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Safety, Security & Preparedness
Tonight: Part I in a course in Practical Preparedness
By The Hagmann & Hagmann Report
Friday, 27 September 2013: Most people who are paying attention to current events are concerned about “what’s coming,” whether it’s a financial collapse and the consequential fallout or something more. You’re constantly being told to “prepare,” especially by members within the ‘alternative media,’ but prepare for what? How? Of course, there’s always the budget factor.
If you listen to The Hagmann & Hagmann Report or other radio talk shows like ours, you’ve undoubtedly heard us – and others – talk about getting prepared. Even if you have not tuned in to our show, you’ve probably seen the reality based (I am using that phrase loosely) television programs about “preppers.” The few shows I’ve seen cause me to wonder about the mental faculties of some of the people thrust in the spotlight of national television. Frankly, I haven’t converted an empty missile silo into alternative living quarters and have no plans to do so, but as the saying goes, to each their own. I prefer to live a more normal existence, with emphasis on a more thoughtful and intelligent approach to my own safety, security and preparation and that of my family. Additionally, budgetary and space constraints are a factor.
Whether or not you believe that there will be some major calamity that will befall us soon or in the not-too-distant future, it’s prudent to
take certain steps to insure your comfort or even survival in times of crisis, regardless of the nature of the crisis. Much like having a
spare tire for your car or insurance for your home and property, it’s responsible to take steps to assure your safety and security in
everyday life. The degree to which you feel it’s necessary to prepare is a personal decision that involves many factors.
As hosts of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, we believe that warning our listeners of exceedingly tough times ahead without offering practical advice and assistance is much like yelling fire in a populated building, but not calmly guiding people to safety. We’ve received many e-mails over the last several weeks from listeners asking for advice on what they should or could do in their own situation. Many of the questions share common elements, and many listeners of our show and readers of our site share common concerns.
A large number of people are looking for practical tips on such things as personal safety and the safety of their loved ones in common, everyday life – absent of a crisis.
To assist our listeners on matters of personal safety, security and practical preparedness, we’re pleased to announce that we’ll be
offering a series of show segments dedicated solely to this topic. Starting tonight and continuing for the next six consecutive Fridays,
we’ll be devoting half of our program to this topic. Our safety, security and preparedness “teacher” will be a man who is known by the
pen-name “Yoda,” who is the founding member of the popular website the Magnified View. He works closely with U.S. and allied intelligence, military and law enforcement agencies and consulting counter-terrorist subjects, and has decades of real-life experience in teaching high-profile people from executives to celebrities how to “keep safe.” Our teacher will cover a lot of information, and we urge you to have a notebook handy as he guides us through the steps we should take – and many of the pitfalls to avoid.
No hyperbole or “the sky-is-falling” mentality, just reasonable and prudent steps we can all take to improve our own situation in terms
of safety, security and preparation. Note that I’ve used three separate terms, and each term means something different. We’ll address each of these issues independently tonight and in the coming weeks. We invite you to join us for these important lessons, and share in the discussion in our interactive chat room feature via Blog Talk Radio and on The Christians United Broadcasting Network. Whether it’s merely shoring up our safety and security or getting prepared for a larger event, we can work together and assist one another to become safer, more secure and better prepared in these uncertain times.