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GSXR Compilation 89

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1. U.F.O Magazine #144

2. U.F.O Magazine #145

3. U.F.O Magazine #146

4. U.F.O Magazine #147

5. U.F.O Magazine #148

6. U.F.O Magazine #149

7. U.F.O Magazine #150

8. The H-bomb Secret - The Progressive magazineNovember - Howard Morland 1979

9. The Race Of Ancient Egypt: A rebuttal to Afrocentric exaggerations about a "black" ancient Egypt

One of the most common ways of assessing population relationships has been the comparative analysis of skull types.
Such a study was carried out by the physical anthropologist C. Loring Brace and five co-researchers (Brace et al., 1993)
who statistically analyzed a range of 24 cranial measurements from diverse world samples, including ancient Egyptians.
The results of the analysis suggest that ancient Egyptian crania had elements in common with those from Southwest Asia
and Neolithic Europe, as well as North and Northeast Africa. However, the Egyptian skulls showed very little similarity
to African crania from the more distant south and west. The plot below shows, as accurately as is possible in two
dimensions, the relationships between craniofacial configurations of the various regional samples. The predynastic
sample from Upper Egypt lies very close to the West Eurasian group but also shows tendencies toward some
neighboring African groups; this should not be surprising given Egypt's geographical position near the crossroads of
Africa, Asia, and Europe. The northern Egyptians deviate even more strongly from the tropical African pattern, and
indeed their closest relatives appear to be western Eurasians and coastal North Africans. Notice that the pooled group of
Sub-Saharan Africans from the southern, central, and western regions of the continent does not resemble Egyptians at
all: this group is plotted very distant from both ancient Egyptian samples. Similar conclusions are reached by Howells
(1989, 1995) and Froment (1992, 1994)

10. Race-myths from the extreme left: How Textbooks Obscure and Distort the History of Slavery

Many of today's schoolbooks promote the extreme left's brand of racism. Textbook-
writers disseminate race-myths and racial stereotypes that leftists favor, and the writers conceal any information
that contravenes the leftists' racial ideology. Here is an article that describes how these practices have shaped
the treatment of slavery -- and especially the treatment of the Atlantic slave trade -- in some world-history

11. How To Be Invisible - JJ Luna

For most of us, privacy means an unlisted telephone number. But what about your Social Security number? Your credit card numbers? Your bank account statements? Your personal health data? You may think this information is also secure, but if you've ever ordered anything over the Internet, or if your credit card is on file at the local video store just in case you never return that copy of Titanic, or if you throw out bank statements without shredding them, then this information is now in the public domain and can easily be discovered and used against you by a private eye, a computer hacker, or even a vengeful neighbor of former lover. Once people gain control of even a shred of your personal information, they can gain control of your life. They can transform this information into access to your assets, your loved ones, even your identity. And once your privacy is gone, there is very little you can do to get it back.

12. The Encyclopedia of Mythology - Arthur Cotterell 2006

Ancient mythologies are brought to life in the most comprehensive coverage yet produced. Contains 550 images, including illustrations of classic stories. Includes the classical mythology of ancient Greece and Rome; the fairytale myths of the celtic world; and, from Northern Europe, tales of Germanic gods, Nordic warriors, and fearsome giants.

13. Reiki Shamanism: A Guide to Out-of-Body Healing - Jim PathFinder Ewing 2008

Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of either Reiki or shamanism will learn how to heal people, places, and things, whether at hand or from a distance, in this useful guide. Presented by an expert in both traditions, the techniques of Reiki and the principles of shamanism are explained in simple, concise terms, then brought together using real-life examples to show how Reiki can be practiced within the shamanic journey. Supported by mastery exercises, references to other books, and internet resources, both novices and experienced practitioners will expand their knowledge and ability to help subjects clear old energies and accelerate their "soul purpose.

14. Republic Magazine - Voice of the Patriot Movement (14 Issues)

Federal Income Tax Scam. IRS. Federal Reserve. Federal Reserve Branches are Owned by the Member Banks in that District. Just because the Federal Reserve Headquarters are in Washington D.C. does not make it Federal.

Look at the Largest Recipients of Treasury Bailout Funds???

Research the Past and current Secretary of the Treasury and who they worked for previously. They are all connected.

Why are the following organizations never in the media? They are not Government.
-Trilateral Commission
-Council on Foreign Relations
-Bilderberg Group

do your own research and come to your own conclusions...

15. Foreign Policy Magazine: March April 2008

16. Foreign Policy Magazine May-June 2008

17. Foreign Policy Magazine: Nov-Dec 2008

18. Facing the Sphinx - Marie L. Farrington (1889)



The Masculine Sphinx was not the Primitive Type; Cosmogony and Anthropogenesis; Totem Signs; The Eternal Celestial Book; Astronomy versus
Symbology; Keys to the Jewish Scriptures; The Concessions of the Romish Church; The Age of the Earth; The Age of Mankind; Darwin's Opinion; The Earth's Periods; Evolution; Gaudry's Opinion; Continental Glaciers; White and Black Types; Seventeen Pre-historical Men; A Monstrous Snake and a Gigantic Man; Palaeolithic Arts; Neolithic Lake Dwellers; A Miocene Civilization; The Eocene Age


The Zodiac of Denderah; The Sidereal Year; The Egyptians' Mastery of Exact Sciences; Central Americans and Egyptians Had a Common Origin; The Ancient Races of Central America; The Ballet of the Tapirs; The Importation of Tapirs to America; Symbolism of the Palm: Atlantis was a Continent; The Evolutionary Phases of the Earth; The Cyclic Law; A Cataclysm that Lasted 150,000 Years; The Birth of Africa; The Magnus Annus; Destruction by Water and by Fire; Biblical Theories; The Hyperborean Continent; Amber, The Stone of the Sun; The Origin of Numbers


What is Creation? The Mosaic God; Our Earth; Space; Quiche Manuscript; The Name of God; Universal Laws; The "Heart of Heaven;" The Central Sun; Plato's Anima Mundi; The Life Center; The Mexican Four Creations; The Three Quiche Creations; Causes and Effects; The Birth of Man; The Early Giants; The Missing Link; Separation of Sexes; The Nabathean Agriculture; The Disrespectful Son; Adam the Red; The Four Adams of Genesis; The Teachings of a Double Doctrine


Mythology versus Religion; Too Much Light is Hurtful to the Eyes; The Three Oldest Religions; The Youngest Revelation; Josephus' Pretensions; The Fable of Moses; The Central American Giants; Pagan Gods; The Greater and Lesser Mysteries; The Measure of Time a Secret; The Keys to the Sacred Scriptures; The Pentateuch; The Word Era; The Christian Era; The Essenes; How the New Testament was Gotten Up; The Double Sense System; Origin of the Sacraments


The Seven Keys of Symbolism; Madame Blavatsky's Definitions; Two Great Symbologists; The First Sense; Onomatopoeia; Totemism; Religion's Origin in Awe; Evolution of Symbolism; What is God? The Circle; The Dance of the Tapirs; Votan's Circle; The Brahmanical Egg; The Circle and the Planets; Ezekiel's Wheel; The Masons' Mystic Chain; The Wedding Ring; The Decimal System; The Master Masons' Grip; Tne Ten Sephiroth; The Gnostics' Pleroma; The Pythagorean Decade; The Tetragrammaton. . .


The Weather-gods; The Seven Elements; Masterpieces of Occultism; The Value of Names; The Number Par Excellence; Ragon's Definitions of the Triangle; Trinosophists; Kabalistic Trinity; Mythical Trinity; Starry Triangle; Natural Trinity; The Two Universes; Three Mystic Letters; Taking an Oath; The Nimbus or Glory; The Papal Blessing; Solomon's Seal; Microprosopus; Seven Letters; Seven Astronomically; The Seventh Day; Fiat Lux; The Seven Stars of Ursa Major; Moses and Number Seven; The Pleiades and the Atlantides; The Golden Calf; Seven Principles; Seven Kings of Edom; Niobe and Latona;
Apollo; Jehovah; The Music of the Spheres; Revelation ...


