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Fred says that the vast majority of people born into this world will spend eternity in hell, gnawing their tongues in exquisite pain. He's also a champion of the 1st Amendment, spending over fifty years as a Gospel preacher and thirty as a civil rights attorney. He is perhaps the most misunderstood man in the world. And he loves it that way.
He tirelessly hounds politicians, celebrities and religious leaders the world over, condemning them for misusing their power and influence and perverting the word of God to suit their collective depravity. And the preaching centers on the hot-button issue of homosexuality. In short, Fred preaches that GOD HATES FAGS - that the wholesale societal acceptance of what is described as an abomination in the Bible is a clear indication that the second coming of Jesus Christ, or the Great General Judgment, is at hand.
By his church's ministry (the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS), he is determined to preach to everyone alive on this earth that 'unless they repent, they shall all likewise perish.' So he pickets - and the members of his church picket - EVERYWHERE - institutions of government, funerals, weddings, churches, conventions, sporting events, around the globe, and are determined that everyone alive will hear their message - especially the 'power brokers of this evil world.'
Shortly before his death, JFK, Jr. pronounced Fred 'one of the 20 most fascinating men in politics' in George magazine.
Human Rights Commission Executive Director Elizabeth Birch calls Fred 'a walking hate crime' (both the HRC and the Anti-Defamation League have sections on their websites devoted to the comings and goings of Fred).
Billy Graham went to Bible college with Fred (and Fred vows to picket Graham's funeral, labeling him 'a lying, false prophet who is positively evil.').
Al Gore's '88 presidential campaign efforts (in Kansas) were coordinated by Fred's son (with Fred's law offices being used by Gore staff).
Fred has entertained, as guests in his church, the likes of Michael Moore, Mel White, John Stossel, Gore, and has been written about in literally thousands of articles.
His church has engaged in over 20,000 highly-charged pickets in the past ten years, he's been called a 'first-class nut' by Jerry Falwell (a moniker Fred welcomes, given its source), a 'wingnut' by Wyoming Gov. Jim Geringer, and a 'latter-day Moses' who carries 'a Day-Glo vision of defiant hatred' by Mother Jones magazine.
Fred has appeared on Howard Stern, ABC's 20/20 and Nightline, Rikki Lake, Rolanda, and hundreds of other telecasts.
So why haven't you heard about Fred? And if you have, why haven't you heard the whole story? BECAUSE IT HASN'T BEEN TOLD UNTIL NOW! You have never seen a film like Hatemongers! This is no hype! This is no lie! This is the biggest, ugliest, most fascinating train wreck of a film you will see in years!
* You will hate what he says!
* You will hate the way he says it!
* You will hate yourself for halfway agreeing with him in places!
* You will hate yourself if you miss this film!
* You will hate yourself for watching it!
* This is a film you can't resist!
* This is a film you must not miss!