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George Gordon's Radio 07-04-10 thru 08-14-10

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George Gordon's Radio Library

Who Is George Gordon?

George Gordon is the nation's foremost teacher of pro se courtroom strategy and procedure, a pioneer who taught himself the ins and outs of defending himself in court when Big Brother put him out of business. He is an author, lecturer, father and former corporate president. In 1979, he created Barrister's Inn in Boise, Idaho to teach civil law and courtroom strategy and procedure. In 1985, he moved to Isabella, Missouri, and created George Gordon's School of Law, which has been a leader in teaching individuals to successfully represent themselves in the civil court system.

George's experience over the years includes six cases of his that have gone to the U.S. Supreme Court and numerous others that have gone the distance in various state or federal courts. These have ranged from custody cases involving grandparents' rights, through Title 42 suits over civil rights violations by local or state authorities (one of which was even settled in gold), to cases on personal status. Some have even affected national courtroom procedure such as Gordon v. Idaho, 778 F2d 1397, in which the Federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that an individual no longer has to take an oath or affirmation in court, if his reason for not taking it is based on the fact that the Bible (which they so kindly provide for you to swear on) says that you shouldn't swear oaths. If you add in the cases where students of his were parties to the action, the number goes into the hundreds, if not the thousands. Many questions as to an individual's status and his relationship with various governmental bodies have first been answered in cases involving George or his students.

In addition to teaching pro se litigation, George is also one of the nation's few teachers of the Mosaic Law. In fact, he is one of the only people in the United States, if not the world, to practice this Law in its entirety. This adherence to a Law and its attendant moral code (which was not done away with, no matter what is being taught in the churches out there) has made George a target of, yet virtually untouched by, both governmental and religious groups--something few people can claim.

George is a subsistence farmer using organic methods to practice land stewardship pursuant to the Scriptural land laws. He and his family are living peacefully in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and are doing so without any Social Security Numbers, marriage licenses, business permits, insurance, innoculations, bank loans, credit cards, public school, government inspections, in fact, without any government intrusion into their lives. He observes the Mosaic Law and does not advocate, nor teach, anarchy, civil disobedience, or racism.

While he has successfully used common law pleadings in both state and federal courts, he is not now, nor has he ever been, associated with the erroneous 'common law courts' that have been springing up over the past few years, nor with such groups as the Montana Freemen or the 'Republic of Texas.' He is an individual and, as such, belongs to no groups. Also, contrary to what has been reported, he is not in hiding, he is not in prison (in fact, he has never been in prison, particularly not over taxes; his only confrontation with the IRS resulted in a win), and (to paraphrase Mark Twain) the reports of his death are greatly exaggerated. He is alive, doing well, and teaching classes in Isabella, Missouri.

Last Revision: Mon, 12/15/2008 - 18:03 — webmaster


What is George Gordon's School of Law?

George Gordon's School of Law is a private, pre-arranged, invitation-only school located in the heart of the Missouri Ozarks. This school has a number of classes that are aimed at one or both of the two goals of the school: enabling someone to competently represent him/herself in the civil court system, and teaching individuals the theory and practice of the Mosaic Law found in the Scriptures. George has not sought, nor would he accept, government accreditation or funding for this school; in fact, he has turned down offers of accreditation so that he can continue to teach things in his own fashion without government interference, as an individual.

George, oftimes called the 'Godfather of the Common Law' by the media, has been teaching people over twenty years now, sixteen of them in Isabella, Missouri. He has had literally thousands of people come to a town so small that it doesn't show up on many maps. And you ask, "Why?" The reason is that his students succeed. Of those who have gone through his classes, for example, only a few (less than twenty that we know of) have lost tax cases that they've been involved in, and those few either came to class after a grand jury had handed down an indictment and/or ignored what George taught them and hired a lawyer instead. This is an unprecedented record, especially when one considers that law is essentially a zero-sum game where you have to have a loser for every winner. And remember, prosecutors usually don't file charges until they're pretty sure they can win, so the percentage of cases, especially tax cases, won by the government is extremely high, over 90% in many courts. We admit that in most of these cases you can't find them by name or case number because we consider a win in tax court (for example) to consist of meeting 3 goals: (1) avoiding jail; (2) retaining use of your assets; and (3) solving the problem of harassment from then on through a change in status, not rebellion. George's students are over 90% successful in attaining those three goals in tax cases. Not too bad when you consider that lawyers, either criminal or civil, lose about 94% of their cases. Even pro se litigants, on the average, don't do too much better, losing about 84% of their cases. But, a national legal publication noted that trained pro se litigants average a 90% win rate.

George keeps class sizes low (about 6 students) to allow each student time for individual attention. We believe in quality, not quantity. Also, since no two people come from the same background, have the same problems, or wish to obtain the same goals, we've found that individual attention is not merely good, it's essential for success.

There are 'George Gordon wanna-bes' out there, duplicating George's material, but the classroom portion, i.e. the attention paid to each and every student, is missing from their attempts to copy George; often we find the entire point of doing something is missing, with people being told "Just do it, because that's what you have to do. You don't have to understand why." We've found that if you want to be successful, you do what successful people do and understand why they do it. If you want to be a winner like George, you have to do what he does, not just a little here and a little there. It may be hard, but it works. The wanna-be's tend to leave out both the explanations and the hard parts, either because they don't understand it or they've decided that it's more marketable if it's easier.

George Gordon's School of Common Law offers a number of different classes, some brief descriptions of which follow. If you're interested in a specific class, you can find more information by going to the Catalog of Classes section, and clicking on the one(s) you want.

Title 42 Class: a one-week seminar covering monetary compensation for redress of grievances committed by (un)civil servants.

Basic Courtroom Strategy & Procedure Class: a two-week seminar covering the step-by-step procedures followed in both civil and criminal courts, and both civil code pleading and common law pleas.

Status & Tax Class: a one-week seminar covering your legal status, how it affects you, and what you can do about it. This is not an 'untaxing' class and is not about breaking the law but, rather, about regaining your lost rights.

The Mosaic Law Class: a week-long seminar offered twice annually, covering all the Scriptural Laws - codified, arranged alphabetically, and printed in their entirety. It also includes the approximately 360 pivotal Supreme Court cases dealing with religious free exercise. This provides you with the material you need to go into court and argue any Scripturally-based stand using the Bible as a law book.

Professsional Class: a one-week seminar for individuals who have left, or are leaving, the licenses, permits, and other connecting links to the government behind. This class teaches you to function in today's economic world successfully.

Subsistence & Survival Class: a one-week seminar covering basic survival skills like killing and butchering a cow, then canning it (hands-on experience, as it's done as a class). It also covers the 64 life threatening scenarios laid out in Scripture. Are you aware of what we're facing, how you can prepare for it, and survive it? It does no good to prepare for 63 scenarios and miss number 64.

Though most classes will be taught in Isabella, MO, George will teach classes 'on the road'. If enough people in an area (approximately 7) will guarantee that they'll show up for a class, George will schedule one in for them. If you're interested in this, and think there are enough people in your area who are also, just give us a call and we'll see what dates are available.

Last Revision: Mon, 12/15/2008 - 18:18 — webmaster


An Introduction to George Gordon

07-04-10 thru 07-10-10 Sea Energy Agriculture

07-11-10 thru 07-17-10 The Secret Societies

07-18-10 thru 07-24-10 The New Age Bible

07-25-10 thru 07-31-10 Scientific Fraud

08-01-10 thru 08-07-10 Business Principles

08-08-10 thru 08-14-10 The Poisoned Needle
