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Dave Hunt – A Woman Rides the Beast (1994)
The Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days
The Roman Catholic Church is the whore of Revelation 17
Virtually all attention these days is focused on the coming Antichrist -- but he is only half the story. Many are amazed to discover in Revelation 17 that there is also another mysterious character at the heart of prophecy -- a woman who rides the beast. Hunt states in his book:
"The leaders of the Reformation were certain that she represented the Roman Catholic Church in general and the pope in particular. That belief, however, has been rejected lately by most Protestants as provocative and demeaning to a body of fellow Christians with whom evangelicals desire to work together in the task of winning most of the world for Christ before the year 2000. In fact, the subject of the woman is generally avoided today as too divisive to discuss."
"Still, the woman, so vividly portrayed by John, cannot be dismissed so easily. There she is. Two of the final chapters in the Bible are devoted to her. What will we do with her? It would be dishonest to ignore such an important prophetic figure. The entire Bible is God's Word. We have no more right to close our eyes to Revelation 17 and 18 than to John 3:16."
In this book, past and future come together as Dave Hunt carefully sifts through history, biblical truth, and global events to present a well-defined portrait of the woman and her powerful place in the Antichrist's future empire. This in-depth study of the doctrines, practices, and history of the Catholic church includes a compelling look at eight clues in Revelation 17 and 18 that provide undeniable proof that the woman who rides the beast is none other than the Roman Catholic Institution.
Hunt also shows why the new declaration titled Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium cannot possibly work. In addition to pointing out the theological differences between Catholic and Protestant beliefs, Hunt offers proof that the Roman Catholic church is involved in the Antichrist's future empire, making it impossible for the two sides to work together.
Table of Contents:
Overturning the Reformation
A Woman Rides the Beast?
A Passover Plot?
An Unfolding Revelation
Mystery, Babylon
A City on Seven Hills
Fraud and Fabricated History
Unbroken Line of Apostolic Succession?
Infallible Heretics?
Infallibility and Tyranny
Upon This Rock?
Unholy Mother
Seducer of Souls
An Incredible Metamorphosis
Unholy Alliances
Dominion over Kings
Blood of the Martyrs
Background to the Holocaust
The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Jews
The Slaughter of the Serbs
The Vatican Ratlines
Sola Scriptura?
A Question of Salvation
"Sacrifice" of the Mass
The Reformation Betrayed
Apostasy and Ecumenism
What about Mary?
The Coming New World Order
Appendix A: Purgatory
Appendix B: Indulgences
Appendix C: Dominion over Kings: Further Documentation
Appendix D: Papal Infallibility and Apostolic Succession
Appendix E: Papal Heretics, the Bible, and Galileo
Appendix F: What About Tradition?