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Essene Gospel of peace & Holy Tweleve, The True Jesus & his Teachings

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Contained in this torrent are two books:
The Essene Gospel Of Peace Book 1
The Gospel Of the holy Twelve
This gospel was translated from Aramaic, This is the original Testament By Yahshua (Jesus as some know him) This gospel has been saved from the corrupters such as Saul (Paul), Constantine (Council of Nicaea) & King James like most kings a Tyrant who sought to control his people (cattle).

Ive heard it said by someone on this tracker that he cared not about the Aramaic Tongue, I ask this do you even know what Yahshua's native tongue was?

griz said:
"Hebrew,Greek and Latin were the languages of the times, I couldn't care less what was written in Aramaic, that was not one of the original languages, and no the dead sea scrolls don't support Aramaic as one of the original languages, rather they support the King James version."

You know little to nothing my freind You are but a parrot repeating what little you have been given.
There were 4 Major Languages spoken in, around and during the time of Yahshua They are:
Greek, Latin, Hebrew & Aramaic
Does anyone know what these 4 tongues have in common? There is NO J in their alphabets! This goes to show one little but important fact, That is of how little you know Griz. You know not the name of the Man YOU call GOD! there was only ONE tongue that had a J in its alphabet during the time of Yahshua, Drum role Please, that was Babylonian this is your god Griz a Babylonian Sun God also known as Zues. Like many many others you have fallen for the greatest con, You worship like the pagans, you look at the mythical storys that were added later bout the virgin birth, the cross and how jesus was the (SUN) of god and he came to save you from your sins...

Yahshua did not come to die for our sins! How do i know this? Well because he did not say he did SAUL SAID HE DID. Yahshua said he came to fulfill the LAW that Moses failed to bring forth.
He never claimed to be any god. He claimed to have come to destroy the old pagan sacrafices and ritualistic ways and to bring forth the true laws of our creator.

Paul Or Saul was the one who started calling Yahshua by the name of JESUS, Claiming him to be the divine God, He was the one who said that jesus died for our sins and that by having faith in Jesus & that he died for our sins is the only way to keep from going to HELL.

Yahshua never said these things. This goes to prove one FACT PAUL IS YOUR GOD not Yahveh For you follow the teachings of Paul and not Yahshua the son(like all creation including yourself) and Yahveh the all! "I am" presence, The Spirit, The Creator.

GO right on ahead and believe you are a sinner from birth and that you could never be as yahshua taught, that of an equal to himself. As for me I shall follow my Brother Yahshua. I know the only difference between him and myself is that of self realization. He Knew of who and what he was and of what we was not. That is the only difference between anything in earth. That of self Realization.

For all those who seek the truth in all things, Seek within these document read them with an open mind, Take nothing as fact, Question All even your king!
Faith in anything is false Knowledge is king, Blind faith is the slave.

Check out the following Links to continue your search for truth:

Put your (King/Paulian) Bibles down and check out the above links.

Who in there right Mind, Those who know there is an elite group of beings running this planet and have been doing so since long before Yahshua came to expose their lies and teach The Way, How, How the heck can anyone on this tracker think for one Damn second that a TYRANT King would give freely the greatest tool for our salvation? Our you NUTS honestly.
What is wrong with you Christians? The King James version of the bible is the untouched word of GOD? give me a break it was authorized by a TYRANT that like Bush or Obaaama doing the same.

Like jefferson said "Paul was the 'first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus'"
learn about paul
What if Jefferson was right? think about it, Also think about Jefferson look at his track record. How often was he wrong?
Skim through this short page of info:
Some easy reading
Compare the teachings of paul with those of Yahshuas followers from the Tyrant James bible.

Then check out the Second major corruptor of the teachings of Yahshua
Constantine and his Council of Nicea
Check out what took place at that council, Find out what the added and took out.

Now onto King James and the freemason connection of the writing of the king james version of the bible.
Now lets forget that masons had there hands in it and that James was A DAMN TYRANT!
Even if he was a loving king who only wished the best for his people just like our loving puppet president OBAAAMA who only wants to do whats right.
Well even if this is true what source did he get the documents to put in his little self authorized book? those that were already perverted by Saul(paul) Constantine and the later church fathers after 400AD.
Heres an idea how about reading what the early Church fathers had to say...
Go here lots of info on the early church:
scroll down about 90% down and look for
"...and then came "The Church"

Look at the facts, The quotes by the Scholars, Early Christian Fathers (as they are called) & the Historians.
Open Your Mind Let Go Of Ingrained False Teachings (I'm not for one second saying there isn't any truth in the king James new testament, What i am trying to point out that the teachings have been tampered with and yes there are still great teachings in that document im just trying to explain that if those teachings are strong just imagine how strong they are without the perverter's touching them.

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to suffering, and those who go through it are many. But the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to true life, and those who find it are few.

If you can walk into any library in America or book store or church and find The king james bible it makes you think that, that path is wide, easy & many find it. Yet i ask anyone here have you ever happened acrross the books above or the sites above? Im sure, I hope a few have. But I know these books are not spread wide, are not easy to find and many do not find them...

Lastly Everyone Use your OWN MIND, Use your own logic while reading! stop standing up and defending your religion blindly.
Religion—The Ties that Bind :) Religion coming from the latin word:
Religo meaning To Bind to insnare.
Stop defending your Trap, Your prison, free yourselves from the ties that Bind, free your mind.

May Peace Be With You