Comment | This is Angelo di Domenica's shocking booklet Washington Under the Sway of Romanism (1936) which published the letters of catholic priest O'Brien who boastfully asserted that the Roman catholic church is in control of America and how their goal is to eventually destroy Protestantism in every shape and form. Is Washington in the grip of the Roman church? Soon after the presidential election of 1936, the editor of the Fellowship forum of Washington D.C., requested the author to write an article for his paper relative to the attitude which the Protestants should have toward the Roman catholic church. In complying with his request the author sent him an article which was published in the Fellowship forum for December, 1936. In response to this article, various letters were sent to him by catholic priest O'Brien, who lays plainly that they are in control of the country and intend to make it entirely catholic. Shocking revelations from the horse's mouth. 15 pages. A must read for everyone. |