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Deprogramming Monarch Slaves with Ultrasonic Subliminals (2014)
In this workshop you will learn how to create a subliminal audio file you can use for deprogramming you or other people who have become victims of monarch mind control. Most victims have no clue that they have been exposed to such subliminal mental programming. If you don't trust my file, then you can also create your own one by using the instructions I've provided. The software you'll need is Audacity and Apple Garageband, or just Audacity only.
Level 01 - analyzed source file toxic
Here we have a particularly nasty example of an infected audio file being listened to by many young people these days. Ironically, this file is even called "05 Infection 268-7.m4a" - they're making fun of you and your ignorance, it seems. That's what it is, an infection of your mind by subliminals. These demonic artists know exactly what they're doing. Merely analyzing the titles of many albums and the occult symbols on their covers will already tell you that there may be subliminals present.
These artists aren't real artists in the sense of free and independent creators, but agents trained by the CIA or any other such agency disguised as artists, using music as a medium of transportation to infect the minds of many people with the products of their mkultra research programs. These subliminals may look simple but they're very effective and quite some research must have been done to create them. Sometimes sophisticated science will result in simple things just like e=mc square.
By the way, it just occurred to me that the word "ultra" in "mk-ultra" may refer to "ultra"-sonics.
You shouldn't believe that these artists are acting on their own and are just having some fun with subliminals. That's not the case because these subliminals are highly toxic, have an evil effect on your mind and will enslave you spiritually. To make you worship the antichrist with the help of subliminals is no laughing matter.
It is possible though that these artists have been told to use those files without exactly knowing what's in them. And since these fake artists haven't created those subliminal files by themselves but just use them, this explains why the subliminals are always the same. The same way agents are given a poison unknown to them to be put in your drink, they are given toxic audio files with subliminals to poison your music. It's mind control disguised as entertainment, it's just like Hollywood - chocolate with cyanide in it.
In level 01 I have once again analyzed the subliminals contained in the file, the same as on many other albums, but this time I've found a few more subliminals. It is hard to discern everything since so many layers of information are being superimposed. Your brain has no problems simultaneously coping with this amount of data in a subconscious manner. Just imagine how much more data is being fed to your brain by way of your eyes. I wonder how many audio tracks could be used, I wonder what the brain's limit would be.
Level 02 - created anti-subliminals
I've taken the file with the analyzed subliminals and converted them to something benign and constructive for a change. Have a look at the new anti-demonic and Yahushua (Jesus) and Yahuwah (GOD) friendly messages. The fuck-sex-me type of messages are still required to create the Wilhelm Reich effect - we don't want to go to heaven yet.
Level 03 - text loops for speech
Here I've taken the individual suggestions apart and put them in separate files and created text loops out of them for the next level.
Level 04 - audio speech loops
Here once again, like in our previous workshop, I've merely converted the subliminals from level 03 to audio speech loops.
Level 05 - combined speech loops
Here, like in our previous workshop, I've put all the speech loops together as one file - all files have been superimposed onto each other.
Level 06 - silent subliminals lessons and plugins
Here you will find all the information you need to create ultrasonic subliminals with your Audacity sound-editor - it's very easy. This is a method similar to the Lowery patent I've included and much better than the method used in my previous workshop.
Level 07 - combined ultrasonic speech loops
What we have learned from level 06 will be applied here to convert the file created in level 05 to an ultrasonic version of it.
Level 08 - non-infected audio file
This is a pure non-infected music file to be used as a foundation for our deprogramming subliminals. In my entire electronic library of music I didn't find one pure file I could use. This one was from my old CD collection. They didn't use subliminals of the new type back then, I guess. All of my old classical music CDs seem to be uninfected AFAIK.
Level 09 - anti-toxic deprogramming audio file
This is the crowning achievement of our previous steps. This file does work as an antidote against all the toxic stuff from the music you have been exposed to, infecting your mind.
By the way, I've just discovered that the Dane Spotts Mind Tek material has been contaminated too. It's even possible that the oldest files with that specific set of subliminals originated from Dane, because almost all of the albums I own, have been created after that date Ultra Meditation (2000) - here again we stumble over that ominous word "ultra", what a strange coincidence. What they've done is, basically, they have taken the Dane Spotts course material, put it into many music albums and are force feeding people with it, without them knowing. Dane Spotts must know what's in his own files, he's no fool.
That's it folks. I hope you've enjoyed my mini-workshop and have learned something useful here.