The Woman of Revelation and Latona; Lemuria and Atlantis. The "War in Heaven;" The North Pole and the South Pole; Survival of the Mythical Dragon in China; The Serpent of the Ophites; The Great Bear and the Little Bear; A-Draconis; The Unicorn; The National Arms of England; The Seven-Headed Dragon; The Beast of Revelation; Wisdom in Numbers; Three Letters S. S. S; Evolution in Symbology; The Virgin with Her Babe; Origin of the Easter Eggs; Renewal-Votan, the Serpent; The Hole of a Snake; The Great Sea; The Tree of Knowledge; Chnouphis; The Modern Bracelet; The Brazen Serpent; The Astral Light; Duality in Man


The Father as the Tetrad; the Mother with Her Child; The Gnostic Square; The Four Beasts of Revelation; Ezekiel's Vision; The Four Evangelists; the Squaring of the Circle; Jehovah, the God of the Four Letters; the Tonsure of the Priests; The Tree of Paradise; The Clothing of Man; The Fall; Prometheus; The Secrets of the Kabala; The Quiche 1 Tree; The Dodecahedron; The Ark; The Tree as an Oracle; The Tree of the Prophets; The Gooseberry Bush; The Palm; Eating the Book; Drunkenness; Origin of the Christian Communion; The Mount; The Bad Woman of Hong Kong; Jacob's Pillar; The Phallus; Gabriel's Lily; The Christmas Tree


The Tau and the Astronomical Cross; Our Christmas Trees; The Cross as Natural Symbol; Nilometer; Quartering of Arms; Biblical References to the
Cross; The Four Corners of Revelation; An Initiation Ceremony Surviving in the Romish Church; The Southern Cross; The Lamb or Ram; The Fish, the Bull, and the Scorpion; The Balance or Scales and the Zodiak of Denderah; Two Catholic Festivals; Virgo; Two Christs; The Numerical Value of the Name Christ; The Sun and the Moon; Romish Blazonry; Creeping on all Fours; The Egg and the Cross; The Jews Borrowing from the Egyptians; The Svastica; The Masons' Gavel; The Stauros; The X; The Conversion of Constantine; The First Crucifix; The Gnostic Christ; The Initiation; The Immaculate Conception


The Pentagram and the Pentagon; The Five Limbs of a Man; Capricornius; Akasa; The Dual Priapus; Several Resurrection Myths; St. Paul's Symbolical Teachings; The Cherubims of Glory; The Hebrew Tabernacle; David's Dance; The Argha; The Holy Virgin Mary; The Nave of the Church; The Lingha and Yoni; The Lotus, The Letter M; Aquarius; The Hexagon; The Six Powers of Nature; Six-headed Gods; Leo; The Woman Sitting upon a Scarlet-colored Beast; The Beast Loses One Head; The Third Beast; The Ogdoad; The Caduceus; Melchizadek; Hermes; Nine Splendid Lights; Paradise According to the "Book of God;" The Dodecahedron; The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac; The Twelve Wonders of Hercules; Twelve Manner of Fruits; Number 13


The Greek Philosophers and the Gnostics; Epicureans; Academics; Stoics; Aristotelians; Platonists and Eclectics; Alexandria; Codices Alexandrini; St. Paul's Denunciations; The Monogram I. H. S. ; The Gnosis; Theosophy; Its Aim; Re-incarnation and the Law of Karma; The Original Sin; The Mysteries; Jesus Advocating the Doctrine of Reincarnation; Sinnett's Opinion; Madame Blavatsky's Theory; Dr. Anna Kingsford's Ideas on the Same Subject; How Karma is Generated; The Atonement for Sin; The Eye of Providence; What Regulates the Events of One's Life; A Doctrine with Double Meaning.

