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The Hagmann & Hagmann Report - 01-24-2014 - Steve Quayle & V The Guerrilla Economist

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Global proxy war to maintain Petrodollar status being orchestrated by the U.S.

Friday on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report
Steve Quayle & “V, The Guerrilla Economist”
Friday, January 24, 2014

Be sure to tune in to The Hagmann & Hagmann Report on Friday for a very special expanded economic round table that will address the global proxy war currently being waged by the U.S. Our special guests will be internationally renowned author, researcher and talk show host Steve Quayle, and “V, The Guerrilla Economist.

Program Outline:

1. The inevitable collapse of Japan;
2. Japan is being used by the U.S. as a “hedge errand boy” against China via India and ASEAN;
3. Attack on BRICS:
- Russia in Syria and Sochi
- China in Africa & Aisa
- South Africa Mining collapses and labor unrest
- India banking meltdown & Currency collapse
- Brazil austerity and economic disruptions

No matter where you are in the world, your station in life, or how much money you have, this program is a “must listen.” All of the above is being orchestrated by the US for Petrodollar survival. At least for now… Listen to understand what happens next.

Steve Quayle -
“V,” The Guerrilla Economist™ -