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1. Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences (3-Volume Set) $1,170.00
The Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences is the first resource to provide comprehensive coverage of the core theories, methods, techniques, and applications employed by forensic scientists. One of the more pressing concerns in forensic science is the collection of evidence from the crime scene and its relevance to the forensic analysis carried out in the laboratory. The Encyclopedia will serve to inform both the crime scene worker and the laboratory worker of their protocols, procedures, and limitations. The more than 200 articles contained in the Encyclopedia form a repository of core information that will be of use to instructors, students, and professionals in the criminology, legal, and law enforcement communities.
Key Features:
* Contains more than 200 articles written by international experts in the field
* Outlines the methods and techniques used in evidence collection, analysis, and investigation
* Includes Further Reading lists in each article to allow easy access to the primary literature
* Makes information easy to find with extensive cross-referencing and a complete index
* Includes a comprehensive glossary that defines nearly 900 forensic science terms
* Provides many photographs, figures, and tables to illustrate the text, plus color plate sections
* Includes initial access to the online version with purchase of the print edition
* Ongoing access is maintained for a minimum annual fee
2. Hallucinogens and Shamanism - Michael J. Harner 1973
It is high time (ahem) this collection of writings receive the praise it is due. Offerings on this subject have proliferated in recent decades, but far too many of them have little to offer those seeking genuine knowledge and understanding. Here, packed in one volume, is an assortment of excellent articles exploring various aspects of how hallucinogenic plants and fungi figure in ritual uses across culture. This is a work of anthropology, not lightweight stuff for those who want to beat their own drum playing "New Age shaman" (instead of learn about shamanism as an aspect of other cultures to which such practices actually belong). Later in his career, Harner abandoned this type of scholarly work and went with a more commercialized route that was far less interesting (unless, again, you want to become a Harner Core Method ® Shaman yourself). But this volume amply testifies that in his early career Harner did some excellent work, such as his field studies among the Shuar Indians (popularly known as the Jivaro), whose culture is steeped in shamanism and applications of hallucinogenic plants. (Incidental irony: many of the Shuar shamans state that they took up their practice in order to get rich!)
One of the most fascinating and informative pieces in this book is Harner's article on the use of belladonna and related plants by peasant herbalists accused of witchcraft in mediaeval Europe. The evidence he presents is strong and persuasive, but watch out! It tends to demolish more fashionable and ideologically polarizing interpretations of history, such as (a) there were no "witches," the very idea is preposterous, the whole notion just a paranoid projection from the hysterical imaginations of superstitious people in a pre-scientific age; (b) witches were real, and Evil!, worshippers of Satan, even if they didn't exactly fly on broomsticks; and (c) witches were real and Good!, noble practitioners of an ancient pagan goddess-worship religion. No, its all much more interesting than any of that, turns out.
The selections in this volume are generally well written, although in the scholarly-academic sense, i.e., with the intention of informing, not merely entertaining, the reader. A favorite, unique highlight herein is "The Mushrooms of Language," which astutely interprets Mazatec Indian customs concerning psilocybin mushrooms. The final section of the book raises an interesting question, of the extent to which experiences with hallucinogenic drugs may tap into something beyond cultural soft-wiring of perception, although none of the evidence offered could be described as conclusive, only suggestive.
This book came out in the early 1970's, before the discussion and exploration of this subject got derailed by the "Castaneda effect" and similar "New Agey" influences. It is founded not upon exploitation and sensationalism, but intellectually open-minded curiosity and a desire to explore and learn with feet planted firmly on the ground. "Hallucinogens and Shamanism" is baby without dirty bathwater, and as such is highly recommended for those with serious interest.
3. The Data Book of Astronomy - Patrick Moore 2000
The Data Book of Astronomy is a one-stop reference for astronomers at all levels of experience, from beginners to experienced observers. Filled with data about the Earth, Moon, the planets, the stars, our Galaxy, and the myriad galaxies in deep space, it also reveals the latest scientific discoveries about black holes, quasars, and the origins of the Universe. Written by a premier astronomy expert, this book begins with a discussion of the Sun, from sunspots to solar eclipses. It then features over 100 tables on characteristics of the Moon, and the names, positions, sizes, and other key descriptors of all the planets and their satellites. The book tabulates solar and lunar eclipse, comets, close-approach asteroids, and significant meteor showers dates. Twenty-four maps show the surface features of the planets and their moons. The author then looks to the stars, their distances and movements, and their detailed classification and evolution. Forty-eight star charts cover both northern and southern hemispheres, enabling you to track down and name the main stars in all the constellations. The maps are supported by detailed tables of the names, positions, magnitudes, and spectra of the main stars in each constellation, along with key data on galaxies, nebulae, and clusters. There is a useful catalogue of the world's great telescopes and observatories, a history of astronomy and of space research, and biographies of 250 astronomers who have been most influential in developing the current understanding of the subject.
4. The Bumper B3ta Book of Sick Jokes - Rob Manuel 2005
The Bumper B3ta Book of Sick Jokes is utterly disgusting. Don't take our word for it, here's what some bloke at Amazon had to say, "The jokes in this book are brilliant, you know the type you tell your mate's in the pub but would not tell your mam? Totally un-pc. Offensive, disgusting. Buy this book, it will have you crying with laughter."
5. Stonehenge - Rosemary Hill 2008
This is the first book to approach Stonehenge without any theoretical position. It describes what is known and believed about the monument’s construction from c. 3000 BCE onwards. The Middle Ages were content with the story of it having been brought by Merlin from Ireland. The post Reformation antiquaries gave us the conception of Stonehenge as a historical monument. It played a significant role in the imagination of writers and artists. Then the Victorians invented prehistory and Darwin himself came to measure it. In 1918 it passed into public ownership and 1926 saw the first forced entry by Druids.The Earth Mysteries Movement now sees the stones as part of a greater web of ley lines and other phenomena. Archaeologists, united in their disdain for that, remain divided on many other points. And perhaps the most fraught issue now is conservation as the henge stands between two thundering main roads. This rich and provocative book explores all this in presenting a monument whose history is as fascinating as its secret.
6. Atlantis Rising, 21 - Magazine
Atlantis Rising, 22 - Magazine
Atlantis Rising, 49 - Magazine
Atlantis Rising, 69 - Magazine
7. 17 various books - by W.W. Atkinson
8. The History of the House of Rothschild by Anonymous Andy and Daryl Bradford Smith, 2006
The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long
time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as
is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump
to the timeline, please read this invaluable introduction which will
tell you who the Rothschilds are as oppose to who they claim to be.
The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are
Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied
the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is
now predominantly occupied by Georgia. The reason the
Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the
instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but
of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian
genes to the genes of the Jewish people.
You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today
who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be
known, Ashkenazi Jews. These people knowingly lie to the world
with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in
actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia.
So, next time you hear an Israeli Prime Minister bleating about the
so-called persecution of the Jews, consider this, every Prime Minister
of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew. Therefore when all these Prime
Ministers have curried favour with the West for their re-
establishment of a Jewish homeland, they have knowingly and
deliberately lied to you, as they were never from that region, and
they well know it, because it is they who call themselves Ashkenazi
9. Our Homes Are Mortaged For The National Debt
10. The Real Story of the Money-Control Over America - By Sheldon Emry
Americans, living in what is called the richest nation on earth, seem always to be short of money.
Wives are working in unprecedented numbers, husbands hope for overtime hours to earn more,
or take part-time jobs evenings and weekends, children look for odd jobs for spending money,
the family debt climbs higher, and psychologists say one of the biggest causes of family quarrels
and breakups is "arguments over money." Much of this trouble can be traced to our present
"debt-money" system.
Too few Americans realize why Christian Statesmen wrote into Article I of the U.S. Constitution:
Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value Thereof.
They did this, as we will show, in prayerful hope it would prevent "love of money" from
destroying the Republic they had founded. We shall see how subversion of Article I has brought
on us the "evil" of which God's Word had warned.
11. A Short History Of Paper Money
12. Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme - Richard Brodie
If you've ever wondered how and why people become robotically enslaved by advertising, religion, sexual fantasy, and cults, wonder no more. It's all because of "mind viruses," or "memes," and those who understand how to plant them into other's minds. This is the first truly accessible book about memes and how they make the world go 'round.
13. The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution
Resistance to malaria. Blue eyes. Lactose tolerance. What do all of these traits have in common? Every one of them has emerged in the last 10,000 years.
Scientists have long believed that the “great leap forward” that occurred some 40,000 to 50,000 years ago in Europe marked end of significant biological evolution in humans. In this stunningly original account of our evolutionary history, top scholars Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending reject this conventional wisdom and reveal that the human species has undergone a storm of genetic change much more recently. Human evolution in fact accelerated after civilization arose, they contend, and these ongoing changes have played a pivotal role in human history. They argue that biology explains the expansion of the Indo-Europeans, the European conquest of the Americas, and European Jews' rise to intellectual prominence. In each of these cases, the key was recent genetic change: adult milk tolerance in the early Indo-Europeans that allowed for a new way of life, increased disease resistance among the Europeans settling America, and new versions of neurological genes among European Jews.
Ranging across subjects as diverse as human domestication, Neanderthal hybridization, and IQ tests, Cochran and Harpending's analysis demonstrates convincingly that human genetics have changed and can continue to change much more rapidly than scientists have previously believed. A provocative and fascinating new look at human evolution that turns conventional wisdom on its head, The 10,000 Year Explosion reveals the ongoing interplay between culture and biology in the making of the human race.
