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Frontline - The Secret History Of The Credit Card (PBS)(2004).avi

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CommentFrontline - The Secret History Of The Credit Card - It's one of the most wonderful times of the year for the banking industry's most lucrative business: credit cards. In the coming weeks, millions of Americans will reach into their wallets and use plastic to buy an estimated $100 billion in holiday gifts. But at what cost?
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2008.12.27 12:54
Info Hash3ec2ec7c9eb8c89c3353de9d83e34ade6afce758
NameFrontline - The Secret History Of The Credit Card (PBS)(2004).avi
Node ID6841
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces791
Piece Length1024 KiB
Size790.23 MiB