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Genealogical Library - Notable British Families 1600s-1900s

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CommentThis is the amazing Genealogical Library CD featuring Notable British Families 1600s-1900s and includes some rare and otherwise hard to find books on the history of British Nobility and how they have spread all over the world, especially to America. Find out how some of the most well known American politicians (including presidents) and other wealthy or famous persons are actually descendants of British noble families and how some of them even relate to the current queen. While many Americans still believe that their Independence war eliminated the tyrannical British influence forever, the impeccable research on family records of the current ruling elite shows quite the opposite, namely that a silent takeover of the British aristocratic families has occured right in front of the naive Americans.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2009.05.27 14:27
Info Hash6feecb469400dd379777da940ae3b184bdd2b8ce
NameGenealogical Library - Notable British Families 1600s-1900s (includes Family Archive Viewer).iso
Node ID4516
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces538
Piece Length1024 KiB
Size537.57 MiB