Comment | Here are the audio files belonging to a two part informal interview I
conducted with my dear friend Moziah and her cousin, a young lady named
Tina. Moziah loves the Lord (and vice versa) and so enjoys a very close
relationship with the Holy Trinity. In addition, Moziah is an
experienced exorcist who for over ten years successfully set people
free from their demons, much to the displeasing of Lucifer. Quite
recently she was contacted by Tina who suffered demonic attacks that
became so severe that it dominated her life and turned it into a living
hell. Yearning for deliverance, she turned to Moziah for help.
Accompanying article:
Three parts audio:
1 - 8m02s (stereo)
2 - 72m18s (stereo)
3 - 87m07s (stereo)