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Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult
An alchemical formula to rip a hole in the fabric of reality.
Disinformation’s "wicked warlock" Richard Metzger gathers an unprecedented cabal of modern occultists, magicians and forward thinkers in Book of Lies. Whereas past Disinformation volumes like "You Are Being Lied To," "Everything You Know is Wrong" and "Abuse Your Illusions" focused on secrets and lies from the mainstream media, government and other establishment institutions to rethink what a political science book could look like, "Book of Lies" redefines occult anthologies, packaging and presenting a huge array of magical essays for a pop culture audience.
- Terence McKenna asks if we can contact "aliens" with the smokable drug DMT–the answer may surprise you!
- The Executable Dreamtime by Mark Pesce explores the relationship between spellcasting and computer programming.
- Comics genius Grant Morrison’s Pop Magic! Explains how YOU can become a practicing magician!
- Memento Mori: (Remember You Must Die) by Paul Laffoley examines the growing fascination with death in our culture and describes "Thanatonic" energy.
- Artist Joe Coleman on the occult aspects of his work in Joe is in the Details.
- Are You Illuminated? by Phil Hine takes the novice magician thru the stages of Initiation and beyond
- Daniel Pinchbeck’s psychedelic and magical experiences recounted in an extended excerpt from Breaking Open the Head
- Chapel of Extreme Experience author John Geiger on the harrowing psychic explorations of William Burroughs and Brion Gysin
- Calling Cthulhu: Techgnosis author Erik Davis on H. P. Lovecraft
- The Road to Excess sheds some light on a spooky little known incident in the life of Timothy Leary
- Robert Anton Wilson on the similarities between Crowley and Leary
- Tim Maroney’s beginner’s guide to Aleister Crowley
- Genesis P-Orridge’s personal memories of his magical education under William Burroughs and Brion Gysin (an instant classic!) and his essay on British occult artist Austin Osman Spare
- Donald Tyson’s The Enochian Apocalypse. Were the seeds of the end of the world sown in the Elizabethan era?
- The Crying of Liber 49, Richard Metzger’s essay on rocket scientist and occultist Jack Parsons
- Julius Evola on Occult War
- Cameron: The Wormwood Star by Brian Butler tells–for the first time ever–of the life and times of Jack Parson’s "Scarlet Woman," witch and Beatnik artist Marjorie Cameron
- Magical Blitzkrieg: Tracy Twyman and Peter Levenda on Nazis and the Occult
- Did fallen angels mate with humankind during the time of Noah? Boyd Rice on The Book of Enoch, one of the "forgotten books" of the Bible.
- Allen Greenfield’s Secret History of Witchcraft goes to the "roots" of Wicca and modern paganism. They might not be as deep as you think!
- Nevill Drury on Australian witch, Rosaleen Norton
- Michael Moynihan conducts a fireside chat with the Black Pope of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey
- Season of the Witch by Gary Lachman examines the dark side of hippie and the "Age of Aquarius"
-Hakim Bey on Sorcery and Occult Terrorism
The Encyclopedia of Mythology
Ancient mythologies are brought to life in the most comprehensive coverage yet produced. Contains 550 images, including illustrations of classic stories. Includes the classical mythology of ancient Greece and Rome; the fairytale myths of the celtic world; and, from Northern Europe, tales of Germanic gods, Nordic warriors, and fearsome giants.
Forbidden History: Prehistoric Technologies, Extraterrestrial Intervention, and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization
Challenges the scientific theories on the establishment of civilization and technology
• Contains 42 essays by 17 key thinkers in the fields of alternative science and history, including Christopher Dunn, Frank Joseph, Will Hart, Rand Flem-Ath, and Moira Timms
• Edited by Atlantis Rising publisher, J. Douglas Kenyon
In Forbidden History writer and editor J. Douglas Kenyon has chosen 42 essays that have appeared in the bimonthly journal Atlantis Rising to provide readers with an overview of the core positions of key thinkers in the field of ancient mysteries and alternative history. The 17 contributors include among others, Rand Flem-Ath, Frank Joseph, Christopher Dunn, and Will Hart, all of whom challenge the scientific establishment to reexamine its underlying premises in understanding ancient civilizations and open up to the possibility of meaningful debate around alternative theories of humanity's true past.
The Social History of Oaths, Profanity, Foul Language, and Ethnic Slurs in the English-Speaking World.
This is the only encyclopedia of the social history of swearing and foul language in the English-speaking world. It covers the various social dynamics that generate swearing, foul language, and insults in the entire range of the English language. While the emphasis is on American and British English, the different major global varieties such as Australian, Canadian, South African, and Caribbean English are also included.
It Takes a Pillage - An Epic Tale of Power, Deceit, and Untold Trillions
We all watched as packs of former Big Financiers commandeered posts in Washington and lavished trillions in bailouts to "save" big Wall Street firms that used that money for anything and everything except to fill in Main Street's potholes. We all watched as Wall Street heavyweights fought tooth and nail to declaw financial reform and won.
Former Wall Streeter Nomi Prins has been watching, too, and she is not going to let them get away with it. More than just an angry populist, commentator stuck on the sidelines, Prins understand Big Finance and big money and big schemes-and in this book she exposes the fundamental follies of our economic system and the schemes of the bigwigs who have no intention of letting it change.
-Remarkably combines detail, clarity, and narrative momentum, revealing all the ways in banks gamed the system to get the most money with the least oversight.
-Exposes the power-bankers who bagged more than $5 billion in compensation before and after their companies grabbed more than a trillion dollars in federal bailout subsidies-and how the government's indignation at this didn't lead to change.
-Shows how the most egregious pillagers work at the Fed and Treasury department, detailing how Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke, and Tim Geithner siphoned off $10.7 trillion from the public's future for Big Finance's present, all the while telling us it was for our own good.
-Slams a financial system that will not change, if our government doesn't force it to change, no matter what happens in the so-called free market and why the 'sweeping' financial reform bill passed after Wall Street reconsolidated its power, is anything but sweeping or reformative.
-Written by a former managing director at Goldman Sachs, now a senior fellow at Demos, who writes regularly on corruption in Washington and Wall Street for news outlets ranging from Fortune to Mother Jones.
