. A must read for everyone.