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5 Videos
Happy Flat Earth Day - Earth is A Battery, So Are We.mp4 - 43min 28s 640 x 360
Happy Flat Earth Day - Why the Flat Earth Story is So Vital to All.mp4 - 11min 30s 640 x 360
Home in the Dome - The Simpson's Version.mp4 - 9min 3s 640 x 360
NASA Lies - Intro Into Flat Earth Research, History and Conspiracy Part I.mp4 - 1h 25min 1440 x 1080
NASA Lies - Intro Into Flat Earth Research, History and Conspiracy Part II.mp4 - 1h 6min 960 x 720
Couple video documentaries for Flat Earth Day for you all to enjoy and share this empowering knowledge with everyone you know!
Exposes the 500 year conspiracy to hide 5,000 years of flat earth cosmology from all.
The new and old testaments of the bible taught a flat stationary, earth centered universe. So does the Qu'ran.
For 5,000 years, so did the Babylonians, Sumerians, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Ancient Vedics and Hebrews as well as Native American Indians, Mayans and Incas.
Why has this most important information not been revealed, much less taught in our schools?
Why was NASA created, and by whom?
How has the hidden occult been able to keep hidden truths that we live on a flat plane round stationary earth for some 500 years?
And why would they wish to hide this truth?
From the Vatican to the Royal Society of London, to NASA, a 500 year Great Lie has been sold to an unknowing public.
Now hidden truths are revealed for those with open minds, eyes to see and ears to hear and minds open to revisionist historical facts.
Manly Hall, a 33 degree Mason, explains how everything is magnetic energy. Everything!
If we are moral and live life with integrity we build up our own impregnable magnetic fields yet if we spoil, corrupt and toxify ourselves we become susceptible to the maladies of the world today.
Spread the truth, the New World Order must be stopped!
We must reach a critical mass of people that are aware of the crimes our governments are involved in, the time to act is now.
Together we can make the world a better place for ourselves as well as our children and future generations.
If you appreciate the paradigm shifting information that I bring forth, show my videos, books, documentaries on the global conspiracy with your friends and loved ones, help them wake up and understand that we are all in this fight together.
Loving one another and uniting together to fight against evil is the last thing the elite want us to do, but we must stand up for ourselves and future generations.
Egyptians held this belief?
I think fucking not