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GZL Clyde Lewis 2012.08.30 Loren Coleman - CF

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GZL Clyde Lewis Aug 30 2012 Loren Coleman - CF.mp3

Ground Zero Live with Clyde Lewis August 30 2012 Loren Coleman - Commercial Free

GROUND ZERO GUEST 8/30/12 – LOREN COLEMAN / TWILIGHT LANGUAGE | How the Media and Popular Culture Trigger the Mayhem in Tomorrow’s Headlines

Edited and uploaded by Shortwave@Concen.Org

Investigator of human and animal mysteries since 1960. Swamp Thing character “Coleman Wadsworth” in #4:7 and more in #4:8, is a tribute. Author of over 35 books, including The Unidentified (1975), Mysterious America (1983/2007), Suicide Clusters (1987), Cryptozoology A to Z (1999), Bigfoot! (2003), The Copycat Effect (2004), and field guides. Educated in anthropology-zoology at SIU-Carbondale, and psychiatric social work at Simmons College School of Social Work. Began doctoral work in anthropology (Brandeis University) and family violence (UNH).

Taught at NE universities (1980 to 2003), while concurrently a senior researcher at the Muskie School (1983 to 1996), before retiring to write, lecture, consult, & open museum.

Popular documentary course was taught for 23 semesters; appeared on C2C, The Larry King Show, MonsterQuest, Lost Tapes, In Search Of, and other tv programs. Loren Coleman is a dedicated father (Caleb, Malcolm, Des), cryptozoologist, media consultant, and baseball fan.

The unedited version located at

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