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Edward Mandell House - Philip Dru, Administrator
This "Practical Guide to Reading Philip Dru: Administrator" has been written to help patriotic Americans
understand this very unusual and very important book, which was published in 1912. The key to understanding
Philip Dru is to realize that it is a political tract thinly disguised as a novel. The author, Edward Mandell House,
was one of the most important Insiders of the 20th century. He was a trusted agent of a well-established conspiracy
to control the United States and the rest of the world through a political program of socialism and a
conspiratorial program of consolidation of Insider power over our federal government and other nations.
In the book Philip Dru, the main character Philip Dru proclaims and implements much of the socialist agenda inherited
from an earlier agent of the Conspiracy, Karl Marx. Senator Selwyn, another important character, reveals the
conspiratorial techniques of manipulating politicians to consolidate control over government. One of the most
interesting aspects of the book is how closely the Senator Selwyn character resembles the real-life Edward Mandell
House. Both Senator Selwyn and House were political bosses, cunning manipulators of politicians, and agents of the
international bankers in New York City. Both had a lust for power, a preference for working behind the scenes, and
a superior attitude toward others.
By understanding Philip Dru and its author, Edward Mandell House, we see that even as far back as 1912
the Conspiracy was promoting socialism as an idealistic political program on one hand and consolidating
conspiratorial power over our federal government on the other. For the last 86 years little has changed except the
time remaining to expose and route this Conspiracy. The hour is very late! Read and understand Philip Dru. Then,
share it with others. The best way to preserve your God-given rights is to expose the Conspiracy, preserve our
national sovereignty, and restore our Constitution.
Philip Dru: Administrator belongs on the short shelf of po-
litical works which are read primarily for precautionary rea-
sons. As with Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, Dru is a dauntingly
candid description of one man's ruthless ambition; like the
Communist Manifesto, Dru can be read as a detailed schematic
for subversion. The book, which expressed the "ethical and
political faith" of a man who came to be known as the "Assis-
tant President of the United States," — is perhaps best re-
garded as a successor to Machiavelli's essay The Prince: It set
forth the designs of an amoral plotter who was the "power be-
hind the throne."
Just as it is impossible to understand the tragedy of modern
totalitarianism without some understanding of the hate-
drenched scribblings of Hitler and Marx, it is at best very diffi-
cult to understand the covert forces that have shaped America's
political destiny without some understanding of the fictional
Philip Dru and his historical counterpart, "Colonel" Edward
Mandell House. Although sixty years have passed since
House's death, the changes he wrought upon America's politi-
cal and economic system remain with us. Although Dru can be
profitably read for the insights it yields in retrospect, its real
value resides in the insights it provides regarding the tactics
and objectives of the Power Elite that House represented,
which remains firmly in control of America's political culture.
House, an austere figure who was born to a wealthy planta-
tion owner in Houston in 1858, wrote Dru anonymously in
Austin during a six-week period in late 1911 and early 1912.
He explained in a private letter that "Governmental affairs,
both domestic and foreign, have been almost my sole interest
since boyhood." Although he dropped out of Cornell after one
year and was never elected to political office, "Colonel" House
arguably did more to reshape American politics, with respect
both to domestic and international affairs, than any single fig-
ure. Historian Thomas J. Nock of Southern Methodist Univer-
sity refers to House as "one of the first 'Kingmakers' in modern
American politics." After writing Dru, House — who had en-
joyed a very successful career as a political kingmaker in Texas
— chose New Jersey Governor Woodrow Wilson to be the ves-
sel of his ambitions.
Comment: Also watch "The Capitalist Conspiracy" by G. Edward Griffin.