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Eldon Byrd - Mind Control: Delusion or Reality?

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Eldon Byrd - Mind Control: Paranoid Delusions or Frightening Reality?

A presentation by the late Dr. Eldon Byrd. Eldon Byrd had a BS in Electrical Engineering from Purdue and MS Medical Engineering from the George Washington University.Several of his work assignments were on Navy and Marine projects as TRIDENT, POLARIS ICBM, SALT I, Chief of Engineer of the World Dolphin Research Foundation, US Marine Corps Electromagnetic Non-lethal Weapons Development Project, Cryogenics Engineer, Project Manager of the Navy Metal Matrix Composites Program. He was a retired Naval officer. President of three corporations.Mentioned in the American Men of Science.

Mr. Byrd, who worked for Naval Surface Weapons, Office of Non-Lethal Weapons, was commissioned in 1981 to develop electromagnetic devices for purposes including "riot control, "clandestine operations and hostage removal. In the context of a controversy over reproductive hazards to Video Display Terminal (VDT) operators, he wrote of alterations in brain function of animals exposed to low intensity fields. Offspring of exposed animals "exhibited a drastic degradation of intelligence later in life ... couldn't learn easy tasks ... indicating a very definite and irreversible damage to the central nervous system of the fetus. "With VDT operators exposed to weak fields, there have been clusters of miscarriages and birth defects (With evidence of central nervous system damage to the fetus).

Byrd also wrote of experiments where behavior of animals was controlled by exposure to weak electromagnetic fields. "At a certain frequency and power intensity, they could make the animal purr, lay down and roll over." From 1980 to 1983,Eldon Byrd ran the Marine Corps Nonlethal Electromagnetic Weapons project. He concluded the following: "By using very low frequency electromagnetic radiation-the waves way below radio frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum-he found he could induce the brain to release behavior-regulating chemicals. "We could put animals into a stupor, "he says,by hitting them with these frequencies."we got chick brains-in vitro-to dump 80 percent of the natural opiods in their brains," Byrd says.

He even ran a small project that used magnetic fields to cause certain brain cells in rats to release histamine.In humans,this would cause instant flu-like symptoms and produce nausea.

Number of files: 1
Run time: 1 hour, 29 minutes
Video codec: xvid, 768 kbps, 720x480, 30 fps
Audio codec: mp3, 96 kbps, 44 kHz, mono, cbr
Source: DVD (NTSC, 4:3)