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High Efficiency Rocket Stove Mass Heater for Survival [pack]

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High Efficiency Rocket Stove Mass Heater for Survival [pack]

Rocket mass heaters in a nutshell:

-heat your home with 80% to 90% less wood

-exhaust is nearly pure steam and CO2 (a little smoke at the beginning)

-the heat from one fire can last for days

-you can build one in a day and half

-folks have built them spending less than $20

The verbose details on rocket mass heaters:

This could be the cleanest and most sustainable way to heat a conventional home. Some people have reported that they heat their home with nothing more than the dead branches that fall off the trees in their yard. And they burn so clean, that a lot of sneaky people are using them illegally, in cities, without detection.

When somebody first told me about rocket mass heaters, none of it made sense. The fire burns sideways? No smoke? If a conventional wood stove is 75% efficient, doesn't that mean the most wood you could possibly save is something like 25%? How do you have a big hole right over the fire and not have the house fill with smoke? I was skeptical.

And then I saw one in action. The fire really does burn sideways. The exhaust is near room temperature - and very clean. The smoke doesn't come back up because a huge amount of air is getting sucked into the wood hole. Neat! I sat on one that had not had a fire in it for 24 hours - it was still hot!


comment: This is hot. This is a very special and very ingenious invention for everybody. Anyone can build this, it's cheap, it's efficient and it's near smoke free - and therefore it can be used in urban area lodgings too. No big exhaust chimney is needed or even none at all. This invention has been waiting for you. The overall concept reminds me of the GEET fuel processor from one of my previous torrents: Much more efficient combustion, plasma type burning process, and much less heat loss from the exhaust. How could they ever have kept this amazing invention hidden from the public for so long? And the lying elite-bastards are talking about saving fuel because of global warming - what hypocrites. It's just an ecological false flag to push through their austerity agenda. Remember, they want to root out the middle class. Sky rocketing energy prices and freezing slaves, that's the elite's wet dream. And now the alliance strikes back with their rocket stove.
