Comment | This is the mindblowing booklet Here Comes the American Union which contains historical information on the coming American Union and the papal controlled new world order. It's bigger than sports, bigger than military retiree health care, bigger than the Hollywood blockbusters, bigger than all the other issues that capture your attention daily. No news media dare to speak of this issue. No major radio person is jumping on this as it should be told. Is it possible that Rome has silently taken over the American Republic? The self called elite plan to create the American Union which will include all of the nations of North, Central and South America and the Caribbean Islands, and will function just like the present European Union. There will be only one monetary system, one central bank, one governing body, one military force, one judicial system, no borders, and no Constitution and Bill of Rights. This amazing booklet documents the secret societies movement that plans a fascist state in America and shows how Roman catholicism is behind it all. 50 pages, many pictures. A must read for everyone. |