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George McLean - The Rise and Fall of Anarchy in America - pdf [TKRG]
Genre: History, Americas, World
Publisher: Nabu Press
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1171623313
ISBN-13: 978-1171623311
Format: PDF
Excerpt from The Rise and Fall of Anarchy in America: From Its Incipient Stage to the First Bomb Thrown in Chicago; A Comprehensive Account of the Great Conspiracy Culminating in the Haymarket Massacre, May 4th, 1886; A Minute Account of the Apprehension, Trial, Conviction and Execution of the Leading Conspi
"Order is Heaven's First Law" - Liberty Enlightening the World - The Red Flag - The Price of Liberty - Our National Institutions - When Judgment and Justice is Abroad in the Land the People will Learn Righteousness; Their Nationality - First Agitation - Leader of Anarchy - Revenge Circular - The Haymarket Meeting - The Lehr und Wehr Verein - The Massacre - Dispersing the Mob; Bravery of the Police - The Occupation of the Conspirators - The Trial - Securing a Jury - Bombs in Court - Evidence of Detective Johnson - Parsons Swears He "Wont Eat Snow-Balls Next Winter" - Drilling Anarchists - Pinkerton Detectives - Cross-Examination - Bombs and Dynamite - Parson,s View of the Board of Trade - Guns, Dynamite and Prussic Acid Advocated by Spies - Prosecution Rests Its Case; Under a Cloud - A Struggle For Life - Contesting Every Point by Shrewd Counsel - Braving It out - Throttling the Law - Fielden on the Stand