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Ewaranon - 1 - What On Earth Happened?

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1 - What On Earth Happened?
mp4s combined into a single mkv file with chapters

Does anyone have part 2 or part 4 of the original YouTube videos in 1080p?


Is this the one that starts with photos of cities taken with early cameras?

Anyone who knows a little bit about photography can explain that.

An 8-hour documentary distilled down to "Anyone who knows a little bit about photography can explain that." Wow. You must have thought long and hard about that...!

I watched about the first 25 minutes.

Another thing I remember from the documentary was the idea that the ground had risen since the buildings were built. Actually, people would build sunken buildings so they could have light into the basement. I literally lived in one of these buildings in the Georgian City of Bath. There's nothing more to it than that.

It wouldn't surprise me if this documentary is part of someone's phd study into how people fall for fake conspiracy theories. It seems unlikely to me that the narrator really believes it.

Can you explain why there are no people in the photos of old cities?

Look, anyone can learn to measure the curvature of the Earth's surface, from the surface.

Here's what we can calculate because we know the orbits of the Earth and Moon:
1. Sunset and Sunrise times
2. Tide times
3. Moon phases
4. Seasons, Equinox, Solstice

Can you describe the movement of the Sun, Moon, and Flat Earth to explain these things? Can you show me the MATHS?

No. You can't. If you can I will change my mind.

As it is, you would do much better to look into how this really works, and spend your time deconstructing world government and the fake pandemic instead. It's a distraction, literally designed for people to be able to point at you and say you are an idiot, so they don't have to listen when you point out that one corporation owns everything. Please.

Not to mention, to believe the Earth is flat is to separate yourself from the beauty of it's creation. Have you ever watched the sunrise on the Solstice? You can feel that the Earth is closer to the Sun. Feel it.

Because David Weiss has 2 or 3 bitcoins for you if you can! :)

If you connect us, I will take him through the proof that the Earth is a globe, sure.

But he will disengage to avoid seeing the truth, just as you ignored my previous comment.

Told me what I need to know about you!
Please do an interview with him and 'talk him through it'!

It should tell you I don't waste time with nonsense.

Answer my questions:
1. Can you explain why there are no people in the photos of old cities?
2. Can you describe the movement of the Sun, Moon, and Flat Earth, such that you can predict sunrise, sunset, dates of solstice, moon phases, etc?

Forming an opinion on an 8+ hour documentary having watched 25 minutes (probably rounded up from 7 but you didn't want to sound *too* ridiculous) and you think i should debate you...! You're a child. It's okay to not watch it but it's childish to think you have a valid opinion about it.

Can you explain why there are no people in the photos of old cities?

TheGhost292 wrote:

Forming an opinion on an 8+ hour documentary having watched 25 minutes (probably rounded up from 7 but you didn't want to sound *too* ridiculous) and you think i should debate you...! You're a child.

Notice how this troll uses a straw man to try to insult. At no point did zoopenhoff claim to have an opinion on the entire documentary. He clearly stated that he only watched the first 25 minutes. Yet this cretin has to lie about it. TheGhost292 is not interested in the truth; he does not believe the earth is flat; his goal is to goad people into engaging with him.

Normally I don't care about miscreants like TheGhost292, except for the fact that they are used as an excuse for other miscreants to discredit truth seekers by smearing them as flat earth kooks. The result stifles knowledge.

Who made the first comment?

stiffy wrote:

his goal is to goad people into engaging with him.

TheGhost292 wrote:

Who made the first comment?

The one you still couldn't respond to?

If you knew a little about science, and photography, you'd understand that the documentary is misleading you.

THAT is why I only watched 25 minutes, because there was so much junk packed into the first 25 minutes I decided not to waste my time.

What makes you think I don’t know ‘a little about science, and photography’?
Did you read that wiki entry on hubris?

So why are there no people in the photos of old cities?

TheGhost292 wrote:

What makes you think I don’t know ‘a little about science, and photography’?
Did you read that wiki entry on hubris?

I gained my city and guild qualifications in photography A/V tech many moons ago and worked in quite a few fields in the trade.
I'll have a wee download and have a gander at the doc and give you an informed opinion of the photographic stuff.

no need to waste precious torrent time

Can't find the pics... I'll have a harder look.

Can't actually find the pics of old cities, without people.

Perhaps it's been re-edited without them, the guy having realised how obvious it is.

Second comment: An 8-hour documentary distilled down to "Anyone who knows a little bit about photography can explain that."
Third comment: Well, yes. I watched about the first 25 minutes.
Also, note that zoopenhoff didn't disagree.

Go play with your stiffy somewhere else.

Welcome to our boards, TheGhost292! I believe this is your first torrent here, so many thanks for sharing!

