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Health Ranger’s Intelligence Analysis of Military Drones (2012)

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Health Ranger’s Intelligence Analysis of Military Drones (2012)

Today across America, we’re witnessing an explosion in the planned deployment of spy drones, military drones and surveillance drones, both for law enforcement use and military use. The FAA has granted permission for tens of thousands of drones to be flown in the skies of America, and companies like Raytheon are working on tiny munitions (missiles) that can be carried by single-shot drones. What follows is my personal analysis of near-future drone capabilities and countermeasures, extrapolated from information found in public articles as well as my personal knowledge of military and law enforcement tactics and mission profiles.

Drones are now being weaponized in America. As reported in AINonline.

Raytheon’s new small tactical munition (STM), which the U.S. group claims is the first purpose-built weapon for tactical unmanned air systems (UAS), could be in active service within a few months. The STM is 22 inches long, 3.6 inches in diameter and weighs 13.5 pounds, and could be used on a UAS with a payload as low as 50 to 60 pounds.

This development, combined with the incredible expansion of the surveillance police state which already monitors all phone calls, emails, social networking activities and website searches, means that the “Rise of the Machines” will likely take place with small flying robots rather than the bipedal machines depicted in “Terminator.”


With these ingenious little devices the luciferian-zionist fascist-masonic control-freaks are on steroids now, it seems. Now imagine this: Any human being on this planet coming up with a brilliant idea, with a patent, with an ingenious invention needs one thing - and that's money, you guessed it. And since the criminal global elite can print as much money as they want with their criminal fiat-money system, this then means that they can literally suck up all of the worlds ingenious ideas and turn these ideas into elements of their diabolical control grid.

And therefore the same human slaves having made these inventions have in a way contributed to their own enslavement by their very own inventions. Isn't it amazing? The harder you work, the stronger you make them. Anything that is connected to money in any way makes them stronger. The less money you use, the weaker you make them - you withdraw satanic money-energy from them.

By looking at the symbology on your one-dollar money bill, it gets quite obvious that this bill is a magical talisman indeed - and they know it. All evil is rooted in greed for money, the bible says. Creating money out of nothing is a true magical act. Satan likes to mimic GOD's power, and since GOD created the universe out of nothing, Satan creates money-bills out of nothing to control GOD's own planet earth. But it is people's faith in money rather than their faith in GOD that gives Satan his power.

Just imagine if people stopped believing in the power of the masonic dollar bill and had faith in GOD instead. How the devil would hate this. After all, there were no money bills in the garden of Eden. Money bills are the elite's power, and since it is magical power, it is being created by your faith in it. Therefore, it is your very own faith in their power that creates their power - it's magic. The have tricked you into having faith in them and now you worship them as idols. In the beginning as positive ones, and now as negative ones. But a negative "god" is still a god.

There are some mind-blowing pictures in this video-footage. Life is still beautiful after all. You have to see the beauty of this world in order to charge yourself up with spiritual energy, so you will be capable of fighting this luciferian cabal - if you believe in fighting at all. After all, "claiming doership shows ignorance" - as the gurus of India used to say. And depressed people make such bad warriors.

Ah, how I love this health ranger. He's earning his ticket to heaven, I guess. Anything you do, you do for your SELF.
