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British Mind Control Agent
Hoodwinked Watching Movies With Eyes Wide Open Hollywood Subliminals Exposed
Evidence of Human Experimentation
Mind Control,World Control,The Encyclopedia of Mind Control 1998
Mind Control and the Secret State

Do you think you could have more power, love, money and security if you learned how to use language to control peoples thoughts and actions?

Mind Control Language Patterns are spoken phrases that can act as "triggers" to the people who hear them. In short, they influence and control how we respond and cause us to be influenced to do things without our knowing.

These language patterns are not fantasies but are based on documented uses that come from, psychology, hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming and studies of human behavior.

Mind Control Language Patterns can be used to help and hurt.

One can use Mind Control Language Patterns to create positive and lasting change in people, as well as feelings of trust, love and affections.

They can also be used to induce amnesia, fear, insecurity and doubt. These types of patterns are what we call "dark" pattern.

The sad fact is that there are some people who know these skills and would use them on anyone regardless of the possible negative effect it might cause. Some people have referred to these as "Dark Side" NLP skills and they do exist! The only way to protect yourself from any of these malicious Mind Control Language Patterns is to know about them. Yes, knowledge is your only defense against the most wicked people who would even think to use them.
MIND CONTROL 101 - How To Influence The Thoughts And Actions Of Others Without Them Knowing Or Caring

Why would someone write a book on Mind Control? Because as much as we try to elevate ourselves above being human animals we are, in fact, animals. We are subject to the wants and desires of any being with a genome and vertebrae. To rise above that is an admirable and a task we should take on as a worthy spiritual endeavor. But to deny that we are, truly, animals is to lie to ourselves. We must deal with people who may not be so enlightened advanced as we are. They may desire what we have and be secretly filled with envy and contempt. The worst event is to have these suspicions fulfilled and then be pulled down into the politics of man. Do we deny that it's happening and hope others will be touched by our honesty and good will enough to change? Or do we drop our highest spiritual ideals and play their game? I would like to suggest a radically different strategy. Take the game of manipulation and Mind Control and make it a part of your spirituality.
Mind Control Hypnosis: What All The Other Hypnotists Don't Want You To Know About Hypnosis - Dantalion Jones

Most hypnotists will tell you "You can't be made to do something in hypnosis that is against your Will." Most of them actually believe it. But a few of the most experienced hypnotists simply say it to put people at ease. They know that, in the right hands, very few people can resist a skilled hypnotist. Skilled hypnotists know what it takes to resist suggestions and it's not what most people would think. Reason #1 - Because they don't want others to have the power they have. In spite of what they may want you to believe hypnotists are human beings. They have egos and ambitions just like everyone else. A lot of hypnotists discover something that works really well and they'll want to keep it to themselves. Reason #2 - Because it frightens away clients who believe they have some sort of Will Power. For most people real Will Power is a myth, a story, even a fantasy. Facing this truth, for most people, is a humbling experience.

The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lesson Manual
Table of Contents
AN INTRODUCTION TO THE FORBIDDEN KEYS TO PERSUASION............................................6
COURSE OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................ 11
HUMAN MIND....................................................................................................................................... 13
LESSON 2: THE MECHANICS OF CULT MIND CONTROL- PART 1........................................... 33
LESSON 3: THE MECHANICS OF CULT MIND CONTROL - PART 2.......................................... 54
LESSON 4: PSYCHOLOGICAL VENTRILOQUISM.......................................................................... 72
LESSON 5: PERSUASION AND THE GOD COMPLEX..................................................................... 90
LESSON 6: CONTEXT AND PERSUASION....................................................................................... 117
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ............................................................................................................. 137
SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................................... 139
CONTACT INFORMATION................................................................................................................ 142

MKULTRA 1977 Congressional report
Operation Mind Control - Walter_Bowart
Nolo's Guide to California Law, 11th edition - 2011

California law in broken down in plain-English.

This handy little legal reference is an essential resource for every California home and business. Nolo's Guide to California Law provides you with quick, clear answers to the everyday questions you have about:

child support
consumer rights
employee rights
jury duty
real estate
debt and credit
workplace rights
workers' comp
landlords and tenants
serious illness
and much more
NOLO'S Fight your ticket ... and win

Everything you need to fight an unfair ticket!

We've all received one -- a traffic ticket that seems completely unfair, the result of an officer's evening quota rather than a serious moving violation. But do you have to pay the penalty and watch your driving record crash and burn?

Not if you choose to fight back with Beat Your Ticket.

Beat Your Ticket simply and clearly lays out the best strategies for beating tickets in court. The book explains in plain English how to:

* use the law to fight an unwarranted ticket
* find out what the police officer plans to say at your trial
* attack radar and other detection methods
* pick a jury
* present your case
* cross-examine the ticketing office