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End of Nations - EU Takeover

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Collected information on the European Union and related topics.

The EU elites try to hide the significance of the Lisbon treaty (EU Constitution2.0) by making it unreadable. The ?Lisbon Treaty? establishes the same EU Constitution that was rejected by the French and Dutch referendums in 2005. This violates the principle of unanimity, where all Member States must consent to each treaty. As Italian interior minister, Giuliano Amato said at the London School of Economics last February, ?The good thing about not calling it a constitution is that no one can ask for a referendum.?

As a result, the French and Dutch votes were ignored, and five governments have cancelled a promised referendum (Czech Rep., Denmark, Poland, Portugal, UK).

Only Ireland will have a referendum. The other 26 Member States will ratify the treaty in parliament without asking the people.

They know that the people don't want the constitution and that's why they don't ask us in form of a referendum. It's quite simple, the only way to get that totalitarian constitution threw is by not letting the people vote on it! Can you smell the spirit of freedom and democracy in this infamous act? The Future of Europe can be different than the centralized monolith which the EU Constitution creates.

EU totalitarianism must stop. The EU is not what it seems to be!

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