If you're still enraged and frustrated with how the bank bailout went bust for the American people, or how Wall Street continues to operate as if the rest of the world doesn't matter, or how the banks are once again rolling in outsized profits and obscene bonuses while average Americans continue to struggle through a bleak landscape of foreclosures and job loss, It Takes a Pillage gives voice to your outrage, and provides a deeper insight into what we really have to be angry about and how we can fight for some real change.
Whitewash: The Disturbing Truth About Cow's Milk and Your Health
North Americans are some of the least healthy people on Earth. Despite advanced medical care and one of the highest standards of living in the world, one in three Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and 50 percent of US children are overweight.
This crisis in personal health is largely the result of chronically poor dietary and lifestyle choices. In Whitewash, nutritionist Dr. Joseph Keon unveils how North Americans unwittingly sabotage their health every day by drinking milk, and he shows that our obsession with calcium is unwarranted.
Citing scientific literature, Whitewash builds an unassailable case that not only is milk unnecessary for human health, its inclusion in the diet may increase the risk of serious diseases including:
* Prostate, breast, and ovarian cancers
* Osteoporosis
* Diabetes
* Vascular disease
Green Smoothie Revolution by Victoria Boutenko
hanks to processed and fast foods, being overworked, and feeling stressed while eating on the fly, it is increasingly difficult for most of us to eat anywhere near a balanced diet. We may not be obviously sick, but may suffer from lack of focus, insomnia, sluggishness, or any host of symptoms caused by nutritional deficiency. Green Smoothie Revolution takes aim at this silent epidemic by restoring balance to our diets.
Combining nutrition and know-how with recipes that pack a powerhouse punch, Victoria Boutenko reintroduces long neglected fruits, vegetables, and greens in the most persuasive style for our busy lives: with fast prep and delicious results. Featuring 200 recipes, Green Smoothie Revolution offers both simplicity (4 ripe pears, 1 bunch parsley, 2 cups water; blend well) and enough variety to keep taste buds happy and nutrients coming from a wealth of options.
Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices cookbook - N.W. Walker
Dr. Norman W. Walker is one of the pioneers of the raw foods movement and is recognized throughout the world as one of the most authoritative voices on life, health and nutrition. Dr. Walker shares his secret to a long, healthy, productive life through his internationally famous books on health and nutrition.
Dr. Walker explains how the lack or deficiency of certain elements, such as vital organic minerals and salts, and consequently of vitamins, from our customary diet is the primary cause of nearly every sickness and disease. Following his recommendations to consume fresh vegetable and fruit juices, we can furnish our bodies with the enzymes needed for optimal health.
- Product Description,
This book got it all started for me in my desire to eat mostly
raw fruits and vegetables (especially the juices). Ten years ago as a first-year graduate
student at UC Santa Barbara I found myself with an acne problem that had plagued me for the last 5 years, in addition to eyes that were beginning to tire easily. Then one day I stumbled upon this book by Dr. Walker which from the onset made complete sense to me. I bought a juiceman juicer the next week (and it hasn't failed me since!) and began a regimen of fresh juice three times a day. Some amazing things began to progess over the next year:!
i) my acne not only completely disappeared, but I found myself having a very youthful, vibrant look. I looked better than I had ever in the past.
ii) I lost 15 pounds in one year and became a star on the softball field.
iii) I have not touched my reading glasses in the past 9 years.
In the words of Jack Lalane (who is older and more fit than 99.99% of all other Americans) "If man made it, I don't eat it".
- Todd Ebert,
I have been juicing for about a month now but wanted to learn more about what I was really doing for my body and if I was making the optimal juice mixes for me.
Juicing provides me with a way to nourish the cells in my body and this book has taught me exactly what I wanted to know about juicing. What happens when I juice a vegetable or fruit on the atomic level? Why is it better to juice than eat whole or eat with pulp (as the Vita Mixer provides), how can I optimize my juices (triturate it!), what vegetables can be used to address a specific health concern, such as poor eyesight or arthritis.
I intend to follow another reviewer's advice and buy all of this man's books. They are fascinating to read. Although this one was written in the 1970's there is flavor in his writings of the 1800's and early 1900's. It isn't so heavy that his meaning is difficult to decipher but, for me anyway, it adds a nice ring to his words and a force to his convictions. Reading this book you get the idea that he really loved the world and cared deeply about people's health. He is very balanced in his writing too, staying away from endorsing one type of juicer over another or even coming down on the side of organics over commercially farmed.
If you are interested in learning about juices you won't go wrong by reading this one first...then worry about recipes, etc. Regardless of your choice you will enjoy a healthy life if you juice!
Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future - Robert B
Reich (Supercapitalism), secretary of labor under Bill Clinton and former economic adviser to President Obama, argues that Obama's stimulus package will not catalyze real recovery because it fails to address 40 years of increasing income inequality. The lessons are in the roots of and responses to the Great Depression, according to Reich, who compares the speculation frenzies of the 1920s–1930s with present-day ones, while showing how Keynesian forerunners like FDR's Federal Reserve Board chair, Marriner Eccles, diagnosed wealth disparity as the leading stress leading up to the Depression. By contrast, sharing the gains of an expanding economy with the middle class brought unprecedented prosperity in the postwar decades, as the majority of workers earned enough to buy what they produced. Despite occasional muddled analyses (of the offshoring of industrial production in the 1990s, for example), Reich's thesis is well argued and frighteningly plausible: without a return to the "basic bargain" (that workers are also consumers), the "aftershock" of the Great Recession includes long-term high unemployment and a political backlash--a crisis, he notes with a sort of grim optimism, that just might be painful enough to encourage necessary structural reforms.
Aftershock Second Edition Protect Yourself and Profit, Plus the Bonus Chapter 11 - Wiedemer, David
Aftershock Second Edition is the perfect book to have in these times of global financial turmoil. From acclaimed financial author David Wiedemar, Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next global Financial Meltdown is the essential guide on how to survive in these trying times. For both the layman as well as for the financial professional, this book can help ride the burgeoning global scenario.
The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America
America's economy is in shambles . . .
Its citizens are terrified and dissatisfied . . .
Could it all have been planned by a secret elite one hundred years ago?
