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What's going on near Dulce, New Mexico?
Above Top Secret Military-Industrial Black Projects?
Headquarters for a Bavarian-backed New World Order?
Vanguard for Alien Infiltration and Invasion?
Massive Intelligence Agency Disinformation?
Collective Mind Control or Mass Hallucination?
All of or a Combination of The Above?
For several decades, researchers of "paranormal phenomena" have devoted themselves to
specialized fields of "fringe scientific" investigation. Some of these various fields of
'borderline' research -- which have surfaced in order to document or attempt to explain a
wide divergence of phenomena -- have included:
Aerial or UFO phenomena, Psychic or Psichotronic investigation, Cattle and Animal
Mutilations, Vampirism, Men In Black, Conspiracies and Assassinations, Secret Societies,
Underground Anomalies, Quantum Mechanics, Legends and Mythology, Ancient
Civilizations, the 'Mothmen' and other 'Crypto-Zoological' encounters, Energy Grids and
other Geo-Magnetic anomalies, Biogenetics and Cloning, Cybernetics and Artificial
Intelligence, Abductions and Missing Time, Hypnotherapy and Mind Control, Missing
Persons... There are no doubt many others that I have not mentioned.
I must confess that I have thought very long and hard about the possibility of publishing
this text in book format in order to relieve the financial burden upon myself that has
resulted from a lifetime of mental and emotional suffering due to my own personal
involvement with the 'enigma'. Angry at the personal loss, I justified to myself that if I can
make a profit by selling the innermost secrets of those hidden and insidious powers
working behind the enigma, as its overlords, then there would be nothing wrong with
benefiting at their expense.
I still believe this to be so. However, realizing that events in this world are quickly leading
to a final apocalyptic crisis, understanding the pain that millions of 'abductees' around the
world have felt and are feeling, and hearing the 'distant cries' of those who are lost deep
within the labyrinthine depths of the Enigma itself, I have decided that the right thing to
do would be to send this information forth at no cost, other than the heavy price that all
those who have brought this information to you have paid. Consider it my 'patriotic' duty.
All I ask in return would be for your prayers: for the many abductees who have been
rejected by an unbelieving and cynical world; for myself and those who have contributed
to this work so that our sacrifices will not have been in vain; and especially for those who
are the most desperate of all... those who have become lost within the cruel dungeons of
the Enigma itself. Pray that they might be protected and preserved even in the midst of
the fearful hopelessness and despair which they face, so that they might once again see
the light of day.
Much of the information in this volume is of an incredible and, some might say, an
unbelievable nature.
I have decided NOT to hold back ANY information or claims regarding the Dulce enigma
and related scenarios, the reason for this being that underground or earth-based
anomalies are always there for anyone who is interested or daring enough to probe and
UFO events often appear and disappear [along with the evidence] when the object or
objects depart. Underground or earth-based anomalies on the other hand cannot and do
not 'disappear' at will, and because of this they are far more vulnerable to being exposed
-- as legitimate or not.
Throughout this volume I have nevertheless offered my own 'opinions' and 'perspectives'
based on circumstantial evidence [two or more reports from different sources which relay
identical themes, and so on]. These admittedly are my own opinions and can be recieved
or discarded according to the readers own perceptions in regards to the nature of reality. I
have formed these opinions based on my own perceptions of the overall data, and since
these are my perceptions, they are not infallible but are subject to change or revision with
the revelation of new information. The reader is free to form his or her own conclusions
and opinions based on the accumulated data, just as I have done.
Whether you consider the information which follows science fact, science fiction or perhaps
a little of both ["science faction", you might say], this should not detract from the fact that
these reports -- which have arrived from HUNDREDS of different sources and have been
condensed within this one volume -- make for fascinating reading, either way one looks at
So with this there is nothing else to share in the way of introductions, other than to say...
Sit back and enjoy the ride!
Branton -- October, 1996