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The Flanagan Neurophone and Montauk Mind Control (2015)
Build your own Neurophone - complete with instruction manuals and electronic circuits.
TESLA fans pay attention: Patrick Flanagan believes to be the reincarnation of Nikola Tesla, and
he's no fool.
In 1958, Dr. Patrick Flanagan invented the Neurophone in Bellaire, Texas when he was 14 years old.
This electronic device transmits sound through the skin, by-passing normal hearing. A family friend
who was a patent attorney for Shell Oil, helped Patrick submit a patent application. The patent
examiners thought that this was just sound transfer through bone conduction and refused to issue a
patent for 12 years. In a rare meeting in 1970, the patent office agreed to examine the Neurophone
for themselves and meet Patrick and his attorney. They both encountered a surprise. The examiner had
a deaf employee attend the meeting to test the device. The man was totally nerve deaf in one ear and
almost totally deaf in the other. Patrick showed him how to use the Neurophone and played a record
of the famous Maria Callas singing an opera. As he was able to hear the undistorted beauty of her
voice, the tears of joy streamed down his face. When we listen to music or human speech through the
Neurophone we are hearing sounds through two distinct channels. One channel is heard normally by the
ears by means of the cochlea and the other channel is sent through the skin and/or bone to the
saccule. One can easily tell the difference between the two modes of hearing by plugging up the ears
while listening to the Neurophone.
How does it work?
The skin is our largest and most complex organ. In addition to being the first line of defense
against infection, the skin is a gigantic liquid crystal brain. The skin is piezo-electric. When it
is vibrated or rubbed, it generates electric signals and scalar waves. Every organ of perception
evolved from the skin. When we are embryos, our sensory organs evolved from the folds in the skin.
Many primitive organisms and animals can see and hear with their skin. We now know that the skin
transmits ultrasonic impulses to an organ in the inner ear known as the Saccule. The skin vibrates
in resonance with the ultrasonic (40 KHz) Neurophone modulated carrier wave and transmits the sound
from the carrier through multiple channels into the brain. When the Neurophone was originally
developed, neurophysiologists considered that the brain was hard- wired and that the various cranial
nerves were hard-wired to every sensory system. The eighth cranial nerve is the nerve bundle that
runs from the inner ear to the brain. Theoretically, we should only be able to hear with our ears if
our sensor organs are hardwired.
Electronic Telepathy
The Neurophone is an electronic telepathy machine. Several tests prove that it bypasses the eighth
cranial nerve, the hearing nerve, and transmits sound directly to the brain. This means that the
Neurophone stimulates perception through a seventh or alternative sense. All hearing aids stimulate
tiny bones in the middle ear. Sometimes when the eardrum is damaged, the bones of the inner ear are
stimulated by a vibrator that is placed behind the ear on the base of the skull. Bone conduction
will even work through the teeth. In order for bone conduction to work, the cochlea or inner ear
that connects to the eighth cranial nerve first must function. People who are nerve-deaf cannot hear
through bone conduction because the nerves in the inner ear are not functional.
A number of profoundly nerve-deaf people and people who have had the entire inner ear removed by
surgery have been able to hear with the Neurophone. If the Neurophone electrodes are placed on the
closed eyes or on the face, the sound can be clearly 'heard' as if it were coming from inside the
brain. When the electrodes are placed on the face, the sound is perceived through the trigeminal
nerve. We therefore know that the Neurophone can work through the trigeminal or facial nerve. When
the facial nerve is deadened by means of anaesthetic injections, we can no longer hear through the
face. In these cases, there is a fine line where the skin on the face is numb. If the electrodes are
placed on the numb skin, we cannot hear it but when the electrodes are moved a fraction of an inch
over to skin that still has feeling, sound perception is restored and the person can 'hear'.
This proves that the means of sound perception via the Neurophone is by means of skin and not by
means of bone conduction. There was an earlier test performed at Tufts University that was designed
by Dr. Dwight Wayne Batteau, one of my partners in the United States Navy Dolphin Communication
Project. This test was known as the "Beat Frequency Test". It is well known that sound waves of two
slightly different frequencies create a 'beat' note as the waves interfere with each other. For
example, if a sound of 300 Hertz and one of 330 Hertz are played into one ear at the same time a
beat not of 30 Hertz will be perceived. This is a mechanical summation of sound in the bone
structure of the inner ear. There is another beat, sounds beat together in the corpus callosum in
the center of the brain. This binaural beat is used by the Monroe Institute and others to simulate
altered brain states by entraining (causing brain waves to lock on and follow the signal) the brain
into high alpha or even theta brain states.