The New World Order. Hitler referred to it in his diaries. President George H. W. Bush foretold of it in his speeches. Formed by a secretive global elite, the group seeking this new order has taken hold of the nation—and perhaps the world. Its influence pervades every aspect of American society, from the products we buy at the grocery store to the topics of evening news programs. But could it also be true that the New World Order caused one of the greatest financial catastrophes of our time?Bestselling author and legendary conspiracy researcher Jim Marrs has yet again exposed information that the mainstream corporate media has refused to report, unearthing the lies to expose the insidious alliances that make up a secret world. In the explosive The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy, Marrs digs beneath the media noise surrounding the financial bailouts of 2008 and 2009 while exploring the back rooms and shadowy deals of our nation’s past to craft a frightening history that no one else is brave enough to tell.
Psycho-Cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz
This book was a landmark in proving that our self image is all important in determining the quality of our lives. It is inspirational in its promise and challenge that we can change our self image systematically and effectively. Its insights into our psychology are deep, and ring so true in their logic and simplicity. Maltz did not want to make himself a is evidenced by so many self help authors. As a matter of fact, as an avid reader of self help books, I see that most of the modern self-help authors base themselves on the writing of this giant man. In a thousand years, when some yet unborn person will write their doctorate on self help books through the ages, many of today's books and authors will have been long forgotten - but not Maltz...His book will live on as a classic work. Its truths shining on in their timelessness.
One of the great thinkers of all time once said: " If I have seen further than others, it is only because I have stood on the shoulders of giants." Maxwell Maltz, without a doubt, is a true giant among authors who have bestowed upon the world inspirational literature..Please allow me to pass on to you the gift of his wisdom - as a token of my appreciation to Maltz and his legacy which have so deeply affected and enriched .......
23 Psilocybin (shroom) Books
A Guidebook To The Psilocybin Mushrooms Of Mexico.pdf
Erowid Psilocybin Mushroom Vaults - Magic Mushroom Growers Guide.pdf
Field Guide To The Psilocybin Mushroom.pdf
How To Grow Magic Mushrooms. A simple Psilocybe Cubensis Growing Technique.pdf
How To Grow Magic Mushrooms From Spore Prints On Rice.htm
Magic Mushroom Growers Guide.pdf
Magic Mushrooms - A New Indoor Growing Technique.pdf
Magic Mushrooms Around The World by Jochen Gartz.pdf
Magic Mushrooms Of Australia & Newzealand by John W Allen.pdf
PF Magic Mushroom Guide.pdf
Psilocybin - A New Indoor Growing Technique.pdf
Psilocybin - Magic Mushroom Growers Guide.pdf
Psilocybin Mushrooms Of The World by Paul Stamets.pdf
Psilocybin Producer's Guide by Adam Gottlieb.pdf
Psilocybin Producers Guide.pdf
Psilocybin Production by Adam Gottlieb.pdf
The Psilocybin Mushroom Image Guide.pdf
The Psilocybin Producers Guide by Adam Gottlieb.pdf
The Psilocybin Solution by Simon G. Powell.pdf
World Wide Distribution of Magic Mushrooms.pdf
Lotto Masta Ebooks and others Lottery Ebooks
Here you have some ebooks about Lottery the sites where obtained
Survival of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between Disease and Longevity (P.S.) by Sharon Moalem and Jonathan Prince
Dan Ariely on Survival of the Sickest
MIT professor Dan Ariely has become one of the leaders in the growing field of behavioral economics, and his bestselling book debut, Predictably Irrational, has brought his ideas--and his ingenious experiments and charming sense of humor--to a much wider audience. With the simplest of tests (often an auction or a quiz given under a few conditions) he shows again and again not only that we are wired to make irrational decisions in many situations, but that we do so in remarkably predictable ways.
I have always been puzzled by the way in which genetic diseases have managed to survive throughout the ages. How could it be that these diseases were able to withstand the evolutionary process, where only the most fit survive, and continue to be transferred from one generation to the next? Survival of the Sickest provides a thought provoking yet entertaining explanation to this puzzle.
In this insightful book Dr. Sharon Moalem demonstrates how conditions that are considered unhealthy (such as hemochromatosis, diabetes, and high cholesterol), or even deadly in extreme cases, might actually put their carriers at an advantage in combating other life-threatening illnesses. For example, he explains that hemochromatosis, a disease that, if left untreated, will kill you, may have actually been a defense against the deadliest pandemic in history--the bubonic plague during the 14th century. It turns out that this genetic mutation, which continues to be passed down through generations, actually helped spare many lives at one point.
Throughout the book, Dr. Moalem draws many connections between seemingly disparate subjects, such as the accidental invention of ice wine and cold diuresis, in order to illustrate the basic mechanisms of genetics and medicine in charming and intuitive ways. He skillfully interweaves his knowledge of history, genetics, and medicine not only as they relate to specific medical conditions but also in a way that addresses important challenges of modern society and our future evolution.
In the most general terms, Dr. Moalem's description of the human body and its complexity left me in awe of how far we have come in our understanding of biology and medicine, while also being reminded that the road to understanding ourselves is still wide open with much more to learn in the decades, and even centuries, to come. It is a fantastic journey on which he leads us and Dr. Moalem is a kind, knowledgeable, humorous, and helpful guide.
--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
From Publishers Weekly
Moalem, a medical student with a Ph.D. in neurogenetics, asks a number of provocative questions, such as why debilitating hereditary diseases persist in humans and why we suffer from the consequences of aging. His approach to these questions is solidly rooted in evolutionary theory, and he capably demonstrates that each disease confers a selective advantage to individuals who carry either one or two alleles for inherited diseases. But very little is new; the principles, if not every particular, that Moalem addresses have been covered in Randolph Nesse and George Williams's Why We Get Sick, among others. Whether he is discussing hemochromatosis (a disorder that causes massive amounts of iron to accumulate in individuals), diabetes or sickle cell anemia, his conclusion is always the same: each condition offers enough positive evolutionary advantages to offset the negative consequences, and this message is repeated over and over. Additionally, Moalem's endless puns and simple jokes wear thin, but his light style makes for easy reading for readers new to this subject.
Fifty of the Most Useful Knots for Camping, Sailing, Fishing
Knots: More Than Fifty of the Most Useful Knots for Camping, Sailing, Fishing and Climbing
Product Description:
Easy-to-follow illustrations and detailed instructions show readers how to tie seventy knots, useful for such activities as fishing, sailing, camping, mountaineering, decorating, magic tricks, and many other applications.
American Landlord: Everything U Need to Know... about Property Management
Whether you just have an extra room to rent or a growing rental empire, you still need reliable information and expert advice to make sure you do it right. Drawn from years of experience helping thousands of landlords, American Landlord leads everyone from the new landlord to the old pro through all the ins and outs of property management.
