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Files on JFK

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1.04 GiB000
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File name: Files_on_JFK.avi
size: 1.04 GB
Image: width 640 pixels x height 480 pixels
Audio: bit rate 96kbps, format mp3
Video: frame rate 29 frames/sec.
date rate 865kbps
sample size 24 bit
compression DivX 6.9.1

On the eve of the 40th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination, from Stateville Correctional Center, Joliet Illinois, confessed assassin James Earl Files tells of his role in The Crime of the Century.

Note from the producers:
This interview is virtually unedited. Out of the total duration of 3 hours, we took out 15 minutes. Mainly irrelevant conversing between the interviewers, changes of tape, loss of sound, and stuff like that. Our goal is to give you the original interview exactly as it happened, without breaking the flow of it. It was not the original intent to leave the questions of the interviewers in. The interview was done to use snippets of it for a more comprehensive program. The interviewers had no separate microphones. At times the questions can hardly be heard or they are repeated and this may not always leave a professional impression. We apologize for that in advance. However we think your appreciation for the completeness of this presentation will make up for it.

More on Files and the JFK assassination: