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David Martin - let's make the complete collection

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David Martin - let's make the complete collection

Can we make a complete collection of David Martin's videos?

He seems to be adding a little new information to each talk.

for example in this talk, he claims that in his next talk he's going to name names
5 November 2021 - Wise Traditions - Weaponization of Coronavirus - When Nature is Conscripted to Harm

and that's this talk - didn't watch it yet :)
6? November 2021 - Red Pill Expo - Follow the Patents, Then You Will Understand Covid

Does anyone have a large and fast repository somewhere that others can contribute to?

If not just send me links of your favourite David Martin talk, and I will upload later. Please include date, venue/event and the title of the talk!

Here's the current list so far

2020-09-07 London Real - Exposing Moderna.
2021-05-21 Free & Brave Session 1 with Judy Mikovits
2021-05-21 Free & Brave Session 5
2021-07-09 German Corona Inquiry Committee Testimony
2021-10-01 with Emily Moyer - Closing the Loop
2021-11-05 Wise Traditions - Weaponization of Coronavirus - When Nature is Conscripted to Harm
2021-11-06 Red Pill Expo - Follow the Patents and You Will Understand Covid

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