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Glenn Beck TV - March 5th 2010 - Indoctrination Of Our Kids,2933,588178,00.html
Do You Know What Your Kids Are Learning?
Years ago, there was an announcement before the local newscasts: "Parents, it's 10 o'clock. Do you know where you children are?" In fact, there's a station in New York that still does it.
That question or maybe a somewhat-modified version is even more relevant today: "Parents, it's 2010. Do you know what your children are learning?"
You should. There is a concerted effort to indoctrinate your children with progressive propaganda, going on right now. It's everywhere: the Disney Channel and Nickelodeon, with the global warming agenda. And many of our nation's schools are hitting our kids with the full progressive assault.
Thursday, the "The National Day of Action to Defend Education" took place. It sounds innocent enough. The rally Web site says the event was to protest against the current assault on public education: tuition hikes, budget cuts, furlough days, intentional reduction in enrollment.
So if it's really just about education and protecting the kids, why did virtually every socialist and communist organization in existence support this event? Groups like Students for a Democratic Society, the Socialist Party USA, several progressive student alliances and something called Fight Imperialism — Stand Together among many more. For a school function?
A faction of La Raza — a Latino civil rights organization — is jumping onboard and they are apparently trying to turn this into an "education is a right" message and use this platform for allowing illegal aliens to use in-state tuition as their protest message. M.E.Ch.A is also involved — they're a radical group who wants to reclaim the Southwestern U.S. for Mexico.
What's going on? Well, there's a battle for the hearts and minds of your children. While you're busy trying to make a living and navigate through the daily madness piling up all around you, progressives are working on indoctrinating America's youth, your kids. Everything is about planet worship, social justice and supporting Barack Obama. Just look what's happening in our schools:
UNIDENTIFIED CHILDREN: Yes, we can, can, can!
Yes, we can, can, can!
Yes, we, can, can, can!
Progressives and Obama are getting considerable help from teachers in our public schools:
Mmm, mmm, mmm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mmm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mmm!
Barack Hussein Obama
It's not enough to simply indoctrinate them with the progressive agenda, they're also being told that they know more than you, their parents. We've shown you that progressives like Al Gore have pitted children against their parents. This is Gore telling thousands of teens and preteens at an inaugural youth conference in Washington last year not to listen to their parents:
FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE: There are some things about our world that you know, that older people don't know.
I'm sure those parents appreciated Al telling their impressionable kids that they know more about life than they do. Maybe they appreciate Meghan McCain saying this:
MEGHAN MCCAIN: I consider myself a progressive Republican.
Maybe Meghan attended some of those child-empowerment camps. She seems to think that her wisdom — at 24 — exceeds the knowledge and wisdom of the feeble old coots, who like... at like... 40 or 50…are so, like… stupid:
MCCAIN: And I have taken heat, but in fairness to me, I am a different generation than the people that are giving me heat. I'm 24 years old. I'm not in my 40s, I'm not in my 50s and older.
And Obama's own Web site, during the campaign, featured a video called "The Talk," in which kids had "the talk" about Obama and political issues with their parents:
UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: It almost feels like a parent-child conversation, except I'm the parent and they're the child.
Encouraging kids — some on that video couldn't have been any more than 14 — to presume that they have more knowledge, wisdom, experience and political savvy than their parents do is absolutely despicable. I mean, think back to what you thought you knew at 14 or even 24 and what you now know. Even if you had an IQ of 500 when you were a teen, the maturity, reason and logic that comes with age and experiencing life just isn't there.
And Obama knows that. If he can convince them, before they have the chance to develop their senses, he has a chance to "change" the mindset of this nation. And that's exactly what he and his allies are trying to do.
An Obama supporter — let's call him Eric — has written a book — let's call it "Eric's Book." Now, keep in mind, it's a book that sold about eight copies, but the point is this is part of an overall agenda. The book and video are propaganda pieces that would make Joseph Goebbels proud. The video is dedicated to twisting the youth of America into progressive zombies:
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A new generation.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A new generation...
UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: Is coming to power.
This is his "Generation We," born between 1978 and 2000. He is aggressively trying to mold those 95 million young people into a massive, collective, progressive voting block that would fundamentally transform, America:
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are more globally oriented.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're more ethnically diverse.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're more technologically adept.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Less politically partisan.
UNIDENTIFIED BOY: And we're the first generation in American history...
UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: To inherit a nation...
Wow. More globally oriented? Right, stop with your patriotic nonsense, we're building global citizens — there's no need for U.S. sovereignty. That's for like... old people who are maybe, like... forty? Remember this guy's a clown and is having minimal impact. But it's a pattern. This message is found throughout the progressive movement — that your children are "better educated," they're smarter than you. You can't begin to understand the things they do. You're not capable.
I was also moved by the "less politically partisan" line there, when absolutely every line in this abomination is partisan, leftist, progressive propaganda. But, let's find out why they're the only generation to inherit a nation in decline:
UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: Some of us are losing our homes.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Our dependence on fossil fuels...
UNIDENTIFIED BOY: Has polluted our environment.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our water is contaminated...
UNIDENTIFIED BOY: And our health is in danger.
First of all, I hate to see anyone "lose their home," but could there be a reason for it? Maybe your uneducated, dad just isn't smart enough to hold down a job? I mean, he's probably older than twenty-five.
Then, there's the environmental hogwash. I don't know about you, but I can't get enough of this discredited hoax. "Our water is contaminated"? Really?
It's a shame that "Generation We" is too young to remember Lake Erie on fire. Now that's contamination — water so polluted, it bursts into flame. And, before you start sending out your Tweets, I know, it was technically the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland that spontaneously combusted — so sue me.
The point is our lakes, rivers, streams and virtually all waterways are much cleaner now than they were 20, 30 or 40 years ago. Our standards are higher, as is awareness, so companies can't just dump waste into water supplies anymore... unless you're doing business in China. We do nearly everything cleaner now than ever.
As a parent, it's really shocking the way this uses our children, some of these kids are 10 years old. But it's important to know about this attempt at brainwashing your children.