Buying and maintaining rental properties
Successfully advertising your vacancies
How to Win Every Argument: The Use and Abuse of Logic
In this witty and infectious book Madsen Pirie provides a complete guide to using - and indeed abusing - logic in order to win arguments. He identifies with devastating examples all the most common fallacies popularly used in argument. We all like to think of ourselves as clear-headed and logical - but all readers will find in this book fallacies of which they themselves are guilty. The author shows you how to simultaneously strengthen your own thinking and identify the weaknesses in other people arguments. And, more mischievously, Pirie also shows how to be deliberately illogical - and get away with it. This book will make you maddeningly smart: your family, friends and opponents will all wish that you had never read it.
Publisher's warning: In the wrong hands this book is dangerous. We recommend that you arm yourself with it whilst keeping out of the hands of others. Only buy this book as a gift if you are sure that you can trust the recipient.
The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman
Thinner, bigger, faster, stronger... which 150 pages will you read?
Is it possible to:
Reach your genetic potential in 6 months?
Sleep 2 hours per day and perform better than on 8 hours?
Lose more fat than a marathoner by bingeing?
Indeed, and much more. This is not just another diet and fitness book.
The 4-Hour Body is the result of an obsessive quest, spanning more than a decade, to hack the human body. It contains the collective wisdom of hundreds of elite athletes, dozens of MDs, and thousands of hours of jaw-dropping personal experimentation. From Olympic training centers to black-market laboratories, from Silicon Valley to South Africa, Tim Ferriss, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, fixated on one life-changing question:
For all things physical, what are the tiniest changes that produce the biggest results?
Thousands of tests later, this book contains the answers for both men and women.
From the gym to the bedroom, it’s all here, and it all works.
YOU WILL LEARN (in less than 30 minutes each):
How to lose those last 5-10 pounds (or 100+ pounds) with odd combinations of food and safe chemical cocktails.
* How to prevent fat gain while bingeing (X-mas, holidays, weekends)
* How to increase fat-loss 300% with a few bags of ice
* How Tim gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days, without steroids, and in four hours of total gym time
* How to sleep 2 hours per day and feel fully rested
* How to produce 15-minute female orgasms
* How to triple testosterone and double sperm count
* How to go from running 5 kilometers to 50 kilometers in 12 weeks
* How to reverse “permanent” injuries
* How to add 150+ pounds to your lifts in 6 months
* How to pay for a beach vacation with one hospital visit
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. There are more than 50 topics covered, all with real-world experiments, many including more than 200 test subjects.
You don't need better genetics or more discipline. You need immediate results that compel you to continue.
That’s exactly what The 4-Hour Body delivers.
Mastermind Matrix Mindmap (Rare) This is blurry maybe someone can enhance it
The MasterMind Matrix chart will guide you step-by-step towards success and
achievement in any field of endeavor. It makes for an ideal self-coaching tool
for any problems or challenges that may stand between you and your life’s objectives.
The MasterMind Matrix is a map about the unconscious, conscious and semiconscious
patterns of behavior that we experience every single waking and sleeping moment.
Whether you perceive it as being a map about your academic life, your career path,
your sporting mindset development plan, your life accomplishment tool, or an
entrepreneurial management success strategy—putting all that aside, it is essentially
nothing more than a process of how we condition ourselves and are conditioned by
our environment and others on a daily basis. Alter any one of the major forces on
the MasterMind Matrix and you begin to make dramatic and momentum building changes
to your entire pattern of existence.
The following is a list of some of the key areas that the MasterMind Matrix touches upon:
The impact of peer groups, society, media and other influential forces on your psychology.
How your thoughts are influenced and influence other areas of your life.
How your perceptions are influenced by your psychology and outside forces.
Enhancing your imagination through creative thinking processes
The impact of the human NEEDS on your psychology.
How you form references which turn to opinions and eventually beliefs.
The development of your self-concept as it relates to other aspects of your psychology.
How to model the patterns of successful people to achieve success in your life.
Meta-program elicitation and formation.
How your values influence and interact with other psychological factors to form your understanding of reality
Belief alteration strategies to strengthen your drive towards your goals and objectives.
The difference between beliefs and convictions and how to turn beliefs into convictions.
Mastering the psychological rules that impact your daily decisions and actions.
Personality identification and the influence this has on your psychology moving forward through the MasterMind Matrix.
The influence of the EGO on your life.
The importance of mastering your physiology and how this influences your psychology.
How to adjust your mental state and influence your emotions.
Improving your levels of emotional intelligence.
Turning a limiting attitude into an empowering attitude to propel you forward towards your goals and objectives.
Transforming your language to improve your emotions and life.
Asking the right questions that will lead to better and more effective decisions.
How to enhance your levels of intuition for more effective decision making.
Making choices and decisions the smart way to enhance your results.
An analysis of your strengths and weaknesses.
Clarification of your personal legend, purpose, life’s mission and vision.
A step-by-step process for effective goal setting.
How to use the process of pain and pleasure to drive you forward towards your goals.
How to layout effective plans of actions for goal achievement.
Mastering your time using a variety of time management strategies.
Incorporating visualizations and affirmations to enhance the progress you make towards your goals.
Utilizing appropriate motivation techniques to boost your levels of productivity.
Fears and phobias and how to overcome them.
Managing stress and anxiety more effectively.
The importance of becoming a lifelong learner in this day and age.
How to expand your comfort zone and transform your life.
Listing the essential qualities of success required to help you achieve your goals.
Analysis of critical thinking skills.
Analysis of creative thinking skills.
Analysis of problem solving strategies.
How to identify opportunities that will help you achieve your goals.
The fabrics of the conscious thinking brain and how it connects to everything within the MasterMind Matrix.
The intricacies of the unconscious mind and how it connects to everything within the MasterMind Matrix.
Mastering your levels of health.
Sleep enhancement strategies and its importance to helping your expand your creativity.
Enhancing your energy and levels of vitality.
Incorporating accelerated learning principles in all areas of your life.
How to improve your memory.
How your relationships with others influence your current reality and perceptions.
The MasterMind Matrix also pieces together many life skill areas including leadership, sales, networking,
negotiation, public speaking, persuasion, rapport creation and wealth management strategies.
