Size | Seeds | Peers | Completed |
199.02 MiB | 4 | 0 | 318 |
The Financial & Economic Crisis - Collection 9:
We have another huge collection (50 titles) in the series:
- Bajo & Roelants - Capital and the Debt Trap; Learning from Cooperatives in the Global Crisis (2011)
- Bakan - The Corporation; the Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power (2004)
- Barrera - Market Complicity and Christian Ethics (2011)
- Bartiromo - The Weekend that Changed Wall Street; and How the Fallout is Still Impacting the World (2011)
- Baur - Eliminated! Now what; Finding your Way from Job-Loss Crisis to Career Resilience (2011)
- Buckley (ed.) - Debt-for-Development Exchanges; History and New Applications (2011)
- Bussing-Burks - Deficit; Why Should I Care (2011)
- Carey & Morris - King of Capital; the Remarkable Rise and Rise Again of Steve Schwarzman and Blackstone (2010)
- Casey (ed.) - The Legacy of the Crash; How the Financial Crisis Changed America and Britain (2011)
- Chorafas - Sovereign Debt Crisis; the New Normal and the Newly Poor (2011)
- Clark - A Farewell to Alms; a Brief Economic History of the World (2007)
- Cowen - The Great Stagnation; How America Ate All the Low-Hanging Fruit of Modern History (2011)
- Das - Extreme Money; Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk (2011)
- Davidoff - Gods at War; Shotgun Takeovers, Government by Deal and the Private Equity Implosion (2009)
- De Goede - Virtue, Fortune, and Faith; a Genealogy of Finance (2005)
- Dumas & Choyleva - The American Phoenix, and why China and Europe will Struggle after the Coming Slump (2011)
- El-Erian - When Markets Collide; Investment Strategies for the Age of Global Economic Change (2008)
- Ellis - Wall Street People; True Stories of Today’s Masters and Moguls (2001)
- Graeber - Debt; the First 5,000 Years (2011)
- Heinberg - The End of Growth; Adapting to Our New Economic Reality (2011)
- Hudson - The Monster; How a Gang of Predatory Lenders and Wall Street Bankers Fleeced America and Spawned a Global Crisis (2010)
- Kroszner & Shiller (eds.) - Reforming U.S. Financial Markets; Reflections before and beyond Dodd-Frank (2011)
- Kunt (eds.) - The International Financial Crisis; Have the Rules of Finance Changed (2011)
- Latouche - Farewell to Growth (2009)
- Lee - Running the World’s Markets; the Governance of Financial Infrastructure (2011)
- Levine - Wealth and Freedom; an Introduction to Political Economy (1995)
- Lomborg (ed.) - Global Crisis, Global Solutions, 2nd ed. (2009)
- Manolopoulos - Greece's 'Odious' Debt; the Looting of the Hellenic Republic (2011)
- Mansharamani - Boombustology; Spotting Financial Bubbles Before They Burst (2011)
- Mauldin - Endgame; the End of the Debt Supercycle and how It Changes Everything (2011)
- Mclean & Nocera - All the Devils are Here; the Hidden History of the Financial Crisis (2010)
- Osenton - Boomer Destiny; Leading the U.S. through the Worst Crisis since the Great Depression (2009)
- Palit (ed.) - South Asia; Beyond the Global Financial Crisis (2011)
- Peck - Pinched; How the Great Recession has Narrowed our Futures and What We Can Do about It (2011)
- Pelaez - Regulation of Banks and Finance; Theory and Policy after the Credit Crisis (2009)
- Phillips - Fit to Bust; How Great Companies Fail (2011)
- Pollock - Boom & Bust; Financial Cycles and Human Prosperity (2011)
- Posta & Talani (eds.) - Europe and the Financial Crisis (2011)
- Rivlin - Broke, USA; from Pawnshops to Poverty, Inc.; How the Working Poor Became Big Business (2010)
- Rosenberg - The Concise Encyclopedia of the Great Recession, 2007-2000 (2010)
- Rothbard - Economic Controversies (2011)
- Schwartz (ed.) - Inflation; Causes and Effects (2009)
- Sedlacek - Economics of Good and Evil; the Quest for Economic Meaning from Gilgamesh to Wall Street (2011)
- Sim - The End of Modernity; What the Financial and Environmental Crisis Is Really Telling Us (2010)
- Soederberg - The Politics of the New International Financial Architecture (2004)
- The Jobs Crisis; Household and Government Responses to the Great Recession in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (WB, 2011)
- Weiner - So Smart but..; How Intelligent People Lose Credibility, and How They Can Get it Back (2007)
- Werthers (ed.) - Europe; Financial Crisis and Security Issues (2011)
- Whalen - Inflated; How Money and Debt Built the American Dream (2011)
- Wiedemer - Aftershock Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown (2011)