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Diana Napolis vs Michael Aquino federal lawsuit 08

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A federal lawsuit was filed in March of 2008 by Diana Napolis against Michael Aquino and several others.

Diana Napolis's websites with the latest news on this case can be seen at:


To give a brief overview of Napolis v. Aquino, et. al:

- In pages 1-52 I extensively document the cover-up of satanic ritual abuse in San Diego County due to then Grand Juror Carol Hopkins, the FMSF, and SDUT reporter Mark Sauer’s biased newspaper coverage.

- In pages 52-129 I describe what I discovered about what appeared to be North American Man Boy Love Association supporters on the newsgroups, and their attempts to drive their opposition off the internet; how I was censored and pursued on the internet during 1995-2000 because of the information I was discovering; I document the FMSF’s attempts to cover-up satanic ritual abuse and “false memory” malpractice lawsuits filed against therapists; I report about the government’s attempts to build “Manchurian Candidates” and Michael Aquino’s alleged involvement in that activity; the efforts of satanist [and alleged MPD/DID] “retractor” Michelle Devereaux to discover my identity and what I believe was a conspiracy between Devereaux, Peter and Pamela Freyd of the FMSF, Michael Aquino, Carol Hopkins, Christopher Barden, and Mark Sauer to invade my privacy, which I have documentation of.

- In pages 129 -163 I describe in detail patents, official definitions, news articles and reports warning about the existence of nonlethal technology and its potential misuse, especially for torture. I describe the torture and terrorization that I have experienced, and still experience, due to nonlethals.

- In pages 163-167 I describe how Hollywood figures became involved in my case, which was intended by my alleged perpetrators to discredit me, and the extreme measures I took to try to keep myself safe which resulted in my incarceration and the revocation of my MFT license.

- In pages 167-177 I allege that Dr. Elizabeth Loftus attempted to have me reincarcerated based on false allegations after I requested that the Institutional Review Board of UC Irvine investigate Loftus, for which I am demanding monetary damages and an explanation. Dr. Loftus claimed I had sent her material after which she felt “fear.” For the record, the forensic evidence – a fingerprint on the envelope – which was sent to the DOJ did not match mine. In addition, I took a lie detector about this issue which I passed. In these pages I also expose what I believe to be malfeasance by San Diego Probation which was perhaps due to one or more defendants interaction with that department.

- In pages 177 -184 I describe further defamation I discovered after I was allowed internet access for the first time in 5 years.

- In pages 184 - 190, I conclude this case with recommendations that mental health providers educate themselves about abusive nonlethal technology which simulates mental illness in order to aid in the differential diagnosis of their clients who might be victims. To complicate the matter further, because “hearing voices” is also one of the symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder, and the same perpetrators accused of the intentional infliction of multiplicity and mind control are now using nonlethal technology for illegal surveillance purposes, any MPD/DID client who complains of hearing “voices” who has been a victim of mind control should be carefully evaluated to assess whether their perpetrators are monitoring and/or assaulting them via nonlethals. As Dr. Colin Ross wrote in his book: “Bluebird, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists, “ (2000) in Chapter 9,


“The network of mind control doctors, as it existed in the 1950’s and 1960’s, included specialists in non-lethal weapons. Non-lethal weapons is a broad category which includes devices for beaming various kinds of energy at human targets in order to temporarily incapacitae them, or to control or affect their behavior. Non-lethal wepaons research has been conducted at universities in the United States on contract to the CIA, and has overlapped with research on hallucinogens and brain electrode implants. Funding of the experiments began in MKULTRA.”

I then close with recommendations that a watch-group be formed to monitor and investigate the illegal usage of nonlethal technology.I also suggest that placing the parties I have named, such as the Aquinos, under nonlethal surveillance would be the most effective way of determining the veracity of my complaints. If the public at large became aware of what it was possible to do to a human being from a remote location there would be national panic. The horror of it rivals the plot of the move, the Matrix. I would not state this unless I absolutely meant it.

I also suggest that, in my opinion, any malpractice claims which have been based on any misrepresentation made by Advisory Board members of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation about repressed memory, the supposed “non-existence of satanic cult abuse,” and/or the study “Characteristics and Sources of Allegations of Ritualistic Child Abuse,” be reviewed by attorneys for possible fraud, based on new information which has been brought to light. A brief explanation of what I discovered about this study follows.

This complaint is 190 pages in length which might make it difficult for it to be printed on a home computer. I suggest downloading the file and printing it at a copy shop. Another lawsuit pending about victimization by nonlethals can be found at the following web site: