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The Financial & Economic Crisis - Collection 3

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The Financial & Economic Crisis - Collection 3:

Here are 40 more titles about the subject:

- Agarwal & Naik - Hedge Funds (2005)

- Allen - Financial Crisis and Recession in the Global Economy (1999)

- Bemholz - Monetary Regimes and Inflation (2003)

- Bernstein - Economist on Wall Street (2008)

- Bolten - Stock Market Cycles; A Practical Explanation (2000)

- Bonner & Rajiva - Mobs, Messiahs and Markets (2007)

- Carney - Lessons from the Asian Financial Crisis (2009)

- Cato - Green Economics (2009)

- Chown - A History of Money from 800 AD (1996)

- Conrad - Profiting from the World’s Economic Crisis (2010)

- Cottle - Options Trading; The Hidden Reality (2006)

- Dewatripont - Balancing the Banks; Global Lessons from the Financial Crisis (2010)

- Drobny - Inside the House of Money; Top Hedge Fund Traders on Profiting in the Global Markets (2006)

- Fumagalli & Mezzadra - Crisis in the Global Economy; Financial Markets, Social Struggles, and New Political Scenarios (2010)

- Geisst - Wall Street; A History from its Beginning to the Fall of Enron (2004)

- Global Economic Prospects; Crisis, Finance, and Growth (The World Bank, 2010)

- Goldstein - The Asian Financial Crisis; Causes, Cures, and Systemic Implications (1998)

- Gregoriou - Banking Crisis Handbook (2010)

- Griffith-Jones - Time for a Visible Hand; Lessons from the 2008 World Financial Crisis (2010)

- Haggard - The Political Economy of the Asian Financial Crisis (2000)

- Hazlitt - From Bretton Woods to World Inflation (1984)

- Henwood - Wall Street; How it Works and for Whom (1998)

- Hubbard & Navarro - Seeds of Destruction; Why The Path To Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How To Reclaim American Prosperity (2010)

- Kaufman - The Road to Financial Reformation (2009)

- Kidd & Richter - Fighting Corruption in Asia (2003)

- Kindleberger & Aliber - Manias, Panics and Crashes; A History of Financial Crises (2005)

- Le Goff - Your Money or Your Life; Economy and Religion in the Middle Ages (1990)

- Madura - What Every Investor Needs To Know About Accounting Fraud (2004)

- Makansi - Lights Out; The Electricity Crisis, the Global Economy, and What It Means to You (2007)

- Quiggin - Zombie Economics; How Dead Ideas Still Walk among Us (2010)

- Rothbard - America's Great Depression (2002)

- Rothbard - Making Economic Sense (1995)

- Rothbard - Power and Market; Government and the Economy (1970)

- Schilit - Financial Shenanigans; How to Detect Accounting Gimmicks & Fraud in Financial Reports (2010)

- Shiller - The Subprime Solution (2008)

- Stiglitz - Freefall; America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy (2010)

- Stoneman & Schulz - Brokerage Fraud; What Wall Street Doesn’t Want You to Know (2002)

- The Economist - After the Storm; How to Make the Best of Recovery (October3-9, 2009)

- The Money Trick (The Institute of Economic Democracy,1982)

-Waggoner - Bailout; What the Rescue of Bear Stearns and the Credit Crisis Mean for Your Investments (2008)