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The Hagmann & Hagmann Report - 06-16-2013 - Steve Quayle & Pastor Lankford

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The Hagmann & Hagmann Report - 06-16-2013 - Steve Quayle & Pastor Lankford

Clearing the confusion: Satan’s wrath against Christians versus God’s wrath against the unrighteous

Bowl judgments against Satan & his followers: the Sixth Seal

And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood- Revelations 6:12, KJV

15 June 2013: Catastrophic wildfires are causing billions of dollars of destruction. An intense tornado spanning over two miles wide recently left an unprecedented swath of destruction in its wake. Hail the size of grapefruits have been recently reported, raining down upon us. Earthquakes have occurred in diverse places, causing even more death and destruction. Wild swings of weather all across the United States are creating drought in one area and flooding in another. Solar anomalies, asteroids and other events have been making the news, along with wars and rumors of wars.

Some victims of the above events might shake their fists in anger at God, asking why they are being punished. Other victims might blame the devil himself, while others might simply believe that these things “just happen.” A sense of confusion exists among believers in Jesus and others as well. Some might ask how a “just God” could allow such things to take place?

While these questions are important, the answers are even more important – and might surprise many.

Seeking answers and clearing the confusion

This Sunday, June 16, 2013, The Hagmann & Hagmann Report will feature a special Sunday edition featuring internationally known author, researcher and talk show host Steve Quayle and internationally acclaimed scriptorian and minister Pastor David Lankford live between 9:00 p.m.-midnight ET. Part two of our five-part Sunday night series focused on the Biblical basis and purpose for prayer and fasting, as well as Biblical instances and historical records of fasts, their circumstances and outcomes, Pastor Lankford and Mr. Quayle will be “clearing” the confusion that exists among believers and non-believers alike pertaining to what is taking place in our nation and across the globe.

Are we witnessing the judgment from God due to our lack of repentance for the many sins committed as a nation? Or are we seeing Satan’s wrath against the followers of Jesus? Is it both? Steve Quayle and Pastor Lankford will be talking extensively about the confusion that exists concerning God’s wrath against the unrighteous versus Satan’s wrath against the believers and followers of Jesus Christ. It is important for all believers and followers of Christ to understand the difference. By gaining such understanding, we will be able to function as the righteous among the unrighteous, gain enlightenment and discernment, and understand the word of God as opposed to the lectures of man.

Is America “Mystery Babylon?”

In addition to understanding the wrath from above and below, Pastor Lankford will discuss America’s place in Biblical prophecy. Are we, the United States of America, the “Mystery Babylon?” The Holy Bible talks about Babylon as being a latter day nation and the “hammer of the whole earth,” a nation of “wealth and luxury” and a melting-pot of all ethnicities “mad upon their idols.” Do these characteristics not suggest that America could be Babylon?

If so, should we not to expect judgment to befall us, considering our national acceptance of homosexual marriage, millions of abortions and partial-birth abortions, and our shunning away from all that is good and Godly? Should all Christians, including those righteous believers, expect to experience the Tribulation?

We invite all of you to join us Sunday night for a special broadcast of education in the word of God, solemn prayer, and communion as we talk about these most important and timely issues.

Unlike any other international radio broadcast, we will again be celebrating communion and standing up for Jesus by the men of God. Be sure to join our program tonight, and following our show, the men and women of God will be praying on our faces in pure submission in personal and collective national repentance – as warriors on the front lines of this spiritual battle between good and evil.

Pastor Lankford’s website:

Steve Quayle’s website:

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report website: