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Globalist Worldwide Takeover Planned for Decades - COVID is Just the Beginning

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CommentGlobalist Worldwide Takeover Planned for Decades - COVID is Just the Beginning An eye-opening mini-documentary that provides insights on how the COVID pandemic was planned, the objective being to accelerate United Nations and World Economic Forum agendas – The Great Reset, Agenda 21/2030, Sustainable Development... “Based on researcher, Grace Van Berkum, amazing work digging into the United Nations & World Economic Forum site that starts with the COVID wheel. The site lays out an entire, comprehensive, meticulous plan for changing our ENTIRE world. It’s all on plain site, but it is complex and deep. It takes hours to navigate through each branch and there are literally hundreds of levels and branches. All of this starts with the COVID page which shows, 100% without a doubt, that this has been planned for decades. There is no way all of this was developed since February when the virus first broke into our consciousness.” - Sarah Westall BitChute Video: Original Article: World Economic Forum Strategic Intelligence Platform – COVID Wheel:
Created ByqBittorrent v4.3.0
Creation Date2020.10.24 02:40
Info Hashbebb1c3886bf0d59be28af0d5c3d13772fee1d17
NameGlobalist Worldwide Takeover Planned for Decades - COVID is Just the Beginning
Node ID41054
Number of Files2
Number of Pieces1093
Piece Length256 KiB
Size273.02 MiB