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Drunvalo Melchizedek Living in the Heart (2003) audiobook ebooks

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Drunvalo Melchizedek Living in the Heart (2003) audiobook ebooks

Long, long ago we humans were quite different. We could communicate and experience in ways that only a few in today's modern world would even begin to understand. We could use a form of communication and sensing that does not involve the brain whatsoever but rather comes from a sacred space within the human heart.

In Australia the Aborigines are still connected in an ancient web of life they call dream time. In this collective dream or state of consciousness they continue to exist within their hearts and live and breathe in a world that has become almost completely lost to today's Western mind. Nearby, in New Zealand, the Maori can see across the vastness of space to the United States in their "meditations." In this manner they link in actual communication with the Hopi to set up meetings to exchange their prophesies. Without sending a single "technological" communication, the arrangements are made. In Hawaii, the Kahuna commune with Mother Earth to ask for the place where the fish are swimming to feed their people. The billowing white clouds in the pristine blue sky turn into the shape of a human hand that points to the teeming fish below. In a high mountain valley deep in the Sierra Nevada mountains of Colombia, South America, lives a tribe of indigenous people who know the language that has no words. This language comes from a sacred space within their hearts.

If only we could remember! Before Babylon, the Holy Bible says, humankind was blessed with a single language that all peoples on the Earth knew But afterwards we were split into hundreds of spoken languages creating barriers among us, keeping us separate from one another, each in our own little introverted world. The mistrust born of misunderstanding was our involuntary fate; in this fashion we were destined to be pitted against each other. We couldn't talk to each other. It was separation in the coldest form. Even if they were born of the same cosmic Source, brothers and sisters were unable to express their thoughts and feelings and soon became enemies. As the centuries piled upon each other, the ancient way of entering the heart to experience the common dream got lost in the isolation of the human mind.

audiobook specs: 3 hours 15 min, MP3, 58 kbps VBR, Mac computer voice Daniel


Drunvalo Melchizedek Living in the Heart version 1.pdf
Drunvalo Melchizedek Living in the Heart version 2.pdf

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