What do you find particularly compelling about this documentary? What fascinates you about it?

Watch it and form your own opinion. Why would my opinion matter to you?

I think I'll pass! hahahah

Reading these comments was more than enough for me...

I simply made the information available, so you can watch and assess it for yourself.

TheCorsair00 wrote:

I think I'll pass! hahahah
Reading these comments was more than enough for me...

It's actually a masterclass in how to make a fake conspiracy theory.

It's a pretty good test of someone's knowledge of history and science, ability to evaluate information and their grip on reality.

Do you mean the 8-hour documentary of which you watched 7 minutes?! Yet you have an opinion about it…?!

TheGhost292 wrote:

Do you mean the 8-hour documentary of which you watched 7 minutes?! Yet you have an opinion about it…?!

See how you've gone from 25 to 7.

That is how good you are at dealing with information. Your mind does not work properly. Cut sugar and alcohol out of your life, take lions mane and other medicinal fungi. Take B vitamins, NMN. Eat whole foods. Maybe in a few years you'll be able to properly think and communicate with other humans.

I expect you actually watched about 7 minutes but rounded it up to 25 so as not to sound *too* ridiculous, as mentioned in a previous comment. Are you trying to buy yourself a few more years of ‘safely ignoring flat earth’?

TheGhost292 wrote:

Watch it and form your own opinion. Why would my opinion matter to you?

Friend, I can see I am catching you on the defensive. I'd be glad to know your perspective. Why should I care what a documentary filmmaker thinks?

I am trying to be supportive of you in sharing, and I noticed that you didn't actually include any description of it.

It seems a bit much to ask the rest of us to watch an 8-hour documentary when:

  • you did not include any description of your torrent,
  • absent a description, there is no way to know what the doc is supposed to be about, and
  • I have no idea who you are / you have not contributed before

Most of the folks who regularly share things tend to take a moment to tell others in the description why it is important, why should we care, why take a moment from our day to give it a second thought.

You uploaded it, ergo it must have some meaning for you. What is that meaning? What fascinates you about it?

If you cannot be bothered to share, I'm afraid you will meet little success in finding folks who will be bothered to make a case for you.

Given the billions of other things vying for all our attention, at least take a moment and share your thoughts about why we should bother with it

Or what I think. You should only care what YOU think about it. You’re the one living your life - not me or the filmmaker.
I simply made his documentary available for those that might find it interesting. I didn’t ask anyone to watch it. It’s there if you want to. If not, find something that does interest you and download that instead.
Defensive, no. Not interested in whether people agree or disagree, yes. Each to their own.
I didn’t ask anyone to make a case for me (no offence).
However, I will add a description! ;)

I'm interested in why there are no people in the city pictures. I'm asking because I really don't know the answer! Was it Sunday morning in a very religious city? Isn't there one with just a horse and cart but no pedestrians? The only other answer maybe that NASA used them for practice, before getting to removing anomalies from the hi res pix of the surface of the moon? Ask John Lear. He'll tell ya all about it

I know, everyone rolled off because the earth spins at 6000kmh! I kid....I'm not getting into that argument!! I tried to interview Eric Dubay about Flat Earth but he ignored every request. I wasn't taking a position either way because again...I really don't know the answer!!

Use the documentary as a springboard to do A LOT of research. It’s over 8 hours long covering lots of areas. You can dive deep into each one. If you’re satisfied with facile explanations, then that’s fine for you. You’re probably on the wrong site but fine, you do you…!
John Lear - err, don’t make me laugh!

I've watched a lot a Flat Earth videos and I have to admit much of what is presented is very compelling. My questions is, if we live on a flat plane, is that all there is or are we one of many flat planes that are interconnected via portals?

That’s speculation, which you can do until the cows come home. Ordinary folk have a boundary (prison wall) of 60 degrees south, so we cannot independently explore to find the answers for ourselves. At least one old map, however, shows several more continents beyond the Antarctic circle. It’s up to you to determine the veracity of any such maps.

You don't need a deep understanding of the heliocentric model in order to safely ignore flat earth.

I was probably 9 years old when my teacher demonstrated, with a torch and a football, how we get sunset, sunrise, seasons, etc. I'm sorry you didn't have that.

If you want to explain flat earth with a torch and a dinner plate, and can explain how we get sunset, sunrise, seasons, etc, I'm ready to learn. But you can't, and you have a mental block on admitting it, which is hilarious. You might as well be a Christian, or a pro-vaxxer, or believe in Santa Claus or transgender people.

You don't need a deep understanding of the heliocentric model in order to safely ignore flat earth.
You’re advocating ignorance of both the heliocentric model and the FE model. So, err, just believe whatever your masters told you when you were a kid? “Get them while they’re young”.