14. Wider than the Sky: The Phenomenal Gift of Consciousness - Dr. Gerald Edelman Ph.D 2004
How does the firing of neurons give rise to subjective sensations, thoughts, and emotions? How can the disparate domains of mind and body be reconciled? The quest for a scientifically based understanding of consciousness has attracted study and speculation across the ages. In this direct and non-technical discussion of consciousness, Dr. Gerald M. Edelman draws on a lifetime of scientific inquiry into the workings of the brain to formulate answers to the mind-body questions that intrigue every thinking person. Concise and understandable, the book explains pertinent findings of modern neuroscience and describes how consciousness arises in complex brains. Edelman explores the relation of consciousness to causation, to evolution, to the development of the self, and to the origins of feelings, learning, and memory. His analysis of the brain activities underlying consciousness is based upon recent remarkable advances in biochemistry, immunology, medical imaging, neuroscience, and evolutionary biology, yet the implications of his book extend farther--beyond the worlds of science and medicine into virtually every area of human inquiry.
15. Galileo's Finger: The Ten Great Ideas of Science - Peter Atkins (djvu)
Why Galileo's finger? Galileo, one of whose fingers is preserved in a vessel displayed in Florence, provided much of the impetus for modern science, pointing the way out of medieval ignorance. In this brilliant account of the central ideas of contemporary science, Peter Atkins celebrates the effectiveness of Galileo's symbolic finger for revealing the nature of our universe, our world, and ourselves.
Galileo's Finger takes the reader on an extraordinary journey that embraces the ten central ideas of current science. "By a great idea," writes Peter Atkins, "I mean a simple concept of great reach, an acorn of an idea that ramifies into a great oak tree of application, a spider of an idea that can spin a great web and draw in a feast of explanation and elucidation." With wit, charm, and patience, Atkins leads the reader to an understanding of the essence of the whole of science, from evolution and the emergence of complexity, to entropy, the spring of all change in the universe; from energy, the universalization of accountancy, to symmetry, the quantification of beauty; and from cosmology, the globalization of reality, to spacetime, the arena of all action.
"My intention is for us to travel to the high ridges of science," Atkins tells us. "As the journey progresses and I lead you carefully to the summit of understanding, you will experience the deep joy of illumination that science alone provides."
Galileo's Finger breaks new ground in communicating science to the general reader. Here are the essential ideas of today's science, explained in magical prose.
16. The Cambridge Companion to Darwin (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy) - Jonathan Hodge, Gregory Radick 2009
The naturalist and geologist Charles Darwin (1809-82) ranks as one of the most influential scientific thinkers of all time. In the nineteenth century his ideas about the history and diversity of life - including the evolutionary origin of humankind - contributed to major changes in the sciences, philosophy, social thought and religious belief. The Cambridge Companion to Darwin has established itself as an indispensable resource for anyone teaching or researching Darwin's theories and their historical and philosophical interpretations. Its distinguished team of contributors examines Darwin's main scientific ideas and their development; Darwin's science in the context of its times; the influence of Darwinian thought in recent philosophical, social and religious debate; and the importance of Darwinian thought for the future of naturalist philosophy. For this second edition, coverage has been expanded to include two new chapters: on Darwin, Hume and human nature, and on Darwin's theories in the intellectual long run, from the pre-Socratics to the present.
17. Fairy Tales A New History - Ruth B. Bottigheimer 2009
Overturns traditional views of the origins of fairy tales and documents their actual origins and transmission.
18. Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic - by William Walker Atkinson 1908
The Mental Dynamo; Nature of Mind Power; Mentative Induction; Mental Magic in Animal and Human Life; Desire and Will in Fable; Personal Magnetism; Channels of Influence; Instruments of Expression; Four Kinds of suggestion; How Suggestion is Used; A Glimpse of the Occult Worlds; Self-Protection; Mental Healing Methods; Mind-Building.
19. The Emperor Wears No Clothes
This is a very good legalization pot book and was one of the first to really break through the scene. There is lots of facts here to get through and lots of oddball type stories that you will enjoy. This is what makes the book unique. All these strange but true stories about hemp.
20. Growing Wild Mushrooms: A Complete Guide to Cultivating Edible and Hallucinogenic Mushrooms -
by Bob Harris
This step-by-step guide introduces the beginning mushroom cultivator to everything he needs to know, from sterile culture procedures to indoor bottle gardens to indoor/outdoor compost gardens. Ten chapters cover equipment, growing media, compost, small indoor quantities, starting cultures, and incubation. Black-and-white line drawings and half-tones complement the 16 full color photos taken by the author, founder of the mail order business Mushroom People.