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A DIRE WARNING! Alien? entity disclosure smuggled out of the UFO Congress in NV, 2009 Feb.

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NOTE: This collection of media was obtained as is from Usenet in the alt.binaries.paranormal newsgroup.


A Dire Warning!

What you are seeing was smuggled out of the UFO Congress in NV - in 2009 Feb. This entity was said to be found in Mexico, the story goes that the people who found it tried to keep it captive and it chewed one it's hands off to get free. It was also screaming in a way that scared them deeply.

Out of panic they tried to drown it. After 30 mins they took it out of the water and it was still alive, became very violent and louder then ever. They again put it back in a bucket of water to kill it for fear of it getting away. After 45 mins they again took it out and was more pissed off then ever, it was then left in the bucket of water all night and was indeed dead the next morning.

The feet are identical to human feet, it has the same amount of teeth and vertebrae as a human, the skull appears to be more like the skull Lloyd Pile has then human. This is believed to be a hybrid. This is believed not to have been created by aliens, but to have been created by humans in research and gotten away.

There are said to be entities like this now about 2 feet tall seen in the area that are avoiding contact as much as possible with humans in this area of Mexico.

The fear is that the governments of the world are trying to reverse engineer alien technology and aliens themselves and plan to create an ALIEN OPERATION NORTHWOODS to cause some attack or event to be blamed on the aliens, and secure the military industrial complex and power of our governments and repression of the people of earth. There is no room in thier agenda for free energy devices or human liberation and they will go as far as to create a war to hold on to their power.

We the people must choose how contact and Disclsoure is made, we must not allow the governments of the world to create a fake war to hold on to power. Nick Pope has now announced on ABC, CNN, BBC and in THE Telegraph in the UK as former Minsiter Of Defense that the UK has been in ongoing combat for over 20 years against flying saucers and is in a State Of War.

This makes no sense, if ETs had true harmful intent they could Bio Engineer a virus and elimiate mankind from the earth selectively in days, you also see that in engagements against them such as the Battle Of La that did not counter attack, it is not logical for them to wait to have a war with us when they could have done so when we were far less technical in their 1st contacts.

We the people must choose and demand peace contact and honest Disclosure and not allow the powers that be to manipulate us into a war based on false ideas and fears.

From a military-industrial perspective, the disclosure of choice is one which frames the UFO/ET issue in a threatening manner. If a threat from space can be established (as President Reagan liked to say) then the entire world can be united around the need to fight such a threat. This would ensure trillion dollar plus military - industrial spending well into the next century, and beyond. If you think the cold war was costly, wait until you see the price tag for this ‘protection' from the ‘threats' in space: The trillions spent on the cold war will look like a blue light special.