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Eric Dollard Document Collection

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This is a collection of various documents and papers by Eric P. Dollard, one of the premier researchers of the works of Nikola Tesla. TPTB want to keep him unknown due to this knowledge as it is a direct threat to their control of energy and fuel sources. The more people know about Dr. Dollard and the more widely distributed his works are, the better off we all will be in the long run.

File list:
Alexanderson Antenna Analysis by Eric Dollard.pdf
Bolinas Incident by Eric Dollard.pdf
Condensed intro to Tesla Transformers by Eric Dollard.pdf
EPD Update.PDF
Eric Dollard - Posts on EnergeticForum.pdf
Eric Dollard - EPD Teluric Currents Paper.pdf
Eric Dollard Introduction to Dielectric and Magnetic Discharges in Electrical Windings (complete OCR remake).pdf
Eric Dollard Introduction to Dielectric and Magnetic Discharges in Electrical Windings.pdf
Eric Dollard Notes.pdf
Free-Energy Research of Eric Dollard - Collection of Contributions to JBR.pdf
Functional Thinking - An Interview with Eric Dollard by Tom Brown(OCR).pdf
Functional Thinking - An Interview with Eric Dollard by Tom Brown.pdf
Rotating Magnetic Field.pdf
Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves by Eric Dollard.pdf
Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave by Eric Dollard.pdf
System for reception and Transmission of Telluic Waves by Eric Dollard.pdf
The Oscillating Current Transformer - Eric Dollard.pdf
Theory of Wireless Power by Eric Dollard.pdf
Transmission of Electricity 1 & 2.pdf