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Foundation Of The Sunnah
By the Revered Imaam, the Scholar, the Teacher, the Reviver of the Sunnah, the Subduer of Innovations
Died 241 H (855 Gregorian)
Chapter One : The Life and Trials of Imaarn Ahmad
Chapter Two : On the Meaning of Eemaan - A Refutation of the Mu'tazilah of Today
Chapter Three : Some Sayings from the Salaf Concerning Allaah's Attributes and their Consensus Concerning the Falsehood of Ta'weel - A refutation of the Ash'ariyyah
Chapter Four : Affirming the Attributes of Allaah with their Dhaahir (Apparent) and Haqeeqi (Real) Meaning and a Refutation that the Way of the Salaf was Allegedly Tafweedh - A Refutation of the Mufawwidah
Chapter Five : The Consensus of the Salaf from among the Companions of Allaah's Messenger on the Prohibition of Reviling the Rulers and Publicizing their Faults, be they Righteous or Sinful - A Refutation of the Khawaarij
Chapter Six : The Distinguishing Signs of Ahlus-Sunnah
Chapter Seven : The Distinguishing Signs of Ahlul-Bid’ah(the People of Innovation
Chapter Eight : On the Prohibition of Sitting with the People of Innovation; Listening to them, Arguing with them, To Abandon them and those who Associate with them.
Chapter Nine - On the Necessity of Accepting the Ahadeeth Reported by Reliable and Trustworthy Narrators Mentioning the Attributes of Allaah - A Refutation against the Rationalist School of Thought
Chapter Ten - The Ahadeeth of Abul-l-lasan al-Ash'aree and a Refutation of the Ash’ariyyah
Glossary of Arabic Terms