19. Kabbalah Of The Golden Dawn - Pat Zalewski

How the ancient and mystic wisdom of the Kabbalah impacts on the Order of the Golden Dawn is the focus of this inter-disciplinary book. A true melding of ideology.

The key to this book's value is that it is a reference book of source material meant to live in the context of a Golden Dawn collection. It is packed with original material not to be found elsewhere in print, before or yet again as of the date of this review. While this book will be of interest to everyone who studies Kabbalah, it will be of especial interest to Golden Dawn practitioners and scholars who wish to deepen their knowledge of this particular "GD" approach to Kabbalah. Having said that, it is not a Primer but assumes a basic knowledge of the GD kabbalistic structure and metaphors available elsewhere, from which basis it is a deeper discussion and an enhancement -- even, in some cases, an intriguing challenge to what is elsewhere printed.

It will therefore be invaluable to anyone who has already picked up the basics of the Golden Dawn approach to Kabbalah who wants deeper information on a particular point, at which time they can study the original documents inside, which are minimally colored by commentary.

A technical example is the Chapter on the ShemHaMephorash, or the name in extension. Zalewski tells where the original Philosophus lecture comes from, and provides an interesting diagram from that original Paper that stands in contrast to the Leo centered ordering of the angels of the Name provided by Mathers, a scheme which is central to the GD understanding of the Tarot pip cards. This may be significant or not to different readers, but is invaluable food for thought to anyone seriously working out for themselves the true attributions of the Name in Extension to the Zodiac and the Tarot.

20. The Early Kabbalah - Joseph Dan

In the late twelfth century, at the height of the Middle Ages that saw the flowering of the mystical element in Christendom, the Rabbinic Judaism of southern Europe was transformed by the eruption of new, Gnostic attitudes and symbolism. This new movement, known as Kabbalah (literally the 'Tradition'), was characterized by the symbol of the ten sefirot. By means of the sefirotic imagery, virtually the whole of everyday life was linked to the cosmic dimension in a novel and highly original fashion that stressed the dynamic, evolutionary element of the Godhead and the synergistic relationship between the human will and the action of God on earth. During a century of creativity, a detailed system of symbols and concepts was created by the author of the Sefer ha-Bahir, the Kabbalists of Provence, the Iyyun circle, and the mystics of Provence and Castile that set the stage for the great Kabbalists of the Zohar generation.

21. Fortune Secrets: How To Release Your PSI Powers - Uri Geller

amazon review

Uri geller has done it again! This book is a fantastic way of improving you self and your mindpower. Just by following the simple steps you can achieve your goals, no matter how far away they seem. I realy enjoyed reading the book because Uri has a unique way of writting. It is as if he is talking to you! That is what I like about it. And it has allready helped me in a big way my school grades have shot up since I have been reading the book. Well worth the read!!

22. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Better Skin

From diet to peels—a complete picture.
A skin-care expert and a medical writer provide readers with a lifelong plan for good skin. With advice for everyone from teens to seniors, they cover such topics as the importance of diet, exercise, and water intake; which "cosmeceuticals" and pharmaceuticals really work; and treatments for problems such as aging, sun damage, acne, pregnancy masks, menopause, rosacea, and more.

23. Wind Turbine Recipe Book - The Axial Flux Windmill Plans - Hugh Piggott 2009

The most simple and concise way to generate your own power. No hype, no gimmicky bull, just a good "homebrew" step-by-step manual to build your own wind generator.

I have been looking for this book everywhere for months now and finally saw it on a few torrent site for about 48 hours before it was gone again. Luckily I managed to dl it in time and really think it's worth sharing. It's not OCRd but its great quality!

I have uploaded cause I know there are ALOT of people interested making a wind turbine that really works and that you can really use to supplement or even replace your utility power supply.

There's something awesome about self sufficiency - oh, and not getting screwed by the electricity companies

24. Welt der Wunder 8 2008

Welt der Wunder is a German magazine abaut science, history, politics,
it has some great pictures and kinda get the idea of things


There's some really interesting stuff here. Please seed.

Thanks for the upload.