These brain states are associated with creativity, lucid dreaming and other states of consciousness
otherwise difficult to reach when awake. The Neurophone is a powerful brain entrainment device. If
we play alpha or theta signals directly through the Neurophone, we can move the brain into any state
desired. Batteau's theory was that if we could place the Neurophone electrodes so that the sound was
perceived as coming from one side of the head only, and if we played a 300 Hertz signal through the
Neurophone, if we also played a 330 Hertz signal through an ordinary headphone we would get a beat
note if the signals were summing in the inner ear bones. When the test was conducted, we were able
to perceive two distinct tones without beat. This test again proved that Neurophonic hearing was not
through bone conduction. When we used a stereo Neurophone, we were able to get a beat note that is
similar to the binaural beat, but the beat is occurring inside the nervous system and is not the
result of bone conduction. The Neurophone is a 'gateway' into altered brain states. Its most
powerful use may be in direct communications with the brain centers, thereby bypassing the 'filters'
or inner mechanisms that may limit our ability to communicate to the brain. If we can unlock the
secret of direct audio communications to the brain, we can unlock the secret of visual
communications. The skin has receptors that can detect vibration, light, temperature, pressure and
friction. All we have to do is stimulate the skin with the right signals. We are continuing
Neurophonic research. We have recently developed other modes of Neurophonic transmission. We have
also reversed the Neurophone and found that we can detect scalar waves that are generated by the
living system. The detection technique is actually very similar to the process used by Dr. Hiroshi
Motoyama in Japan. Dr. Motoyama used capacitor electrodes very much like those we use with the
Neurophone to detect energies from various power centers of the body known as chakras.
The Montauk Project and the Neurophone
In his talk (Al Bielek - The Montauk Project.mp3) Al Bielek also mentions how they used Flanagan's
Neurophone at the Montauk base for programming the Montauk boys, therefore I've done some research
into this. This is a highly interesting device that may give back the faculty of hearing to deaf
people. You may even build one by yourself - all electronic circuits are included in this
collection. Watch the video "How the Neurophone Took her from D to A, student overnight". You may
use it for meditation to accelerate the balancing out of your left and right brain-hemispheres, your
male and female side of perception, attitude, logic and emotion. Become a superhuman without evil
Orwellian brain implants.
Red Ice Radio - Patrick Flanagan - Neurophone, Pyramid Power & Phi Sciences
December 23, 2012
Patrick Flanagan is an American author and holds several patents as an inventor. Flanagan has
written books focused on Egyptian sacred geometry and Pyramidology. He actively continues his
activities as scientist, inventor and philanthropist, promoting the really new science and new
approaches to human healing. In the first hour, Flanagan tells his story as a child prodigy, his
inventions and the projects he worked on for the US government. He also talks about his experience
with Andrija Puharich who was involved in locating brilliant children for the “starchild
project.” Dr. Patrick Flanagan invented the Neurophone in 1958. It is an electronic nervous system
excitation device that transmits sound through the skin directly to the brain, for which he received
a U.S. Patent. He discusses his battles with the U.S. Patent Office and the government concerns with
his invention. In the second hour, we’ll talk about his book Pyramid Power and the positive
effects of golden ration architecture on the human body vs. negative sound resonant buildings. He
also talks about his Hunza water research and the amazing benefits of negative ionized hydrogen.
Then, Patrick talks about his connection to Nikola Tesla. Later, we discuss what kind of technology
the government is using, including mind control technologies and projected thought machines. We
discuss how Patrick’s Neurophone can actually be used for sinister means. We end on 2012, the
100th monkey effect and incoming energies from the center of the universe.
Al Bielek - The Montauk Project
Patrick Flanagan - Neurophone, Pyramid Power & Phi Sciences, Dec 23, 2012
ebooks 1 montauk
Blue Blood True Blood by Swerdlow Stewart, 2010.pdf
Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict & Creation by Stewart A Swerdlow, 2002.pdf
Expansions Dream Dictionary by Stewart A Swerdlow.pdf
Preston B Nichols - Encounter in the Pleiades, An Inside Look at UFOs, Montauk Project.pdf
Preston B Nichols - Montauk Revisited, Adventures in Synchronicities.pdf
Preston Nichols - Das Montauk Projekt, Experimente mit der Zeit, 1994, German.pdf
Preston Nichols - The Music of Time.pdf
Pyramids of Montauk Explorations in Consci - Preston B. Nichols.pdf
Pyramids of Montauk_ Explorations in Consc - Preston B. Nichols.pdf
Rueckkehr nach Montauk (1995) - Preston B. Nichols.pdf
Teachings from Hyperspace.pdf
The Montauk Book of the Dead, 2005 - Peter Moon.pdf
The Music of Time by Preston Nichols.pdf
ebooks 2 mind control
Bowart Operation Mind Control, Researcher Edition.pdf
Brice Taylor Thanks for the Memories.pdf
Carol Rutz A Nation Betrayed, Secret Cold War Experiments, 2001.pdf
Cathy O Brien Mark Philips Trance Formation of America.pdf
Chavkin Mind Stealers, Psychosurgery and Mind Control, 1978.pdf
Coleman The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (2005).pdf
Conversational Mind Control.pdf
Dantalion Jones Perfected Mind Control, 2008.pdf
Das Tavistock Institut - David Coleman (German).pdf
Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula.pdf
Hypnotic Mindcontrol Workshop I.pdf
John D Christian Hidden Secrets of the Alpha Course.pdf
John Marks The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, CIA and Mind Control.pdf
Keys to the Mind.pdf
Megabrain - Michael Hutchison.pdf
Mind Control Hypnosis by Dantalion Jones.pdf
Operation Mind Control v2.pdf
Operation Mind Control.pdf
Psychic Dictatorship in America by Gerald B Bryan.pdf
Ritual Abuse and Mind Control.pdf
Silva Mind Control.pdf
Strahlenfolter Stalking TI Bailey Mind Control.pdf
Sullivan Unshackled, A Survivor's Story of Mind Control.pdf
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz
Springmeier Cisco Wheeler.pdf
The Manipulation of Mind.pdf
The Silva Mind Control Method.pdf
Tranceformation of America.pdf
Twyman Mind Controlled Sex Slaves and the CIA.pdf
Unclassified Mind Control Technology.pdf
Vigilantcitizen Hidden Life of Marilyn Monroe Original Hollywood Mind Control Slave.pdf
Walter Bowart Operation Mind Control.pdf
ebooks Flanagan
Patrick Flanagan - Power of Pyramids, 1973.pdf
ebooks Wilhelm Reich
Wilhelm Reich The Function of the Orgasm, 1993.pdf
album covers
mind control
Neurophone Electronic Circuits
Hear with Ultrasound Using a Flanagan Neurophone | EEWeb Community
The History of SSH (and Neurophone writeup - it works!) | kabelmast
Deaf can hear… By Amonakur.pdf
Dr Patrick Flanagan's Neurophone - Bypassing Deafness.pdf
Hear with Ultrasound Using a TL494 as a Flanagan Neurophone | MAKE.pdf
Make a Flanagan Neurophone-Like Device with a TL494 | some electronic projects.pdf
Neurophone - A Vital Hearing and Learning Tool.pdf
fUSION Anomaly Neurophone.pdf
LIFE Magazine 1962 Neurophone.pdf
Neurophone by Katrin Klink.pdf
Neurophone Complete Taken from KeelyNet BBS 1993.pdf
Patrick Flanagan, wikipedia.pdf
Patrick Flanagan's Neurophone.pdf
Satellite Tyranny.pdf
G Patrick Flanagan Neurophone - Patents and Articles.pdf
Patent US3393279 - Nervous system excitation device - Google Patents.pdf
US3393279 Nervous system excitation device.pdf
Cali's Rossen's First Neurophone Experience.mp4
Dr Patrick Flanagan Neurophone NF3.mp4
Genevieve's First Neurophone Experience.mp4
How the Neurophone Took Her from D to A, Student Overnight.mp4
Inventor Patrick Flanagan's genius ideas to improve brain, longevity and humans.mp4
Neurophone Inventor Dr G Patrick Flanagan.mp4
The Neuro Revolution.mp4
tags: neurophone, Montauk, mind control, mkultra, dolphins, intelligence, meditation, transhuman,
The Flanagan Neurophone and Montauk Mind Control (2015)
Build your own Neurophone - complete with instruction manuals and electronic circuits.
TESLA fans pay attention: Patrick Flanagan believes to be the reincarnation of Nikola Tesla, and he's no fool.
In 1958, Dr. Patrick Flanagan invented the Neurophone in Bellaire, Texas when he was 14 years old. This electronic device transmits sound through the skin, by-passing normal hearing. A family friend who was a patent attorney for Shell Oil, helped Patrick submit a patent application. The patent examiners thought that this was just sound transfer through bone conduction and refused to issue a patent for 12 years. In a rare meeting in 1970, the patent office agreed to examine the Neurophone for themselves and meet Patrick and his attorney. They both encountered a surprise. The examiner had a deaf employee attend the meeting to test the device. The man was totally nerve deaf in one ear and almost totally deaf in the other. Patrick showed him how to use the Neurophone and played a record of the famous Maria Callas singing an opera. As he was able to hear the undistorted beauty of her voice, the tears of joy streamed down his face. When we listen to music or human speech through the Neurophone we are hearing sounds through two distinct channels. One channel is heard normally by the ears by means of the cochlea and the other channel is sent through the skin and/or bone to the saccule. One can easily tell the difference between the two modes of hearing by plugging up the ears while listening to the Neurophone.
How does it work?
The skin is our largest and most complex organ. In addition to being the first line of defense against infection, the skin is a gigantic liquid crystal brain. The skin is piezo-electric. When it is vibrated or rubbed, it generates electric signals and scalar waves. Every organ of perception evolved from the skin. When we are embryos, our sensory organs evolved from the folds in the skin. Many primitive organisms and animals can see and hear with their skin. We now know that the skin transmits ultrasonic impulses to an organ in the inner ear known as the Saccule. The skin vibrates in resonance with the ultrasonic (40 KHz) Neurophone modulated carrier wave and transmits the sound from the carrier through multiple channels into the brain. When the Neurophone was originally developed, neurophysiologists considered that the brain was hard- wired and that the various cranial nerves were hard-wired to every sensory system. The eighth cranial nerve is the nerve bundle that runs from the inner ear to the brain. Theoretically, we should only be able to hear with our ears if our sensor organs are hardwired.
Electronic Telepathy
The Neurophone is an electronic telepathy machine. Several tests prove that it bypasses the eighth cranial nerve, the hearing nerve, and transmits sound directly to the brain. This means that the Neurophone stimulates perception through a seventh or alternative sense. All hearing aids stimulate tiny bones in the middle ear. Sometimes when the eardrum is damaged, the bones of the inner ear are stimulated by a vibrator that is placed behind the ear on the base of the skull. Bone conduction will even work through the teeth. In order for bone conduction to work, the cochlea or inner ear that connects to the eighth cranial nerve first must function. People who are nerve-deaf cannot hear through bone conduction because the nerves in the inner ear are not functional.
A number of profoundly nerve-deaf people and people who have had the entire inner ear removed by surgery have been able to hear with the Neurophone. If the Neurophone electrodes are placed on the closed eyes or on the face, the sound can be clearly 'heard' as if it were coming from inside the brain. When the electrodes are placed on the face, the sound is perceived through the trigeminal nerve. We therefore know that the Neurophone can work through the trigeminal or facial nerve. When the facial nerve is deadened by means of anaesthetic injections, we can no longer hear through the face. In these cases, there is a fine line where the skin on the face is numb. If the electrodes are placed on the numb skin, we cannot hear it but when the electrodes are moved a fraction of an inch over to skin that still has feeling, sound perception is restored and the person can 'hear'.