I was probably 9 years old when my teacher demonstrated, with a torch and a football, how we get sunset, sunrise, seasons, etc. I'm sorry you didn't have that.
And you believe that to the exclusion of any other model? The first explanation you were given is the ONLY explanation? “Get them while they’re young”.

If you want to explain flat earth with a torch and a dinner plate, and can explain how we get sunset, sunrise, seasons, etc, I'm ready to learn.
Did you get in touch with David Weiss? There is a ‘contact me’ section on his site. He does about 20 interviews per week, so I’m sure he can fit you in somewhere.
You’re ‘ready to learn’ - except by watching the documentary?! Clown!

But you can't, and you have a mental block on admitting it, which is hilarious. You might as well be a Christian, or a pro-vaxxer, or believe in Santa Claus or transgender people.
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

I’m not interested in debating FE with you - make your own mind up on it. I only responded to what was the height of ignorance in your first and subsequent comments. You’re a child. You’re lost. Belief is the enemy of knowledge. “Get them while they’re young” - you’re still in their grip. Break free, little one! Fly!

"You’re advocating ignorance of both the heliocentric model and the FE model."

No I'm not. You can literally use a torch and a football to show the heliocentric model, and a torch and a dinner plate to show how flat earth cannot work.

"And you believe that to the exclusion of any other model?"

NO. But you would have to offer a model which worked BETTER. You would have to explain how to predict what we see in REAL LIFE.

That is why I bring up sunrise, sunset, tide times, seasons, equinox, solstice, moon phases. These are things you can PERSONALLY WITNESS and PREDICT with the heliocentric model. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE acknowledge that you read this paragraph and understood it - and explain your position on it.

You literally said “You don't need a deep understanding of the heliocentric model in order to safely ignore flat earth.” - ‘safely ignore flat earth’! You’re arguing for ignorance - from a position of ignorance, advocating that people remain ignorant.
Why would it have to work ‘BETTER’ rather than equally as well?
You can’t ‘PERSONALLY WITNESS and PREDICT’ sunsets, etc, with the FE model?!? Or are you just ignorant of the FE model because you can ‘safely ignore’ it? You’re a child. Break free from your programming.

As I said, I’m not interested in debating the FE model - that’s for each person to make their own mind up about; I’m just addressing your advocacy for ignorance.

So explain to me how to predict sunrise and sunset times on Flat Earth.

What time will the sun rise tomorrow in Oxford, UK?

Calculations using the globe model give 7.33am.

Show your working out.
Or did you just look up the time on a website or app?
Do you expect the time of the sunrise to be different if the FE model is correct?! Do you even understand your own question?
“Get them while they’re young”

These equations only work because we know the orbital measurements.

And how do we know those? Track it back step-by-step. Count the number of assumptions as you go.

Have you ever looked through a really powerful telescope?

I have. I've seen Saturn's rings, Jupiter's spot, and Venus which was a completely unique shade of green.

You mentioned orbital measurements. I replied about orbital measurements. You responded talking about colours. Clown.

have I insulted you, or called you names in this entire conversation?

How many times have you done that? It's a weak position from which to discuss anything, makes you look like you know you're wrong and don't have a solid argument.

Telescopes. You can figure the whole thing out with a telescope that allows you to measure angles relative to a fixed direction on the Earth (e.g. North), and the inclination - angle up into the sky. Then you make observations daily.

Seriously, read books on it. Figure out how to do it yourself. You'll be in no doubt that the Earth is a globe.

You haven’t insulted me directly, no, but you have insulted the intelligence of every thinking person in the world by advocating for ignorance. Clown is an apt description. Take it as a personal insult if you want to but the fact remains it is apt for anyone of a similar mindset to yours.
I wouldn’t care if you insulted me directly; I’m simply not interested. But I do take offence to your anti-intellectualism. ‘Safely ignore flat earth’. Clown!

I assume the calculations you’re referring to are the top result on that link (
There is nothing uniquely heliocentric in those calculations. A year is still a year whether you think heliocentricism or FE is true. You still have longitude and latitude whether you think heliocentrism or FE is true. The sun still has a certain angle in the sky whether you think heliocentrism or FE is true.

and then take two locations, a thousand miles apart.

The sun has different angles at each. Now it's VERY easy to work out the curvature of the Earth.

The very same observations, measurements *and maths* work with a small, local sun and a plane earth. But you knew that already despite safely ignoring flat earth, huh?

Any local sun above a flat plane will be observable simultaneously from any vantage point on the flat plane.

Do you even know the heliocentric model? Perhaps Eric realised you don’t, so why bother?