This list only provides a quick overview of some of the sections within the MasterMind Matrix. This is a very big picture so this is perfect to either zoom in your computer or watch at tv screen. Or the best alternative print this out - which requires a very big picture format ! I use this in every area of my life and this have helped me alot , this costs alot and you can pay for it as I did on their website. search on google and you´ll find it or download it here and enjoy ;)!
Black and Decker Complete Guide to Wiring
North America’s best-selling wiring book—now even better
In previous editions, The Complete Guide to Home Wiring sold more than one million copies, making it the all-time bestselling book on home wiring for consumers. In this newly revised and redesigned edition, the book includes everything that made the original the favorite of American homeowners, but also adds new projects, such as wiring a shed or gazebo, and includes important revisions to meet the 2008 National Electrical Code.
The modern home can include dozens of electronic components unknown just a few years ago, and this book provides essential information on wiring for those devices. It includes information on security systems, home theaters and surround-sound systems, computer networks, and a host of kitchen amenities like espresso machines to grind-and-brew coffee machines. Tech savvy homeowners will appreciate the section devoted to Bluetooth and wi-fi technologies—the next wave of “wireless wiring”
Once again, this book features more than 700 color photographs showing installation and repair projects with unsurpassed realism and clarity.
The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life
From Publishers Weekly
Assuring readers that "finding the hidden dimensions in yourself is the only way to fulfill your deepest hunger," bestselling author Chopra shares 15 spiritual secrets for enlightenment. These secrets may sound easy—"the world is in you," "what you seek, you already are," "freedom tames the mind"—but Chopra offers sophisticated thought to challenge a reader's spiritual status quo. Blending science and spirituality, he shows how the mystery of life can be illustrated by the wisdom and workings of one's body, as "every secret in this book goes back to the existence of an invisible intelligence that operates beneath the visible surface of life." The most important secret is transcending one's egocentric viewpoint and accepting a single, unified reality: "you are not in the world; the world is in you." Each well-written chapter offers a vibrant discussion of these distilled principles, including exercises to help readers apply these secrets to their lives. For example, Chopra focuses a chapter on how death makes life possible: "Only by facing death can you develop real passion for being alive." Chopra recasts death as a way to "imagine yourself into a new form with a new location in space and time." To do this, he suggests exfoliating one's self-image by imagining oneself at various stages of life, past and future: "When you see every earthly vestige of yourself vanish," he concludes, "you realize you will never succeed in extinguishing yourself." This isn't easy enlightenment. Chopra pushes his readers to do hard spiritual work in this thoughtful and thought-provoking book.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Product Description
Every life is a book of secrets, ready to be opened. The secret of perfect love is found there, along with the secrets of healing, compassion, faith, and the most elusive one of all: who we really are. We are still mysteries to ourselves, despite the proximity of these answers, and what we most long to know remains lodged deep inside.
We all want to know how to find a soul mate, what career would be most fulfilling, how to live a life with meaning, and how to teach our children well. We are looking for a personal breakthrough, a turning point, a revelation that brings with it new meaning. The Book of Secrets--a crystalline distillation of insights and wisdom accumulated over the lifetime of one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time--provides an exquisite new tool for achieving just that.
Because answers to the questions at the center of life are counterintuitive, they are often hidden from view, sequestered from our everyday gaze. In his ongoing quest to elevate our experience, bestselling author Deepak Chopra has isolated fifteen secrets that drive the narrative of this inspiring book--and of our lives. From "The World Is in You" and "What You Seek, You Already Are" to "Evil Is Not Your Enemy" and "You Are Truly Free When You Are Not a Person," The Book of Secrets is rich with insights, a priceless treasure that can transport us beyond change to transformation, and from there to a sacred place where we can savor the nectar of enlightenment.
"The Book of Secrets is the finest and most profound of Deepak Chopra’s books to date. Want the answers to the secrets of life? Let me recommend that you start right here." -- Ken Wilber, author of A Brief History of Everything
From the Hardcover edition.
From the Inside Flap
Every life is a book of secrets, ready to be opened. The secret of perfect love is found there, along with the secrets of healing, compassion, faith, and the most elusive one of all: who we really are. We are still mysteries to ourselves, despite the proximity of these answers, and what we most long to know remains lodged deep inside.
We all want to know how to find a soul mate, what career would be most fulfilling, how to live a life with meaning, and how to teach our children well. We are looking for a personal breakthrough, a turning point, a revelation that brings with it new meaning. The Book of Secrets--a crystalline distillation of insights and wisdom accumulated over the lifetime of one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time--provides an exquisite new tool for achieving just that.
Because answers to the questions at the center of life are counterintuitive, they are often hidden from view, sequestered from our everyday gaze. In his ongoing quest to elevate our experience, bestselling author Deepak Chopra has isolated fifteen secrets that drive the narrative of this inspiring book--and of our lives. From "The World Is in You" and "What You Seek, You Already Are" to "Evil Is Not Your Enemy" and "You Are Truly Free When You Are Not a Person," The Book of Secrets is rich with insights, a priceless treasure that can transport us beyond change to transformation, and from there to a sacred place where we can savor the nectar of enlightenment.
"The Book of Secrets is the finest and most profound of Deepak Chopra's books to date. Want the answers to the secrets of life? Let me recommend that you start right here." -- Ken Wilber, author of A Brief History of Everything --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
The greatest hunger in life is not for food, money, success, status, security, sex, or even love from the opposite sex. Time and again people have achieved all of these things and wound up still feeling dissatisfied—indeed, often more dissatisfied than when they began. The deepest hunger in life is a secret that is revealed only when a person is willing to unlock a hidden part of the self. In the ancient traditions of wisdom, this quest has been likened to diving for the most precious pearl in existence, a poetic way of saying that you have to swim far out beyond shallow waters, plunge deep into yourself, and search patiently until the pearl beyond price is found.
The pearl is also called essence, the breath of God, the water of life, holy nectar—labels for what we, in our more prosaic scientific age, would simply call transformation. Transformation means radical change of form, the way a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. In human terms, it means turning fear, aggression, doubt, insecurity, hatred, and emptiness into their opposites. Can this really be achieved? One thing we know for certain: The secret hunger that gnaws at people’s souls has nothing to do with externals like money, status, and security. It’s the inner person who craves meaning in life, the end of suffering, and answers to the riddles of love, death, God, the soul, good and evil. A life spent on the surface will never answer these questions or satisfy the needs that drive us to ask them.
Finding the hidden dimensions in yourself is the only way to fulfill your deepest hunger.
After the rise of science, this craving for knowledge should have faded, but it has only grown stronger. There are no new “facts” to discover about life’s hidden dimensions. Nobody needs to peer at more CAT scans of patients undergoing a near-death experience or take more MRIs of yogis sitting deep in meditation. That phase of experimentation has done its work: We can be assured that wherever consciousness wants to go, the human brain will follow. Our neurons are capable of registering the highest spiritual experiences. In some ways, however, you and I know less about the mystery of life than our ancestors.
We live in the Age of the Higher Brain, the cerebral cortex that has grown enormously over the last few millennia, overshadowing the ancient, instinctive lower brain. The cortex is often called the new brain, yet the old brain held sway in humans for millions of years, as it does today in most living things. The old brain can’t conjure up ideas or read. But it does possess the power to feel and, above all, to be. It was the old brain that caused our forebears to sense the closeness of a mysterious presence everywhere in Nature.
That presence, which is found in every particle of creation, suffuses your life, too. You are a book of secrets waiting to be opened, although you probably see yourself in totally different terms. On a given day, you are a worker, a father or mother, husband or wife, a consumer combing the mall stores for something new, an audience member waiting impatiently for the next entertainment.
When you are living the truth of one reality, every secret reveals itself without effort or struggle.
It comes down to the age-old choice of separation or unity. Do you want to be fragmented, conflicted, torn between the eternal forces of darkness and light? Or do you want to step out of separation into wholeness? You are a creature who acts, thinks, and feels. Spirituality fuses these three into a single reality. Thinking doesn’t lord it over feeling; feeling doesn’t stubbornly resist the higher brain; doing occurs when both thought and feeling say, “This is right.” The one reality can be recognized because once you are there, you experience the flow of life without obstacles or resistance. In this flow, you encounter inspiration, love, truth, beauty, and wisdom as natural aspects of existence. The one reality is spirit, and the surface of life is only a disguise with a thousand masks that keeps us from discovering what is real. A thousand years ago, such a statement would have met with no argument. Spirit was accepted everywhere as the true source of life. Today, we have to look with new eyes at the mystery of existence, for as proud children of science and reason, we have made ourselves the orphans of wisdom.
Therefore, this book must work on two fronts. First, it must persuade you that there really is a mystery lying in the hidden dimensions of life. Second, it must inspire you to feel the passion and dedication required to get there. This isn’t a project to postpone until you are ready. You have been ready since the day you forgot to keep asking who you are and why you are here. Sadly, most of us keep shutting out thousands of experiences that could make transformation a reality. If it weren’t for the enormous effort we put into denial, repression, and doubt, each life would be a constant revelation.
Ultimately you have to believe that your life is worth investigating with total passion and commitment. It took thousands of tiny decisions to keep the book of secrets closed, but it takes only a single moment to open it again.
I take it literally when the New Testament says, “Ask and you will receive, knock and the door will be opened.” It’s that simple. You will know every secret about life when you can truly say I must know. I can’t wait a moment longer. Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree and Jesus wrestling with demons in the desert are symbolic of the same drama of the soul that you were born to repeat. Never doubt this: You are the most significant being in the world, because at the level of the soul you are the world. You don’t have to earn the right to know. Your very next thought, feeling, or action can begin to uncover the deepest spiritual wisdom, which flows as pure and free as mountain waters in spring. It isn’t possible for the self to keep secrets from itself forever, no matter how thoroughly we’ve been trained to believe otherwise.
Secret #1: The Mystery of Life Is Real
The life you know is a thin layer of events covering a deeper reality. In the deeper reality, you are part of every event that is happening now, has ever happened, or ever will happen. In the deeper reality, you know absolutely who you are and what your purpose is. There is no confusion or conflict with any other person on earth. Your purpose in life is to help creation to expand and grow. When you look at yourself, you see only love.
The mystery of life isn’t any of these things, however. It’s how to bring them to the surface. If someone asked me how to prove that there really is a mystery of life, the simplest proof would be just this enormous separation between deep reality and everyday existence. Ever since you and I were born, we’ve had a constant stream of clues hinting at another world inside ourselves. Haven’t you ever fallen into a moment of wonder? Such moments may come in the presence of beautiful music, or in the sight of natural beauty that sends a shiver up your spine. Or you may have looked out of the corner of your eye at something familiar—morning sunlight, a tree swaying in the wind, the face of someone you love as he or she sleeps—knowing in that moment that life was more than it appears to be.
Countless clues have come your way, only to be overlooked because they didn’t form a clear message. I have met an astonishing number of people whose spiritual beginnings were nothing short of amazing: As children, they may have seen a grandmother’s soul leave at the moment of her death, witnessed beings of light surrounding on a birthday, traveled beyond their physical bodies, or come home from school to see a beloved family member standing in the hallway, even though the person had just died in a terrible auto accident. (One man told me he was a “bubble boy” for the first ten years of his life, journeying in his bubble high over the city and away to unknown lands.) Millions of people—this is no exaggeration but testimony from public polls—have seen themselves bathed in a pearlescent white light at times. Or they heard a voice they knew came from God. Or they had invisible guardians in childhood, secret friends who protected them while they slept.
Eventually, it became clear to me that more people have had such experiences—truly secret voyages into a reality separated from this one by a flimsy veil of disbelief—than not. Parting the veil means changing your own perception. This is a personal, totally subjective, yet very real shift.
Where would you begin to solve a mystery that is everywhere, yet somehow never forms a whole message? A great sleuth like Sherlock Holmes would start his search from one elementary deduction: Something unknown wants to be known. A mystery that doesn’t want to be known will just keep retreating the closer you come to it. The mystery of life doesn’t behave that way: Its secrets are revealed immediately if you know where to look. But where is that?
The body’s wisdom is a good entry point into the hidden dimensions of life, because although completely invisible, the body’s wisdom is undeniably real—a fact that medical researchers began to accept in the mid-1980s. The former view was that the brain’s capacity for intelligence was unique. But then signs of intelligence began to be discovered in the immune system, and then in the digestive system. In both these systems, special messenger molecules could be observed circulating through every organ, bringing information to and from the brain, but also functioning on their own. A white cell that can distinguish between invading enemy bacteria and harmless pollen is making an intelligent decision, even though it floats in the bloodstream apart from the brain.