This proves that the means of sound perception via the Neurophone is by means of skin and not by means of bone conduction. There was an earlier test performed at Tufts University that was designed by Dr. Dwight Wayne Batteau, one of my partners in the United States Navy Dolphin Communication Project. This test was known as the "Beat Frequency Test". It is well known that sound waves of two slightly different frequencies create a 'beat' note as the waves interfere with each other. For example, if a sound of 300 Hertz and one of 330 Hertz are played into one ear at the same time a beat not of 30 Hertz will be perceived. This is a mechanical summation of sound in the bone structure of the inner ear. There is another beat, sounds beat together in the corpus callosum in the center of the brain. This binaural beat is used by the Monroe Institute and others to simulate altered brain states by entraining (causing brain waves to lock on and follow the signal) the brain into high alpha or even theta brain states.
These brain states are associated with creativity, lucid dreaming and other states of consciousness otherwise difficult to reach when awake. The Neurophone is a powerful brain entrainment device. If we play alpha or theta signals directly through the Neurophone, we can move the brain into any state desired. Batteau's theory was that if we could place the Neurophone electrodes so that the sound was perceived as coming from one side of the head only, and if we played a 300 Hertz signal through the Neurophone, if we also played a 330 Hertz signal through an ordinary headphone we would get a beat note if the signals were summing in the inner ear bones. When the test was conducted, we were able to perceive two distinct tones without beat. This test again proved that Neurophonic hearing was not through bone conduction. When we used a stereo Neurophone, we were able to get a beat note that is similar to the binaural beat, but the beat is occurring inside the nervous system and is not the result of bone conduction. The Neurophone is a 'gateway' into altered brain states. Its most powerful use may be in direct communications with the brain centers, thereby bypassing the 'filters' or inner mechanisms that may limit our ability to communicate to the brain. If we can unlock the secret of direct audio communications to the brain, we can unlock the secret of visual communications. The skin has receptors that can detect vibration, light, temperature, pressure and friction. All we have to do is stimulate the skin with the right signals. We are continuing Neurophonic research. We have recently developed other modes of Neurophonic transmission. We have also reversed the Neurophone and found that we can detect scalar waves that are generated by the living system. The detection technique is actually very similar to the process used by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama in Japan. Dr. Motoyama used capacitor electrodes very much like those we use with the Neurophone to detect energies from various power centers of the body known as chakras.
The Montauk Project and the Neurophone
In his talk (Al Bielek - The Montauk Project.mp3) Al Bielek also mentions how they used Flanagan's Neurophone at the Montauk base for programming the Montauk boys, therefore I've done some research into this. This is a highly interesting device that may give back the faculty of hearing to deaf people. You may even build one by yourself - all electronic circuits are included in this collection. Watch the video "How the Neurophone Took her from D to A, student overnight". You may use it for meditation to accelerate the balancing out of your left and right brain-hemispheres, your male and female side of perception, attitude, logic and emotion. Become a superhuman without evil Orwellian brain implants.
Red Ice Radio - Patrick Flanagan - Neurophone, Pyramid Power & Phi Sciences
December 23, 2012
Patrick Flanagan is an American author and holds several patents as an inventor. Flanagan has written books focused on Egyptian sacred geometry and Pyramidology. He actively continues his activities as scientist, inventor and philanthropist, promoting the really new science and new approaches to human healing. In the first hour, Flanagan tells his story as a child prodigy, his inventions and the projects he worked on for the US government. He also talks about his experience with Andrija Puharich who was involved in locating brilliant children for the “starchild project.” Dr. Patrick Flanagan invented the Neurophone in 1958. It is an electronic nervous system excitation device that transmits sound through the skin directly to the brain, for which he received a U.S. Patent. He discusses his battles with the U.S. Patent Office and the government concerns with his invention. In the second hour, we’ll talk about his book Pyramid Power and the positive effects of golden ration architecture on the human body vs. negative sound resonant buildings. He also talks about his Hunza water research and the amazing benefits of negative ionized hydrogen. Then, Patrick talks about his connection to Nikola Tesla. Later, we discuss what kind of technology the government is using, including mind control technologies and projected thought machines. We discuss how Patrick’s Neurophone can actually be used for sinister means. We end on 2012, the 100th monkey effect and incoming energies from the center of the universe.
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