Qigong & Taiji (Chi Kung & Tai Chi) Book Collection
* Ba Gua - Hidden Knowledge in the Taoist Internal Martial Art
* Dim Mak - How Chi Is Used In Dim Mak Pressure Point Defence
* Qi Gong - Chi-Kung Developmend and Practial Applications In Wing Chun Kung Fu
* Qi Gong - Chinese Qigong For Home Healing
* Qi Gong - Correspondence Program
* Qi Gong - Dr. Jwing-Ming Yang - The Secret of Youth
* Qi Gong - Exercise Set - Nine Movements
* Qi Gong - Hunyuan Qigong - Feng Zhiqiang
* Qi Gong - Lam Kam Chuen - The Way of Energy
* Qi Gong - Lam Kam Chuen - The Way of Power
* Qi Gong - Scott Baker - Chi Kung in Wing Chun Kung Fu
* Qi Gong - Soaring Crane Qigong Remedy 2 - Discharging Substances From Liver
* Qi Gong - Tiet Sin (Iron Thread)
* Tai Chi Chuan - Chinese Self Healing (Yang Style)
* Tai Chi Chuan - Gah Gee - Wu Style Tai Chi
* Tai Chi Chuan - Tai Chi As A Fighting Art
* Tai Chi Chuan - The Art of Tai Chi
* Tai Chi Chuan - The Tai Chi Manual
* Tai Chi Chuan - Tinn Chan Lee - Wu Style Of Tai Chi Chuan
* Tai Chi Chuan - Yang Jwing-Ming - The Essence of Tai Chi Chi Kung
Bodybuilding: Homemade Supplement Secrets by Jeff Anderson
An underground "back room" supplement manufacturer reveals the dirtiest, nastiest, MONEY-SUCKING SECRETS of the "natural" supplement industry, uncovering...
The Astonishing Secret The Fat Loss And Bodybuilding Supplement Companies Are PRAYING You Never Hear About...
And How YOU Can Beat Them At Their Own Game By EASILY Making Your Own Amazingly Powerful "Super Formulas"
That Are As Good As, Or EVEN BETTER
Than Their Name Brand Products...
For PENNIES On The Dollar!
ACUPRESSURE GUIDE - Alleviate Headaches, Neck And Joint Pain - by Dr. Aaron Stein
You have the potential to relieve most ailments with your hands. Acupressure is an ancient art practiced by Chinese for over 5,000 years. This fully illustrated guide by Aaron Stein, Ph.D., distills acupressure into simple exercises that can be used to alleviate wide range of medical conditions.
Ailments Covered by the Acupressure Guide:
Headache and Migraine: Frontal Headache | Back of the head | Side of the head | Top of the head | Pain in the eye (Migraine behind the eye)
Local Pain: Jaw | Toothache | Ear | Neck | Shoulder | Wrist | Hand | Backache | Hip | Knee | Ankle | Foot
Cold and Flu: Sore throat | Sinusitis | Loss of Voice | Earaches | Allergy
Nervous System: Anxiety Attacks and Nervousness | Depression | Insomnia | Fainting | Hiccoughs | Memory and Concentration Improvement
Cardiovascular: Angina | Palpitations | High Blood Pressure
Abdominal Discomfort: Constipation | Diarrhea | Heartburn and Stomachache
Women only: PMS and Painful Periods | Hot Flashes | Pregnancy
Urinary Problems: Bed-wetting | Incontinence | Urinary retention
Other: Nose bleeding | Allergy | Itching | Asthma | Decreased Libido | Hangover
- Practical and fully illustrated.
- Step-by-step guide to treatment of every condition.
- Every step explains point location, direction of force, and duration of massage.
- No previous experience necessary.
- It is not necessary to massage active points on your own, you can ask somebody else to massage points for you.
- Total treatment duration for most conditions is 10 to 15 minutes.
How acupressure works:
Acupressure and acupuncture share the same active points (also called trigger points). The ancient Chinese developed system of active points stimulation over 5,000 years ago. The active points are located on imaginary lines called meridians. Accordingly, the points are referred to by the meridian they are located on and consecutive number of point on that meridian.
The ancient Chinese believed that life energy chi (pronounced chee) flows through these meridians. In a healthy person the energy flow trough meridians is unobstructed. The blockade of chi flow results in an illness. The Chinese believed that active points stimulation clears the meridians and improves the flow of energy.
The western medical science only begins to understand the mechanisms responsible for positive effects of active points stimulation. Stimulation of active points is thought to lead to increased release of endorphins. Endorphin is a natural body painkiller. Endorphin and morphine are chemically different molecules but, by coincidence, they have very similar 3-dimensional shape. This similarity in shape allows morphine to bind the endorphin receptor, reduce pain, and induce feeling of happiness. Thus endorphin released by acupressure stimulation may lead to relaxation and normalization of body functions.
Feed Your Genes Right : Eat To Turn Off Disease-Causing Genes And Slow Down Aging
If you?re like me, you want to maintain and perhaps improve your
health, reduce your chances of developing disease, stay mentally sharp,
stay at a normal weight, and remain physically active as you get older.
But as I?m sure you?ve already discovered, there is no shortage of howto
health books or programs, frequently offering odd, counterintuitive,
or contradictory advice.
How do you make sense of everything you hear?
Today, in the early years of the twenty-first century, medical
research is dramatically shifting its focus. Instead of looking only at
the physical or biochemical factors that lead to health problems,
researchers are gaining a better understanding of the far-reaching roles
genes play in determining the risk of disease. Now and in the years
to come, the role of genes in health will strongly influence, and perhaps
even dominate, recommendations for maintaining health and avoiding
The truth is that your genes do play a fundamental role in health
and disease.These tiny molecules, found in each one of your body?s 70
trillion cells, contain biological instructions that orchestrate the functions
of those cells and of your body as a whole.Your genes govern the
activities of your heart, lungs, brain, and every other organ.The collective
efforts of your genes determine how well your body functions?or
malfunctions, as the case may be. Quite simply, when your genes do
their job properly, you?re in good health.When they don?t, or can?t, you
are more likely to develop heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.
You have probably heard people say that ?you?ve got the genes you
were born with,? suggesting that your health and risk of disease were
sealed at birth. But contrary to popular opinion, genes are not rigid and
inflexible determinants of your health, and your life is not merely an
execution of some biological program beyond your control.
Instead, your genes possess extraordinary flexibility, which you can
use to live a longer and healthier life. How is this possible? The reason
is that genes do not function by themselves. Rather, gene activity
depends on a variety of nutrients as cofactors. Nutrients provide the
building blocks of genes, and they turn many genes on and off. Because
you control what you put into your mouth, you can literally feed your
genes right and gain tremendous health benefits. Or you can feed your
genes all the wrong foods and suffer the unfortunate consequences.Vitamins
and minerals (and many other nutrients as well) have always
been essential cofactors for the normal functioning of your genes.
If these ideas seem strange or unfamiliar, rest assured. Research on
the interactions between nutrition and genes is in step with many of the
public-health recommendations you have heard over the years. For
example, doctors have long urged the adoption of various dietary and
lifestyle habits to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, such as
eating more vegetables and fruit and exercising regularly. Nutrients
work on multiple levels in the body, and ultimately they enable genes to
function more efficiently, the way nature intended them to.
I first became interested in the health benefits of nutrition in 1969,
when DeWitt Garrett, a college biology professor, made an intriguing
off-the-cuff comment about vitamin supplements. The timing was
serendipitous. I had recently been diagnosed with a cyst that my physician
said would bother me for the rest of my life. About a week after I?d
started to take vitamin supplements, my cyst drained and disappeared.
I was impressed by the immediate and dramatic effect of the vitamins,
and I have been taking them ever since. Looking back, I now realize
that nutrient deficiencies likely interfered with the genes involved in
healing the cyst, a situation that the vitamin supplements corrected.
It was not until the mid-1990s, however, that I started to see a clear
connection between nutrition and genes. Bernard Rimland, an autism
researcher, happened to tell me about a physician who had used
large dosages of vitamins and other supplements to treat children with
Down syndrome, a disorder caused by an irreversible genetic defect
that leads to physical abnormalities and mental retardation. Rimland
told me that the earlier children began taking the supplements, the
more likely they would grow up with near-normal intelligence and
appearance. Somehow, massive amounts of vitamins and other supplements
managed to offset much of the genetic chaos of Down syndrome.
Hearing about the nutritional treatment of Down syndrome, I
began to mull over whether we are ?what we inherit.? I had reason to
be curious. My older brother had died from cancer at a relatively young
age, and my parents had died after many years of failing health. I did
not want to follow in their footsteps, at least if I didn?t have to.
I mulled over a simple question: if vitamin supplements could undo
a significant amount of the genetic damage done by Down syndrome,
why couldn?t vitamins and dietary changes improve other types of
genetic defects or damage? It turned out that other people were thinking
along the same lines. Researchers around the world were discovering
that vitamins, such as vitamin E and the B vitamin folic acid, could
reduce much of the cumulative genetic damage that occurs during the
aging process and in many diseases.
Shortly afterward, I had an opportunity to experiment on myself. In
1997, at age forty-seven, I grappled with the fact that I was twenty
pounds overweight and my blood sugar was creeping up toward prediabetic
levels. I was slowly but steadily heading toward type 2 diabetes.
For a health writer, this situation was, at the very least, embarrassing.
But I was at a loss as to how to change it.
The solution came with advice from people who were more savvy
than I was when it came to nutritional supplements and diet. A nutritionally
oriented physician conducted a battery of blood tests and
found that I was low in key minerals involved in managing blood sugar
and insulin. So I started taking supplements of these minerals, including
chromium, magnesium, and zinc. I also increased my intake of alphalipoic
acid, a vitamin-like nutrient involved in regulating blood sugar
and insulin levels. But supplements were not the entire solution. Two
years later a nutritionist coached me on eating more wholesome foods
as a way to lose weight and control my blood sugar.
By eating more nutritious foods, cutting out the all-too-convenient
junk foods, and continuing to take certain nutritional supplements?
what I now call feeding my genes right?I effortlessly lost twenty
pounds and four inches from my waist in three months. I also found, a
little later, that my blood sugar and insulin levels fell to well within
normal ranges. Knowing what I do now, I understand that these
changes helped turn off genes involved in overweight, inflammation,
and diabetes.
All of these events were stepping-stones to a more serious examination
of how nutrition influences the activity of genes and, in turn,
overall health.With all the news reports about gene research and (so
far exaggerated) promises of future gene therapies, most physicians
and researchers have ignored a simple yet profound fact: our genes
require many nutrients to do their jobs correctly, just as you and I need
a good meal to feel up to doing our jobs.
Feed Your Genes Right is the result of both a personal and a professional
quest, one that I am pleased to share with you. This book
explains, in simple and nontechnical terms, how nutrition affects your
genes and your risk of disease, regardless of whether you have inherited
?good? or ?bad? genes.
In Part I, I provide an overview of nutrition-gene interactions,
explaining how genes become damaged and how they are capable of
repairing themselves, so long as they receive proper nutrition. In Part
II, I provide the Feed Your Genes Right Supplement Plan, which
describes specific vitamins and vitamin-like nutrients needed for
healthy genes. Part III covers dietary recommendations for maintaining
healthy genes, explaining what you should and should not eat. Finally,
Part IV describes how stress affects genes, suggests antistress nutrients
you can take, and makes specific recommendations for reducing
genetic damage that occurs in aging, heart disease, cancer, some inherited
diseases, and many other conditions.
The bottom line of Feed Your Genes Right is that you do not have
to wait years to apply the new and exciting discoveries of nutrigenomics,
the science of nutrition and genetics.You can utilize existing
knowledge to improve your health today and to set the stage for an
active, healthy, and long life. I have incorporated these concepts in my
own life, and you can, too.
Be healthy, and enjoy life!"
The Bates Method for Better Eyesight Without Glasses
This book provides Dr. Bates's time-honored program, which has helped hundreds of thousands of people triumph over normal defects of vision without the aid of eyeglasses.
"Within a couple of months I was reading without my spectacles and, what was better still, without strain and fatigue" Aldous Huxley.
About the Author
W. H. Bates, M.D. was born in New Jersey, USA in 1860. He trained and worked as a doctor in New York where he specialised in opthalmology. Not always in favour with his peers, Dr Bates's original research was way ahead of its time and is now recognised as the way forward for eye health
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